Saturday, May 31, 2008

Agak-agak Musim apa?

Salam dan good day,

Musim apalah lagi kan, tentulah musim kahwin 2-3 minggu ni. Sampai tak sempat nak attend semua, sebab banyak yang overlap dan buat hari yang sama. Saya cuba la hadir mana-mana yang termampu, dan andainya saya tak dapat datang tu maaf banyak ye! Macam biasalah saya nak kongsi sikit2 untuk tatapan mereka yang curious ( macam eh, dia dah kahwin ke?? Tak tau pun!) atau yang tak dapat pergi :)

Atas ni majlis schoolmate saya, Aimi Alwani minggu lepas (25 May). Eh classmate tuh sebenarnya, kelas 5 Bohr SPM02 ehehe.. Ramai pulak tu 85ers yang datang, lepak-lepak update diri sampai petang pulak tu. Dah jadi majlis reunion pulak. Dah la siap pesan kalau kenduri masing-masing nanti, kena sediakan satu khemah khas untuk budak2 STJ je sebab confirm mereka akan datang menyerang beramai-ramai. Korang memang gempak la..minggu depan kita serang rumah Hana pulak :)

Ni majlis Afham dan Kak 'Aisyah, maaf lah gambar candid je yang saya ada.. majlis yang nice, sweet and simple. Tahniah ya :)

Untuk yang belated, Selamat Pengantin Baru kepada Kak Fhadi dan pasangan (24 May), my second cousin (24 May), Kak Idah dan pasangan (31 May), Kak Nonie and pasangan (err bila entah date? huhu lupa)..dan juga yang becoming yang memang banyak la, Syahad and abg Mox , Kak Che Cah and abg Fuad, Hana and pasangan, semuanya 7 Jun, dan sorang lagi second cousin (8 Jun).Macam ada lagi tapi dah tak ingat dah. Tahniah semua, semoga berpanjangan dan diberkati-Nya :)

Konon-konon nak mengelak la tapi rasanya nak cakap di sini. Biasalah, people at my age, nak-nak yang baru grad, baru kerja ni semestinya akan dihujani soalan-soalan maut daripada saudara-mara, kawan-kawan2, junior2..pendek kata semua la akan tanya :

`Eh, awak bila lagi?'

Kekadang penat jugak nak jawab. Tambahan pulak my family belah mak bakal dapat dua orang baby generasi baru (bakal cicit2 pertama kepada nenek saya) hujung tahun ni.. And the pregnant mums semestinya, +/- lebih kurang je umur saya..huhu -_-

Ala korang ni, if you guys are around my age takkan la tak biasakan kena tembak soalan ni.

Sebenarnya macam ni je la nak cakap, bagi saya kahwin ni bukan perkara mudah. Bergantung kepada orang la macam mana situasi dia, financial status, family, tuntutan kerja masing-masing dan seratus satu situasi lagi yang ada. Memang la kahwin awal tu sangat digalakkan, untuk orang yang mampu dan cukup bersedia apa lagi, go ahead. Bagi yang nak planning dulu, kumpul duit dulu, selesaikan hal keluarga dulu, jadi apa masalahnya, teruskan je lah usaha anda. Semuanya ikut kemampuan masing-masing lah kan.

Jadi saya rasa macam tak berapa best bila ada orang membanding-banding dua situasi ni, dan menyatakan pendapat yang one is better than the other ( maksudnya kahwin cepat-cepat lagi bagus dari yang merancang dengan teliti dulu, or vice versa). For me, itis totally up to the person themselves, ikut keperluan, kesediaan dan kepandaian masing-masing la kan. Dan mungkin tak berapa perlu untuk highlight killer question tu banyak kali sangat, bila tiba masanya insya Allah kad/email/mesej undangan akan tiba di tangan/monitor/peti surat anda. Jadi tak perlulah risau ok :)

"Dan kahwinikanlah orang-orang yang bujang diantara kamu dan orang-orang yang layak (berkahwin) dari hamba-hamba sahayamu yang lelaki dan perempuan. Jika mereka miskin, Allah akan memberikan mereka dengan kurniaan-Nya. Dan Allah Maha Luas (Pemberian-Nya) lagi Maha Mengetahui". (An Nur: 32)

Ada tiga golongan manusia yang berhak Allah tolong mereka, iaitu seorang mujahid fi sabilillah, seorang hamba yang menebus dirinya supaya merdeka dan seorang yang bernikah kerana ingin memelihara kehormatannya". (HR. Ahmad 2: 251, Nasaei, Tirmidzi, Ibnu Majah hadis no. 2518, dan Hakim 2: 160)

"Dan diantara tanda-tanda kekuasaan-Nya ialah Dia menciptakan untukmu isteri-isteri dari jenismu sendiri, supaya kamu cenderung dan merasa tenteram kepadanya, dan dijadikan-Nya di antaramu rasa kasih dan sayang. Sesungguhnya pada yang demikian itu benar-benar terdapat tanda-tanda bagi kaum yang berfikir" (Ar Rum : 21)

Allah dan Rasul pun dah bagi panduan kan? :)

Rasanya mood kenduri kahwin akan kekal dalam seminggu dua ni lagi!Love is in the air~

Saturday, May 24, 2008

will you marry me?

I had this interesting discussion with my friends in KLCC a few weeks ago. While we shared our experience, chit-chatting, and updating latest gossips and news, one of us, let me define her as Miss Z, suggested a simple but interesting module. The module was inspired by Zabrina Abu Bakar's book, Life is an Open Closet and she asked all of us to play along.

First, Miss Z asked all of us to take out a piece of paper. Then, she gave us 10 minutes to list down all the criteria we desired for a future husband.At that time, my group of friends consist of all girls, so I guess the topic excites most of us. Some immediately write down what is on their mind, and some even start discussing with each other, how their future husband should be. Smirks and laughter rose every now and then, well who can even resist this interesting discussion? A few of the girls, including me even think this is quite a confidential favour to be asked, but then we decided to play along anyway, since most of them are much younger than me, and I don't want to be labelled as `kakak tak sporting' la kan:)

After twenty minutes of listing the criteria, Miss Z picked a voluteer to say out loud her preference of a future husband. This is the most interesting part after all. Each person had their chance so no one will get away, including me, to share with the members of the group.. alamak baru ingat nak mengelat :P

Most of the girls had quite similar characteristics for their desired future husband as below :

- Beragama (have faith, religious)
- Sedap mata memandang (good-looking)
- Memahami (understanding)
- Berkarisma (charismatic)

.. and a few other personal preferences like certain physical traits, pro-active, romantic, etc..

But one of the most interesting respond I got from one of them is that their future husband kena `make-sense'. When asked to elaborate more about this, she said the person should not be perfect, or in this case portray the characteristic of an ideal husband, but at least kena make sense in his actions. Like, `takkanlah kita nak kahwin dengan orang yang tak sembahyang kan, atau orang yang tak suka kita pakai tudung...' (her own justification, more or less). Hm, betul jugak tu, nonetheless, I could not disagree more with her facts :)

OK, now comes the most-awaited part. It was Miss Z's turn to make conclusions and justify the rationale of her module.She asked us one unexpected question,

" If ever you find the kind of man you described, and he asked you WILL YOU MARRY ME, what would you say?"

La, ada ke tanya soalan macam tu. Mestila YES kan. Hehe

Then she continued, " Of course the answer is yes, but then try to asked yourself another question, slightly different from the previous one, WILL YOU MARRY `YOU'?

Puzzled, perplexed faces were everywhere before the girls could understand what Miss Z was saying. She actually suggested an idea of self-reflection, that we always desired the best person to be our life partner, but what about ourself? Do we fulfil the same criteria, as what we want from a total stranger? If a stranger, that portrays the exact same attitude and behaviour as we are, proposed to us, will we accept it in an instance?

Well, it is not the matter of downgrading your preference to find a soulmate that is just OK jelah, but actually to improve ourself at least to have the same/almost the same characteristics as what we desired for an ideal husband. Yes it would be hard, but let's try to improve ourself, slowly but surely.Only the best deserves the best, right? :)

( Thanks Miss Z for inspiring me to write this entry, and H for you `make sense' theory :) Very interesting indeed!)

Friday, May 23, 2008

Lega :)

Wah, seronoknye.

Finally my career path conflict was solved.
That put a stop to (a few je) sleepless nights and ketiadaan mood untuk membuat entry baru dalam blog ini. The whole proceeding was kind of fun because it was SO RISKY. I risked my future for following my heart. But nonetheless, I never regret any of the decisions I made since then. I always believe that rezeki tu ada je, dan Allah akan bagi dari arah yang tak disangka-sangka ( rujuk ayat seribu dinar..).. kepada sesiapa yang keliru dengan ayat separuh misteri entri ini atau tidak faham hujung pangkal ni tidak mengapa, anggap saja saya baru selesai satu konflik yang takde lah payah mana pun..saja buat cam gempak hehe. Terima kasih kepada yang tolong doakan. Thank you Allah :)

(entri teaser ini adalah cubaan agar tidak meng`upgrade' diri daripada weekend blogger kepada fortnight blogger ataupun monthly blogger. Nantikan entri sebenar tidak lama lagi)

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Ketahui perkembangan gerak kerja YB anda

Saya tahu ramai yang dah tahu, tapi saja nak bagi tahu juga supaya ramai lagi yang tahu dan ambil tahu.

Sebenarnya ramai dah ahli parlimen dan ADUN yang buka blog / memperkemas blog masing-masing lepas dapat mandat dari rakyat 8 Mac lepas. Supaya mudah berinteraksi dengan rakyat dan dapat mencapai ketelusan dalam mewakili suara rakyat, bukan setakat syok sendiri. Tapi yang sedihnya, kebanyakan aktiviti dan perkembangan mereka tak dapat kita ikut dalam akhbar mainstream mahupun media elektronik. Saya pun tak faham kenapa. Berikut saya senaraikan beberapa laman yang saya sering ikut :

DUN Selat Klang, Selangor YB Dr Halimah Ali
DUN Chempaka, Selangor YB Iskandar A Samad
DUN Gombak Setia, Selangor YAB Dato' Dr Hasan Ali
DUN Puchong, Selangor YB Gobind Singh Deo
DUN Seri Setia, Selangor YB Nik Nazmi (ADUN termuda di Malaysia)
DUN Hulu Kelang, Selangor YB Hj Saari Sungib
P Petaling Jaya Utara, Selangor YB Tony Pua
P Kelana Jaya, Selangor YB Loh Gwo Burne

P Titiwangsa, KL YB Dr Lo' Lo' Ghazali
P Lembah Pantai, KL YB Nurul Izzah Anwar

DUN Paroi, N Sembilan YB Mohd Taufek Abdul Ghani
P Rasah, N Sembilan YB Loke Siew Fook

P Pokok Sena, Kedah YB Ustaz Mahfuz Omar
P Pendang, Kedah YB Dr Hj Mohd Hayati Hj Othman
P Padang Terap, Kedah YB Ustaz Nasir Zakaria

Yang `otai' orang lama blogger dan ahli politik macam Husam Musa, Jeff Ooi, Lim Kit Siang tu semua tak payah la saya highlight lagi rasanya, sebab blog mereka memang dah established lama dah.

OK la saya mengaku, saya agak self-centered di sini sebab senaraikan laman yang ada kepentingan dengan saya atau yang saya minat je. Habis, takkan la saya nak senaraikan semua blog DUN dan ahli parlimen kat Malaysia ni kan. Yang lain cari la sendiri. Eh tapi bagus jugak tu, cadangkan buat usul kat parlimen mintak diorang buat satu website yang ada senarai blog semua MP dan ADUN kat Malaysia ni. Kan senang rakyat nak berinteraksi dengan pemimpin.
So dah tau ni kalau ada cadangan, masalah atau tak puas hati, boleh terus je berkomunikasi dengan pemimpin anda :)

Dan saya turut meng `google' sedaya upaya untuk mencari blog Pak Lah mahupun KJ,ataupun pemimpin BN yang lain, tapi tak jumpa. Siapa yang jumpa sila bagitahu saya ye. Dan yang kalah baru nak buat blog tu, atau blog sekejap ada sekejap delete tu saya tak layan. Haha.

Rakyat Malaysia dah bijak sekarang.

Just to kill the time

What Nor Shahira Means
You are very intuitive and wise. You understand the world better than most people.
You also have a very active imagination. You often get carried away with your thoughts.
You are prone to a little paranoia and jealousy. You sometimes go overboard in interpreting signals.

You are well rounded, with a complete perspective on life.
You are solid and dependable. You are loyal, and people can count on you.
At times, you can be a bit too serious. You tend to put too much pressure on yourself.

You are wild, crazy, and a huge rebel. You're always up to something.
You have a ton of energy, and most people can't handle you. You're very intense.
You definitely are a handful, and you're likely to get in trouble. But your kind of trouble is a lot of fun.

You are the total package - suave, sexy, smart, and strong.
You have the whole world under your spell, and you can influence almost everyone you know.
You don't always resist your urges to crush the weak. Just remember, they don't have as much going for them as you do.

You are truly an original person. You have amazing ideas, and the power to carry them out.
Success comes rather easily for you... especially in business and academia.
Some people find you to be selfish and a bit overbearing. You're a strong person.

You are usually the best at everything ... you strive for perfection.
You are confident, authoritative, and aggressive.
You have the classic "Type A" personality.

You tend to be pretty tightly wound. It's easy to get you excited... which can be a good or bad thing.
You have a lot of enthusiasm, but it fades rather quickly. You don't stick with any one thing for very long.
You have the drive to accomplish a lot in a short amount of time. Your biggest problem is making sure you finish the projects you start.

What do you think ?
( Just let me play once in a while, can't I? Hehee)

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Only by experience

Some things you can learn, only by experience.

Like, you won't know the tricks and tips to go through massive jams in LDP every morning, if you never experience it before. I'm focusing on the Sunway - Puchong toll gate, though I heard it is about the same in Damansara too. That Smart Tag lanes are not necessarily the fastest, but if you have a Smart Tag device will help to ease your way, since you have the choice to choose the lanes, whether ST, TnG or normal ones depending on which has the least traffic. And if you wish to go further towards Kelana Jaya, always keep right and avoid changing lanes. Same goes if you want to go to Sunway, never venture to the right side, and never hesitate to use the normal lanes so that you won't be stuck in the unnecessary jam. OK, here I babble again about LDP. It just that, I can't help it.. I go through this everyday, like several thousands of other people.hehe but no matter how much people hate LDP massive traffic flows, I still prefer it over the MRR2. MRR2 memang takleh tahan wey jem dia.. No offense :)

And also what I recently discover a few hours ago, that you can get a fluffy and soft french toast if only you fry it with butter. And being creative, you can make a fancy, tastier french toast by adding garlic, salt and pepper to your egg mix. Yes it might sound pretty basic, but I just learned it. Through experience. Hehe. Since sometimes I do burn my french toast, especially when I use less egg ( konon nak healthy diet) and fry it using normal cooking oil.

I consider myself as an adventurous ( and stubborn) type, thus people who knows me well, they know that I really grasp this concept by heart. If people are telling me the do's and dont's that do not make any sense to me, I am actually just digesting only half of it, and the other half of me are dying to try it in person. So that I can make the good judgement by myself.

I.e just a few weeks ago, I played paintball for the first time in my life and it was very exciting. Before this I thought the game encourage unnecessary phyisical contacts between the players, which I totally against to, but actually it is not. You will hardly have the opportunity to reach three quarter of the field towards the opposite side, let alone to capture the opponent's flag. The best part if you encounter a on-to-one battle with your enemy, wahh so exciting wey. Minus the bruise and blood if you are not well protected. Huhu. My advise : just wear all the gears available and do not worry on the extra charges, as your safety is more important. Or because you might get lucky, like me, to get the protection gears for free! Well, I'm talking about amateurs and first timers here, not the professional paintballers with fancy names. Seriously, you have to have a fancy name to become a professional paintball player. Haha, paintball die hard fans, you know what I mean. But yes, terms and conditions applies. My perception changed through experience.

And now, using the same concept, I made the hard decision to choose my career path. I really want to experience how it feels like to venture in my preferred working field, so I just go for it. Mind you, this only-by-experience concept will not always resulted in the best way as you can imagine, but nonetheless, at least you get the satisfaction. You don't follow other people's decisions or suggestions blindly, but you actually follow your heart. You will feel the satisfaction of making your own decision.

And also as I am writing now, I can't help to wonder, am I making the right decision by having this concept all this while? Certainly you will face uncertainties and doubts, the ups and downs in this challenging journey. I faced some bumps in my journey, and currently in one, but do I have to regret everything and start to point fingers to no one but myself? It is easier for me to just go with the flow and extract the best out of everything that seems to bug me, which apparently resulted by my own decision earlier. After all, it is only by experience I get to experience all this, right?

OK, I know I'm beating about the bush,and probably make some readers confuse ( are you?). But I actually glad I wrote this. At least, it helps to soothe me a little, and I haven't been doing this quite a while in this blog, have I? And to my curious friends, I'm OK and don't worry. It is not a crime when once in a while, I write about me, in my own blog right? Haha


Sunday, May 04, 2008

On hijab..

I found this very interesting.

( oh yes, you might have watched this clip embedded in too)