Monday, December 25, 2006


Ini hanya teaser.Can you guess who's wedding is this?? Wait for my next update soon..

OK, I think I should do this formally.

Salam to all readers,

Maybe some of you were quite surprised with the change of this blog theme over the weekend.Actually it was done accidentally, and I didn't even notice it until this morning.Yup, public holiday also means blogging holiday for me :P I was testing and adjusting the blog codes here and there, and I didn't notice I actually forgot to change back my blog template to the previous one.Thus no worries, ladies and gents, I'm back with my old sweet blog theme.And yes, don't expect this skin to stay that long.As the coming 2007 is just around the corner, I'm thinking to do some `face-lift' over this faithful blog...just wait and see.

I'm actually expecting to do it by this week, but suddenly my boss handed me some tasks to be completed within two days! And I am in the midst of revising and doing last minute adjustment to my presentation slides!! (Perfect timing :( ) There goes my intention to appeal a half day on Thursday, but on Friday I'm confirmed (by myself) an off-day to a short vacation in Kangar, before going home (again).

OK, expect more from me soon..(or maybe not so soon)



(ini edisi memberontak selepas final presentation terpaksa dipostpone kepada esok sebab my SV took a leave today.In other words, he completely forgot that I will have my final presentation today.Takpe, he owes me full marks for that.)

(hint*hint* my birthday is coming!haha.Cis promot lak)
A tall slim, cool and quiet woman. Once she is mad she can be very fierce. She can work better than some men and she is very high confident woman. In her opinion, woman is not just a flower or decoration at home or at an office and certainly not a weak sex who needs protection.
She likes to control and hide her weak emotions. She will never try to change anyone, but she will learn to accept them as they are. If she does not like someone, she will not comments or criticize but she will completely ignore that person.

She hate plastic and an artificial flower because it make her feel that you are not being sincere. She loves real flower and it's scent. She loves a guy who wear after shave cologne. If you are a type of a guy who wear your Jean one month before washing, or wear an old sneaker, then you can forget about her.

She loves music and nature even there is a rare case otherwise. She loves to go picnic in nature, so if you don't have so much time for her, you can take her fishing too.

She is not as jealous as Aquarius or Leo woman, but do not cross the line O.K. Better not to see she gets mad, especially in front of public when she feels like loosing face. She loves to make up and dress perfectly and very neat, so never rush her for this matter.

She has her own goal in life and does not care if you have a doctorate degree or not, if she thinks you are not bright then she will not care about you at all. She likes smart people by character not by certificate shown. If you can not show her this quality, go and take a bus and go to the next stop.

She does not like a dreamer who talk about his dream but never put his hands in action to make it happens. Don't bother to tell her "everyone is doing it, you should do it too", or "I think you should do it, it's good for you", because she will do what she wants to do only.

She is a neat and tidy person, so if your apartment is a pigsty , do not take her there. If you go out on a date with her , try to be presentable such as nice and clean dress, clean nails or else it will be your last date.

She is a cool type and will not nag, so easy on your ears. She is a slow but sure type. She will always respect and honor you and will never try to make you loose your face. If she loves you, she will help you in anything you do.

She likes to help people and expect nothing in return. If she asks you for a favor and does not get one, she will feel very disappoint. She has a high hope and a high faith and beliefs in her own confident than believing in "Luck".

If she is your wife, you will have nice and clean home and a gourmet cooking. If your parents visit your house, they will be please. She is a 3 in 1 means , a perfect mother, a perfect housewife, a perfect wife or you could say "happily ever after".

Comment : All of these are quite true , except for the very second word: tall<< I'm an absolute UN-tall person! As always, this type of personality description are not to be taken truly and totally, but it can motivate you to become a better person.
So, what's yours?
(credit to Kak Qila for forwarding this)

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Selatan yang banjir

Sedang kita bersenang-senang di sini, ramai saudara kita menderita kerana banjir terburuk dalam sejarah sejak seabad lalu.Siapa yang pernah dengar Johor,Melaka, NS (ohh negeri ku yang tercinta) banjir teruk?? Memang ada, tapi jarang sekali.Banyak jalan-jalan utama ditutup, dan mengikut berita pagi tadi lebih 60000 orang telah dipindah ke pusat penempatan banjir sementara.Juga lima orang telah terkorban akibat banjir yang melanda secara tiba-tiba ini.

Syabas dan tahniah untuk badan-badan NGO yang bertindak cepat membantu mangsa banjir ini, contohnya MERCY Malaysia yang telah memulakan khidmat klinik bergerak, ahli politik, NGO dan orang-orang perseorangan lain.Untuk anda yang tak berpeluang menolong terus di selatan Malaysia, bolehlah memberi sumbangan wang di sini dan...hmm alamak saya tak berjaya cari website lain untuk pertolongan jarak jauh banjir ni.Tambahan pula di pantai timur Semenanjung pun dah mula banjir, mungkin anda sendiri boleh jadi sukarelawan atau hulurkan sebarang bantuan untuk membantu mereka.Atau setidak-tidaknya, doakanlah keselamatan dan keteguhan hati mereka dalam menghadapi musibah ini.

Eh..dalam keributan banjir di Malaysia ni, mana PM kesayangan kita? Oh pergi bercuti rupanya.

Meh la balik Pak Lah, meh kita pakat pi tolong rakyat jelata ni.Katapun bekerja bersama rakyat, takkan rakyat dok susah kita pi holiday kot?

Anda mahu undi yang biru tu?? Fikir la sendiri.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Ferragamo for the Family

When I just got back from Langkawi, I realized that my brother's birthday is just around the corner.That explains the bad feeling I had back then, when I don't have the usual gleeful mood to go shopping in Langkawi.Rupanya saya terlupa beli hadiah untuk Ame masa di Langkawi.I was totally upset with myself, how could I forget my own bro's birthday? Since once I'd forced him to get me something on my birthday (four years ago kot? Can't remember), then he surprised me with a cute paper holder in a beautiful, shiny purple box, complete with ribbons!(at that time I think he didn't have any girlfriend yet, so his bad taste in selecting present for a girl was long forgiven).Last year was even worse, I totally ignored his birthday over piles of MPP work that needed to be done.Adik apakah diriku ini??Thus, out of guilty and determination to become a good, sweet little sister, I vowed to search for his birthday present before I get back home on Friday.

Yet still, worse come to worst.I am very much busy the entire week, and didn't have time to go to the nearest shopping complex to search for his present.Until the last hours before I depart to KL, I found a beautiful Salvatore Ferragamo's miniature perfumes set in the Eraman Shop (whoever always go to airports-KLIA, Langkawi or Penang, must be familiar with this shop.The airport duty-free shop). What a perfect little gift.Although the initial intention is just to search for my bro's, later I said to myself; why don't I get something for the whole family instead? Plus the chocs from Langkawi that I brought home are just for my friends and relatives, takkan Ma ngan Abah nak bagi coklat gak kot.So the result is as below.

For Mom
For Abah
For Ame and Kak Lynn

For saye sendirilah!

P/S : For Afiq the one identical with Mum's, tapi botol warna jernih and of course for men.Tak sempat amik gambar, dia dah bawak lari dah)
Why perfumes? Recently I grew a passion on perfumes especially the miniature set with gorgeous bottles!Yes you get me right, I don't fancy sangat nak pakai tapi lebih kepada nak buat collection or bagi orang..:P

And yes, this gift then given to my big bro as his engagement gifts (since I bought a pair of Belgian chocs and two identical perfumes for him and his fiance), so

So much for being a sweet little sister.
Kesimpulan dari cerita ini ialah, ingatlah hari jadi abang anda dan letaklah ia dalam reminder telepon.Sekian terima kasih.(tiba-tiba kesimpulan bahasa melayu pulak)

Monday, December 18, 2006

Bagaimana Melayari Internet dengan Kebersamaan Allah

Tiba-tiba saya jumpa artikel yang menarik.Lalu saya pos terus ke blog ini.Semoga dapat dimanfaatkan bersama.

Bagaimana Melayari Internet dengan Kebersamaan Allah

Oleh: Fathi Yakan
Internet merupakan senjata bermata dua, satu pendekatan yang mempunyai dua wajah yang bertentangan; dalamnya ada unsur peruntuh dan membina, memati dan menghidup, petunjuk hidayah dan godaan. Dan cara bagaimana ia digunakan adalah garis pemisah antara keduannya.
Saya harap tidak keterlaluan jika saya katakan bahawa internet mempunyai daya tarikan, keberkesanan, mudah dicapai, dilayari dan bersifat intraktif yang menjadikan ia alat terkini dari segi kesan dan ruang cakupan. Ia melitupi bola bumi tanpa sekatan dan tandingan. Ia boleh dijadikan mimbar untuk orang Islam menegakkan hujjah keatas manusia dengan menyebarkan Islam dan menyampaikan dakwahnya kepada seluruh manusia diseluruh pelusuk alam.

Benarlah seperti firman Allah taala yang bermaksud: Supaya tidak menjadi hujjah manusia terhadap Allah selepas kedatangan rasul-rasul.(an Nisa’ 165)
Dan firman maksudnya: dan begitulah kami jadikan kamu umat pertengahan supaya kamu menjadi saksi kepada manusia dan rasul menjadi saksi keatas kamu.(al Baqarah 143).Walaubagaimana pun kita sepatutnya mengetahui bahawa internet dipenuhi dengan segala jenis unsur yang rosak dan merosakkan dan syaitan jin dan manusia memuatkan rangkaian ini dengan berjuta-juta laman yang canggih dan cekap dengan seni mempedaya dan menyesatkan satu perkara yang tidak diterima akal dan sukar digambarkan.

Satu kajian yang disiarkan oleh majalah Time menunjukkan bahawa bilangan laman seks mencecah angka 650 juta laman pada tahun 1998 dan dianggarkan akan sampai 8 bilion pada tahun 2002. Salah satu laman ini memiliki 300,000 gambar lucah dan telah dihantar sebanyak lebih satu bilion kali???

Manakala dari sudut perniagaan, satu kajian menunjukan bahawa sejumlah pembelian bahan lucah melalui internet mencecah 18 bilion dolar. Ini mendorong pengkaji Steve Waters berkata dalam komentarnya terhadap betapa besarnya bencana ini: “biasanya pelayaran internet bermula dengan cuba-cuba, kemudian ia berlarutan menjadi penagihan dan disertai dengan kesudahan yang sangat merbahaya”.

Semua itu perlu diletakkan dalam perkiraan apabila berbicara tentang internet, melayarinya dan berinteraksi dengannya.

1. Seseorang yang ingin melayari internet wajar membersihkan niat dengan betul dengan menetapkan terlebih dahulu tujuan sebelum memasukinya.
2. Mereka yang melayari internet sebagai alat untuk berhibur akan lupa diri dan tanpa disedari terheret ke pada kamatianya dalam keadaan ia tidak menyedarinya.
3. Kemudian duduk dihadapan internet dalam tempoh yang lama akan mensia-siakan pusingan hidup seluruhnya. Mereka akan mengabaikan tugas dan tuntutan untuk mendapat kebahagiaan didunia dan akhirat. Inilah kerugian yang nyata.

Disamping ia juga akan menyebabkan kehilangan daya tumpuan dan menyebabkan akal bercelaru.Adapun apabila kita melayari gelombang internet yang ganas dalam laut yang gelap dan dalam keadaan ditemani Allah bererti kita hidup dengan kebersamaan ini dalam setiap suasana, urusan, kondisi dan setiap masa.Rasa kebersamaan ini bukan suatu yang boleh dipinjam-pinjam atau direka-reka… kerana itu, ia bukan datang dan pergi sebaliknya satu keadaan yang tetap terus berkembang tanpa kurang atau surut.

Merialisasikan kebersamaan ini sesaorang perlu mengekang nafsunya daripada hawa dan penyesatannya. Hawa harus ditolak dan nafsu sepatutnya dibimbing untuk menaiki tangga kesempurnaan, meninggalkan kealpaan, mengalahkan waswas dan mengatasi ajakan-ajakan syahwat. Kemudian dengan memelihara keberterusan “muraqabah” dan “muhasabah” serta mengekang nafsu dengan keazaman dan dipaksa dengan pekerti dan akhlak yang mulia, apa lagi dizaman yang penuh dengan fitnah dan keajaiban ini.

Seperti yang pernah diberi amaran dan ingatan oleh Rasulullah s.a.w secara khusus mengenai zaman tersebut dimana orang yang siuman menjadi bingun, perkara makruf menjadi mungkar dan mungkar menjadi makruf sebagaimana sabda Rasulullah s.a.w yang bermaksud: apabila dunia hampir kiamat akan berlaku fitnah seperti potongan malam yang gelap, fitnah seperti kepulan asap, dalam situasi itu hati manusia akan mati seperti matinya tubuh badan mereka, mereka beriman pada pagi hari dan kufur pada waktu petang, beriman pada waktu petang dan kufur pada waktu pagi antara mereka ada puak yang menjual akhlak dan agama mereka dengan habuan dunia.(hadis riwayat Ahmad)

Kita berdoa kepada Allah supaya memberikan kita kesihatan dan berterusan dalam keadaan afiat serta bersyukur dengan afiat tersebut. Kita mohon dari Allah kebaikan masa dan kebaikan mereka yang hidup pada zaman ini. Kita berlindung kepada Allah dari kejahatan zaman dan kejahatan mereka yang hidup pada zaman ini. Allah maafkanlah kami, ampunkanlah kami, perelokkan kesudahan kami dan pastikan pada waktu kematian kami, kami sedang melakukan kebaikan dan amal soleh. Amin ya rabba al alamin.

Click for original source

My Guild Wars profession

My meeting was postponed (again!) to 2.00 pm, thus I took this quiz just for fun :

You scored as Monk. The Guild Wars profession that best fits you is monk. You keep in touch with your holy side, and don't like to start conflicts. If a conflict does start you always stand up for your friends and are there for them when they need help. Although not easily tempered, when you do get angry you can, and will smite down your adversary.













What kind of Guild Wars profession best fits you?
created with

I'm best-described as monk? (Rasa cam sangat baik pulak).Anyway this type of quizzes ain't to be considered for real, just to reflect your unconscious state of mind or to motivate you for self-improvement.Once in a while, I recommend you guys to sit for these online quizzes, and observe the results.You might turn out to be beyond your own expectation..:P

Sunday, December 17, 2006

16 December 2006

(note:this post is specially dedicated to my lovely family,relatives and neighbours..also to thoughtful friends who came all the way just to attend this simple event.To my bro and my future sister-in-law, I always pray for both of you and may we soon be family for real, insya Allah..)

P/S : To those who are new to this blog, this was NOT MY engagement day.It was my brother's. Just FYI..:)

Thursday, December 14, 2006

28 penerbangan Air Asia ditunda??

Perkara ini bukannya sesuatu yang baru,malah sebagai pelanggan biasa AirAsia saya rasa boleh bilang dengan jari setiap penerbangan yang tepat pada masa.Yang lain semuanya mesti delayed, kadang-kadang sampai lebih 2 jam.Itu untuk penerbangan KL-Penang-KL, bagaimana pula dengan penerbangan ke destinasi yang lebih jauh?

Apabila ibu saya telefon kelmarin dan bertanyakan hal ini, saya agak tenang menjawab.Biasalah tu, lusa (Jumaat) ok la kot.Kemudian bila baca laporan di akhbar-akhbar tempatan, rasa marah pula.Masalahnya, apabila kebiasaan delay ini terjadi,penumpang tak diberitahu lebih awal.Padahal semestinya kakitangan Air Asia dah tahu pasal ni memandangkan flight dari KL tak sampai lagi,seterusnya boleh beritahu penumpang secepat mungkin. Tidaklah kita tertunggu-tunggu sebab masing-masing pun mengejar masa.Pernah saya dijadualkan naik flight jam 10.20 malam suatu malam Jumaat, kemudian kapal terbang delayed sehingga jam 12.30 malam!Bayangkan betapa lama saya dan penumpang lain perlu tunggu.Saya ni pun kira OK lagilah, tunggu berjam-jam pun takpe, orang muda, seorang pula tu.Kasihan sangat tengok ibu yang bawa anak-anak kecil dan warga tua yang ada.Semestinya mereka penat menunggu, sudahlah lambat beritahu, tiada complimentary food pula tu.Sudahnya, hampir pukul 3 pagi jugalah saya tiba di rumah.

Worse case, pernah sekali ibu dan adik saya ke Penang untuk bercuti dan melawat saya, mereka telahpun boarding ke dalam kapal terbang dan dan pesawat dah pun bergerak untuk berlepas.Tiba-tiba kapal terbang terlanggar tangga untuk penumpang naik ke pesawat dan terus pesawat diberhentikan untuk pemeriksaan lanjut.Sudahnya, penumpang-penumpang yang dah boarding ni disuruh keluar semula dan tunggu pesawat lain untuk ke Penang.Mujur diberikan kupon makanan sementara menunggu lebih dua jam.Memang, ini dikira masalah teknikal dan tak boleh dielakkan, tapi bukankah ini juga antara aspek yang perlu diambil kira oleh syarikat penerbangan? Manakah kebajikan, keselesaan dan layanan terhadap penumpang??

Apapun saya pernah buat kesimpulan dengan keluarga saya, macam mana orang kutuk pun Air Asia ni sebab sering delay dan layanan kurang memuaskan, orang tetap akan naik Air Asia.Sebab tambangnya murah dan flight yang kerap.Sudahlah ada satu saja perkhidmatan pesawat tambang murah di Malaysia ni.Kiranya, kita tiada pilihan lain.Buktinya, hampir setiap kali saya naik Air Asia, penumpang memang penuh setiap seat, walaupun free seating (macam naik bas.Oh, sesetengah bas ekspres pun ada seat allocation!)Nak naik MAS? Aduh, takpayahlah. Purata tambangnya 2 kali ganda Air Asia.Lebih banyak prosedur dan leceh pula.

Kalau macam ni perkhidmatan pengangkutan yang disediakan menjelang Visit Malaysia 2007, adakah anda rasa ianya berbaloi untuk menyambut kehadiran hampir sekali ganda pelancong asing di Malaysia, kurang 20 hari saja lagi? Mungkin kita patut mengundi di sini dan lihatlah hasilnya.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

She has no problem with hijab!

She became the fastest woman in Asia for 200m...

It's hard to not to mention this in my blog.

As I am a muslimah and a lady, I'm so proud of this type of victory, the one that is evidently obeyed Allah's restriction in covering woman's aurat ,then appraised by people in the world.Who says hijab restrict you from doing almost anything?

She became the fastest woman in Asia for 200m, without sacrificing her aurat like the other ordinary runner.Seeing Ruqaya's Al-Ghasara faith in ALlah and her determination, who else is brave enough to claim hijab is not suitable for modern living?

..yet she never forget to thank Allah for His blessings.

Quote from the Star:

Al Ghasara produced a devastating finish, just as she had done in the 100m final only to end up with the bronze, making no mistake in her bid for gold.
The 24-year-old passed both the vastly experienced Susanthinka Jayasinghe of Sri Lanka and 100m winner Guzel Khubbieva of Uzbekistan to break the tape and swiftly fell to her knees and kissed the ground.

“I have no problems with the hijab,” said Al Ghasara, who showed her talent in winning the West Asian 100m title last year also in Doha.

“I have a great desire to show that there are no problems with wearing these clothes. Wearing a veil proves that Muslim women face no obstacles and encourages them to compete in sport.”

Quote from Ruqaya (after being translated):

Saya bersyukur kerana menjadi seorang Islam. Ini satu anugerah. Pencapaian saya ini adalah satu kejayaan kepada wanita arab, dunia Arab, Islam dan wanitanya. Memakai pakaian bertutup sebenarnya telah mendorong saya. Ia bukan halangan. Secara bertentangan ini menggalakkan berusaha lebih. Memakai hijab membuktikan wanita Islam masih tiada halangan. Kenyataannya ia menggalakkan mereka terbabit dalam sukan. Malah saya juga layak ke kejohanan Dunia di Osakan tahun depan.

Congratulations to Ruqaya, may she succeed with more blessed victories in the future...Ameen.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Warmest wishes

Happy birthday to my big bro, Azmil Hizam Md Isa on 12 December 2006...
Yup, I might not be the best sister to you but I always pray for your success and victory for everything you do in life.
All the best in your future undertakings and may we always be blessed by the Most Superior in life here, and hereafter.

Monday, December 11, 2006

Kak Own's big day

Ahad lepas, saya dan beberapa rakan berpeluang menghadiri majlis perkahwinan seorang ex-senior yang sekarang merupakan lecturer di UTP, Ms Khairul Nisak Md Hassan (Kak Own). Kak Own ni lecturer EE dan currently mengajar Power Electronics.So to my batch, maybe next sem kita akan belajar dengan Kak Own!Majlis di rumahnya di Padang Mat Sirat, Langkawi tu sangat meriah dengan tetamu dekat dan jauh.Sangat cantik dan mengujakan!!

Pengantin bersalam dengan tetamu
Hantaran yang cantik-cantik

Kak Faizah tengah bagi ucapan untuk pengantin

Kamar pengantin(blue and white, cantiknya!)

Pelamin bertema biru dan putih juga

Gambar kenangan bersama Kak Own dan Abg Zainol

Akhir kata, terima kasih banyak kepada Kak Own dan Abg Zainol yang sudi jemput kami untuk memeriahkan majlis yang sangat meriah ni..kebetulan pula ada rezeki kami datang.Dah la dapat pulak doorgifts yang cantik-cantik...terima kasih banyak ya! Dan kami sentiasa doakan kebahagiaan kalian berdua sehingga akhir hayat..semoga diberkati dan diredhai-Nya!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006


Ubat demam-tablet kuning tapi macam panadol (panadol putih?), 2 biji sekali makan, tiga kali sehari (tapi tadi makan sebiji je, tak suka panadol!)
Antibiotik-kapsul separuh oren, separuh kelabu, sebiji sekali, 3 kali sehari (kena habiskan.ish, tak suka.macam makan plastik)
Ubat selsema-clarytin, tablet bujur warna putih-dua biji sehari.
Ubat selsema yang lagi power-tablet bulat dan kecil, warna kuning (yang selalu dapat di klinik swasta)-sebiji sehari, makan sebelum tidur sebab mengantuk.
Ubat batuk jenis cecair- sekali sehari.Sebelum tidur juga sebab confirm mengantuk.

Demikianlah buah tangan doktor panel syarikat untuk saya pagi ini.

Why these fever when I don’t need it the most??
(insaf kembali)
Mungkin sakit ini kifarah dosa untuk saya.

Kesimpulannya, sepanjang hari tak dapat fokus bekerja, took a short nap during lunch hour, melayari internet tak tentu arah, update blog dan review file-file lepas untuk siapkan slide presentation.

So much of being an intern.Oh, a sick intern.

P/S: Best news for today? Check this out! More inspiration, click here.


Manusia itu cenderung kepada kebaikan, kerana kebaikan merupakan satu fitrah.

Atas dasar fitrah dan kecenderungan inilah, saya dan beberapa orang rakan menghadiri PERANTARA 1427H di Dewan Produktiviti NPC, Kepala Batas.Apakah PERANTARA? Sengaja saya taknak bagitahu dulu nama penuhnya, sebab nama program itu saja boleh menyebabkan sesetengah orang shiver dan terus menganggap- certainly I'm not into this. PERANTARA adalah Persidangan Ulama Utara Semenanjung dengan tajuk ”Dilema Murtad dan Penyelesaiannya”.

Mula mendapat sebaran daripada email satu yahoogroup ni.Tak tahulah, mungkin memang dah ditakdirkan, saya terus berminat dan berazam akan hadir ke PERANTARA ni.Terus mengedarkan emel kepada sahabat-sahabat, iyalah the more the merrier.Maka minggu tersebut terus ditanda dalam kalendar supaya tak terlepas.

Inilah pertama kali menjejak kaki ke Kepala Batas, sudah la buat bijak pulak kali ni.Satu pamphlet atau detail tentang PERANTARA pun saya tak bawa.Tak tahu la kenapa, sedangkan kononnya saya ni seorang yang sangat detail dan planner yang baik (konon).Memang tak ingat langsung tempatnya, dalam reminder handphone pun hanya letak masa mula dan habis.Mindset di Dewan Millenium, terkejut juga banyak signboard dewan ni (mesti dewan besar ni).Tiba di Dewan Milennium, tiada orang langsung.Sah la salah tempat ni.Sedang sibuk berpusing-pusing, teringat Kak Aliaa.Tahu rumahnya berdekatan(sebab teringat map dalam kad kahwin-Kak Aliaa, jangan marah ye!), terus telefon dan Alhamdulillah Kak Aliaa tahu tempat sebenar, dan dia pun join kami sekali.

Dah tu pulak memang skil saya mencari rumah fail betul hari itu.Berapa kali pusing-pusing sampai kami dah ada betul-betul di depan pintu masuk NPC, sebab nak cari rumah Kak Aliaa.Padahal rumah Kak Aliaa senang je nak jumpa.Teruk betul la haritu, biasanya tak la seteruk ni cari rumah orang.Hehe yang paling kasihan tentulah Hariri yang dok follow saya dengan kereta lain. Maaf ye.. :P

Tu intro je, sebenarnya nak cerita tentang PERANTARA ni.Sebenarnya persidangan sesama ulama dah berlangsung hari sebelumnya, dan hari sabtu hanyalah pembentangan resolusi dan kertas kerja kepada orang kebanyakan.Isunya sangat menarik, mengenai MURTAD.Dan 2 speakernya adalah saudara baru yang saya kira lebih banyak ilmunya tentang Islam berbanding kita yang sejak lahir beragama Islam ni.Sangat-sangat menarik sebenarnya persidangan sehari suntuk ni.Tapi dukacitanya (walaupun dah dijangka), dewan persidangan tak penuh, malah kebanyakan peserta adalah dari golongan yang agak berumur.Mana perginya pemuda pemudi kita?Bukan kita tak boleh harapkan pakcik dan makcik kita yang hadir tu, tapi seeloknya yang mudalah turun padang, dengar sendiri dari mulut para ulama, mufti,ustaz dan peguam yang membentangkan tentang gejala murtad ni.

Sungguh, gejala ini sangat sangat serius.Seketika kita diributkan dengan kes Aishah Bukhari, Hartina dan yang terkini Azlina Jailani, maka semua orang sibuk berbincang dari dewan kuliah ke kedai kopi, demo, email dan sms bertali arus.Namun sekarang, bila kes dah sedikit sejuk,apa yang ada? Segalanya senyap ditelan segala macam berita remeh dan karut-marut di media massa.Meminjam kata-kata Presiden TERAS (kalau tak silap saya)dalam ucapannya-Kalau sesiapa merasakan Azlina dan puak penyokong Artikel 11 sudah berhenti berusaha, sesungguhnya individu itu sedang tidur nyenyak.Maksudnya, perang ini tak mungkin akan berakhir, seperti dalam Al Quran ,

"Orang-orang Yahudi dan Nasrani tidak akan redha kepada kamu hingga kamu mengikuti agama mereka. Katakanlah: 'Sesungguhnya petunjuk Allah itulah petunjuk (yang benar)' dan sesungguhnya jika kamu mengikuti kemahuan mereka setelah pengetahuan datang kepadamu, maka Allah tidak lagi menjadi pelindung dan penolong bagimu" [al-Baqarah:120].

Yang penting di sini, kita kena faham.Islam bukanlah bermusuhan dengan agama lain, itu jauh sekali.Sebaliknya Islam amat menghormati agama lain dan memberi kebebasan untuk mereka mengamalkan ajaran agama masing-masing.Namun hukum Allah itu adalah yang paling penting bagi yang bergelar Islam.Dalam ajaran Islam,tak boleh seseorang sesukahati menukar agamanya. Dan sesiapa menukar agama, yakni terpesong akidah yakni murtad, boleh dihukum bunuh.Selebihnya anda sendiri boleh menilai dan faham sendiri, kerana ini adalah common sense dan faktor aqidah bagi umat Islam.Anda sendiri tentu lebih arif tentang ini dari saya,yang entah siapa-siapa ni.Kemudian para peserta turut dibekalkan dengan kertas kerja tentang perbincangan dalam sidang kali ini, dan kepada sesiapa yang berminat mungkin boleh terus minta dari saya.Setakat ni ada dalam hardcopy sahaja, tiada softcopy.

Dalam konteks lain, janganlah kita berasa tak layak, tak sampai seru atau tak cukup ilmu untuk hadir majlis-majlis macam ni, sebabkan kita tak cukup ilmulah kita kena cari dan hadir majlis macam ni.Setidak-tidaknya dengan mendengar dan melihat wajah bersih orang-orang beriman, hati kita akan tersentuh dan berfikir untuk berubah ke arah yang lebih baik.Percayalah, kerana Allah dah cakap;

"Sesungguhnya, beruntunglah orang-orang yang menyucikan jiwa itu(9) dan sesungguhnya merugilah orang-orang yang mengotorinya(10)"(Surah Asy Syams, ayat 9-10)

Sekadar muhasabah dan renungan di hari bekerja, Wallahua’lam.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Thank you for simply being there

Nothing is more soothing than receiving this kind of message right in the midst of datelines and overflowing work : D I knew I’m quite late in expressing this, since I get this Friendster testimonial since last week. Yes, I knew some may think this is plain common to receive nowadays, but I don’t know how it actually did – I really felt appreciated and relieved! (aduh terharu pulak :P) And this kind of act makes me wonder- how small effort can create a big impact to someone’s life- provided you touch that someone with the right thing at the right time!

So with that, I convey back the same message with the same lovely thoughts to all my friends existed on earth! Of course huge credit goes to the lovely sender- Azimah (thanks ek dik!) and the rest of you girls-Syida, Che Pah,Rusyie,Fairuz, Syira,Sa’adi -their house is where I usually can be spotted whenever I went to UTP-(saya memang kakak yang suka menyebok!)

My current housemates -Jasa and Hariri, my officemate Dhashini, my best friends-the vigilant Vigilance, my ex-roomate -Maya, my colleagues-Sab, Tiey, Hazel (yes, you still are!),Elfy, Adib, my sisters- Kak Shabee,Kak Shasha,Kak Lin,Kak Lynn(bakal kakak ipar),Kak Fatihah ,Kak Faizah and Kak Shikin (oitt shopping tak hingat ye!Bring something from Swiss for me tau :P) , my fellow MPPs 05/06 and ECONZ 05/06

And also to the others-sorry just stating a few names, yet all of you are always in my heart, soul and mind! Just all and everyone –
Thanks so much for simply being there, in cloudy days and in sunny days..: )

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Anwar in Stanford

Assalamualaikum and hye to all,

I think I'm quite outdated to produce this, but it worth everything. Happy viewing.

Click for full report on his speech.

Video courtesy of thecicakdotcom, and speech in The Stanford Daily.

**In separate occasion,don't forget to keep both eyes wide open for more fiery Selangor State Assembly debate.Maybe more hypocrisy and affair allegation will be publicly announce by the other opposition leaders.
Stay tuned.
(rasa macam dekat US pulak.Tak habis-habis skandal dalam politik Malaysia ni.Tak boleh ke politik bersih sikit?)

1 December 2006 (Friday)

Three major events will be the highlights of the town, starting today.

1. The grand opening of Queensbay Mall@ Bayan Lepas, Penang.
Situated strategically between the seaside and the main road from Penang Bridge to Bayan Lepas (Free Trade Zone 3 & 4), nobody will miss the gigantic megamall with typical Jaya Jusco’s colour. N doubt it is among the biggest shopping mall in Penang, and yes, it starts operating today.

2. The PC Fair @ PISA, Penang.
The PC fair is back in town, and surely offers tons of gadgets and computer accessories for you to grab. The price is satisfyingly low, and you have to expect huge crowds swarm in the limited space PISA for the next three days .It starts today.

3. Pesta Pulau Pinang @ Tapak Pesta, Sungai Nibong.
This annual event finally arrived here, and it will last for a month. Expect the typical fiesta anyway, exhibition booths, funfair, foods and stuffs- even though I never go to this pesta before this ( How I miss the fun and joy of Pesta Port Dickson more than ten years ago! Now? Pesta PD was R.I.P).Yet the promotion is not so wide anyway, maybe it is partially covered by the grand opening of Queensbay Mall. I mean, they advertised everywhere! From billboards, flyers, giant banners and radio ERA.

Thus, there are few precaution matters for you, especially those who live in northern region, specifically Penang:

1- Clutch tight your purses and wallets, girls and guys. Promise to yourself you won’t be hypnotized by the sales and cheap bargains of thumbdrives, HDDs, shoes or handbags, unless you badly needed those.
2- If you are good at window shopping, then you’re warmly welcome to check all those places.
3- Avoid roads that lead you to those places, if you don’t want to find yourself wandering at those places and spend uncontrollably.
4- If you find that the temptation is so hard to resist, then just bring small amount of money, and leave your credit card at home.
5- Yep, ready for the huge mass of vehicles and traffic jams. You may need some kuaci or reading stuffs to help you along the way.

Me, personally? Nah.I just planned to head off to PC Fair tonight for a brief lookout of the new gadgets and prices. The other two can wait.Maybe a casual stroll at Pesta Penang on weeknights and Queensbay when I expect the least crowd. Nothing to rush, right?

Last words , shop wisely (wherever you are) and spend for the right stuff at the right time and place only.All the best. (So much for being temporary Penangite, anyway: P)

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

To all~

Assalamualaikum and good day to all,

Sorry you won't hear much from me this week since this is my project week and I need to finish it as soon as possible.Since the presentation day and second visit is just around the corner, I'm trying hard to multi-tasking and prepare the needs, adjust this and modify that.

Thus, bear with my all-time favourite articles to occupy you with, and to all, each and every one of you- thanks for your support and comments.Happy holiday to those who just finish their exams and the rest - all the best in life...:D

When Does a Woman Become More Beautiful?

One day, Myself - forever forbidding me from good, and enticing me into evil - asked me, “When does a woman become more beautiful in your eyes?”
I asked, “Why do you want to know?”
Myself said, “If I tell you, will you answer my question? ”
I said, “Yes!”
Myself said, “Satan - our grand teacher - is making a survey of what makes the woman more beautiful in the eyes of men”
I asked, “What's this survey for?”
Myself said, “He wants to make an encyclopedia that will be distributed among the Satans of mankind and Jinn. He wants our approach to be more scientific! Now tell me, when does the woman become more beautiful in your eyes?”
I asked, “Do you have ways of making a woman more beautiful in the eyes of men?”
Myself said, “Yes, there are many ways, mannerisms and looks. Each man has his own inclinations”
I said, “Perhaps you could mention to me some of these and I will choose!”
“OK! Do you prefer a fair or dark woman?” “Neither!”
“Do you like the one with long or short hair?” “Neither!”
“The thin or fat one?” “Neither!”
“Do you like the one who uncovers her hair?” “NO!”
“Do you like the one who wears tight and short clothes” “NO!”
“What about the one who uncovers her shoulders and thighs?” “No way!”
“What about the one who sways from side-to-side while walking, strikes the floor with her high heels and speaks softly to men??” “NO!”
“You didn't like any of the ones I mentioned to you? I can't think of anything else?” “Really? Try to remember!”
....(silence)... then Myself smiled slyly, “YOU WICKED!! You like a woman when she is wearing a bikini?!!”
“Yuck! No!!”
....(silence)... then Myself smiled again, “You evil man!” “What?”
“You like the woman who shuts the door and says come?” “NO!”
“I've run out of suggestions; you tell me what makes a woman more attractive to you?”
“OK! When the woman blushes and goes all red”
“Goes all red? I don't understand?”
“She becomes more beautiful when she lowers her gaze”
“Lowers her gaze?!! What's wrong with you? Speak clearly!”
“The woman becomes more attractive, when she becomes more modest and shy. Modesty is the thing that attracts me and many other men. The more a woman is modest the more attractive she becomes....Do you understand??”

This article is loosly adapted from the Arabic original - written by Ibn Muhammad
click for original source

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Dah mula dah

`Untuk kenduri nanti agak-agak berapa orang kawan nak datang ?’
`Tak ramai kot, dalam 10-15 orang je.Tapi tak confirm, tengok la nanti’
`Catering tak dapat, so mintak Ateh dan PakTeh jadi tukang masak.Tapi kita tolong sekali basuh pinggan dan kemas-kemas’
`OK, takde masalah.Berapa anggaran jemputan?
`Dalam 100 orang kot.11.30 am doa selamat, 12.00 makan, 3.00 pm ke rumah perempuan’
`OK.Hantaran dah gubah?’
`Baru nak antar tengah hari ni’
`Theme colour apa?’
`My baju dah tempah ke...’
`Belum.Nak tempah hari ni gak’
`Yang ada lining tu ye ?’
`Yela, mana ada baju green yang lain’
`OK then’

Saya berbalas SMS dengan Ma pagi ni.Nampaknya persiapan majlis pertunangan dah mula. Cuma saya tak rasa sibuk pun sebab duduk jauh.Balik rumah pun sehari sebelum majlis.Sempat je kot. Saya pulak yang tumpang excited walaupun bukan majlis saya.Sibuk melihat fotopages dan sites orang yang bisnes wedding doorgifts, cakes, souvenirs dan hantaran kahwin.Nak tumpang meriahkan majlis abang tersayang.Cumanya Ame pilih favourite colour saya (habis, majlis saya nanti nak pakai warna apa??Chis emo pulak.Hehe ).Semoga segalanya berjalan lancar, Insya Allah.
Bagus la tu.Perkara baik tak elok dilengahkan...:)

Sabda Rasulullah saw :
“Wahai orang muda, sesiapa di antara kamu yang mampu berkahwin maka hendaklah dia berkahwin kerana ia (iaitu perkahwinan) dapat mengawal mata dan kemaluan. Barang siapa yang tidak mampu maka hendaklah dia berpuasa kerana ia (iaitu puasa) akan menjadi penjaga baginya.” (Riwayat Bukhari dan Muslim)

P/S : Majlis saya??Hahahahahahaha.Masih tiada dalam perancangan.Buat masa terdekat.Haha

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Saya sudah jatuh cinta

Saya sudah jatuh cinta dengan sejarah,politik dan sastera.Gabungan ketiga-tiganya menghasilkan suatu medium yang sangat indah dan sarat pengajaran serta pengetahuan untuk sepanjang zaman.

Bukanlah nak cakap saya pandai dalam bab-bab ni, baca pun setakat genre politik yang general dan sastera yang ringan –ringan saja.Untuk menghayati karya-karya agung Hamka, A. Samad Said mahupun Shahnon Ahmad, rasanya masih belum layak.Sebelum ni saya mengaku tak pernah berminat nak membaca genre novel Melayu, kerana mengaggap novel Melayu tidak up to standard dan tidak menarik gaya bahasanya.Kalah berbanding best sellers Inggeris yang selalu kita jumpa di MPH dan Kinokuniya (kebanyakan buku di kedai ini adalah English literature-sudah tentu!).Namun setelah mencuba dan merasai sendiri buku-buku berbahasa Melayu yang tinggi kualiti dan nilai sasteranya, saya tahu saya sudah jatuh cinta.

Dahulunya saya mengagungkan Sidney Sheldon dan John Grisham yang merupakan penulis-penulis best sellers, rasanya bagi peminat novel English thrillers mereka ni memang tak asing lagi.Juga penulis genre ringan dan trendy seperti Francine Pascal (siapa yang tak teruja dengan Sweet Valley Series pada era 1990-an??), Sophie Kinsella (Shopaholic series) dan Sue Townsend (Adrian Mole series). Pakar dalam membuat orang tak tidur malam untuk habiskan novel yang setiap satu lebih dari 400 muka surat.Hampir semua novel mereka telah saya baca.Tapi akhirnya saya membuat rumusan bahawa kebaikan karya-karya seperti ini hanyalah meningkatkan daya imaginasi pembaca dan meningkatkan penguasaan bahasa Inggeris seseorang (untuk seorang yang bukan English-literate seperti saya).Tidak lebih dari itu.Oh ya, dan menyebabkan seseorang menghabiskan lebih RM40 untuk satu buku (baru satu buku, kalau 20-30 buah buku??). Dan saya tak katakan ianya membazir, kerana bagi saya setiap sen yang dikeluarkan untuk membeli buku (walau apa jenis buku, ya buku, bukan komik atau majalah atau adik beradiknya) merupakan pelaburan terlalu bernilai untuk sepanjang hayat.

Cubaan pertama saya adalah membaca buku-buku karya Faisal Tehrani, yang saya fikir sangat bagus dan tinggi nilai sastera dan terserlah kematangan penulis. Sekadar mengambil contoh buku Surat-surat Perempuan Johor-kesan yang sama saya rasakan dahulu bila membaca karya Sheldon, Grisham dan Kinsella.Tak tidur malam dibuatnya untuk menghabiskan satu buku. Berkisar tentang Kesultanan Melayu Johor dan kaitannya dengan empayar terakhir khilafah Islamiah-Kerajaan Turki Uthmaniyyah.Kebetulan saya sedang membaca tentang sejarah kejatuhan kerajaan terakhir Uthmaniyyah itu sehingga dalang di sebalik konspirasi menjatuhkan Sultan Abdul Hamid sehingga baginda dianggap pengkhianat bangsa (sampai hari ini).Yang menarik dan satisfying tentang pengajian sejarah adalah, setelah merujuk pelbagai sumber dan rujukan-jika benar dan tepat pengkajian yang dilakukan- everything will fell into pieces.Kita akan segera memahami mengapa ini dan mengapa itu.Sangat puas hati.

Serta best seller IndonesiaAyat-ayat Cinta (Habiburrahman El-Shirazy) bagi saya sesuatu yang wajib dibaca terutama golongan yang umurnya seangkatan dengan saya.Tidak terlalu muda, dan bukan terlalu dewasa, bahasanya mudah bersahaja dan rasanya ramai juniors di kampus pun terlebih dahulu telah membaca buku ini.Bukan unsur romantis yang sedikit ada menjadi tumpuan (kalau itu yang saya cari, sudah tentu dah habis almari buku mak saya selongkar.Cakap je apa novel remaja terbaru karya Nia Azalea, Aina Emir, Norhayati Berahim dan macam-macam lagi-semuanya ada.Tapi bukan itu minat saya), malah unsur sastera, poetic verses dan gambaran di luar negara yang sangat terperinci itu sungguh menarik hati saya. Hal yang sama untuk karya Zaid Akhtar, Nisah Haron dan ramai lagi. Sungguh, Melayu belum ketandusan penulis berpotensi untuk mengulang kegemilangan sastera Melayu sejak era Hang Tuah dahulu.

Pesan saya, jangan segan untuk mencuba kalau anda teringin untuk menghayati sastera Melayu.Baca je, dan kemudian kamu boleh komen. Sebolehnya kurangkan komik, manga, anime dan sebagainya- unsur tersebut hanya merosakkan fikiran dan tidak ada nilai seni dan kemanusiaan langsung.Mungkin hanya sesuai untuk merehatkan fikiran setelah lama fokus melakukan sesuatu, namun bukan lah sebagai medium utama di masa lapang.Cuma cadangan, terpulang untuk semua menilai (^^).

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Mari makan pisang

Bananas containing three natural sugars - sucrose, fructose and
glucose combined with fiber, a banana gives an instant, sustained and
substantial boost of energy. Research has proven that just two bananas provide
enough energy for a strenuous 90-minute workout. No wonder the banana is
the number one fruit with the world's leading athletes. But energy isn't
the only way a banana can help us keep fit. It can also help overcome or
prevent a substantial number of illnesses and conditions, making it a
must to add to our daily diet.


According to a recent survey undertaken by MIND amongst people suffering
from depression, many felt much better after eating a banana.This is
because bananas contain tryptophan, a type of protein that the body
converts into serotonin, known to make you relax, improve your mood and
generally make you feel happier.


Forget the pills -- eat a banana. The vitamin B6 it contains regulates
blood glucose levels, which can affect your mood.


High in iron, bananas can stimulate the production of hemoglobin in the
blood and so helps in cases of anemia.

Blood Pressure:

This unique tropical fruit is extremely high in potassium yet low in
salt,making it the perfect way to beat blood pressure. So much so, the US
Food and Drug Administration has just allowed the banana industry to make
official claims for the fruit's abil ity to reduce the risk of blood
pressure and stroke.

Brain Power:

200 students at a Twickenham (Middlesex) school were helped through
their exams this year by eating bananas at breakfast, break, and lunch in a
bid to boost their brain power. Research has shown that the potassium-packed
fruit can assist learning by making pupils more alert.


High i n fiber, including bananas in the diet can help restore normal
bowel action, helping to overcome the problem without resorting to


One of the quickest ways of curing a hangover is to make a banana
milkshake, sweetened with honey. The banana calms the stomach and, with
the help of the honey, builds up depleted blood sugar levels, while the
milk soothes and re-hydrates your system.


Bananas have a natural antacid effect in the body, so if you suffer
from heartburn, try eating a banana for soothing relief.

Morning Sickness:

Snacking on bananas between meals helps to keep blood sugar levels up
and avoid morning sickness.

Mosquito bites:

Before reaching for the insect bite cream, try rubbing the affected
area with the inside of a banana skin. Many people find it amazingly
successful at reducing swelling and irritation.


Bananas are high in B vitamins that help calm the nervous system.

Overweight and at work?

Studies at the Institute of Psychology in Austria found pressure at
work leads to gorging on comfort food like chocolate and chips. Looking at
5,000 hospital patients, resea rchers found the most obese were more
likely to be in high-pressure jobs The report concluded that, to avoid
panic-induced food cravings, we need to control our blood sugar levels
by snacking on high carbohydrate foods every two hours to keep levels


The banana is used as the dietary food against intestinal disorders
because of its soft texture and smoothness. It is the only raw fruit
that can be eaten without d istress in over-chronicler cases. It also
neutralizes over-acidity and reduces irritation by coating the lining
of the stomach.

Temperature control:

Many other cultures see bananas as a "cooling" fruit that can lower
both the physical and emotional temperature of expectant mothers. In
Thailand , for example, pregnant women eat bananas to ensure their baby is born
with a cool temperature.

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD):

Bananas can help SAD sufferers because they contain the natural mood
enhancer tryptophan.


Bananas can also help people trying to give up smoking. The B6, B12
they contain, as well as the potassium and magnesium found in them, help the
body recover from the effects of nicotine withdrawal.


Potassium is a vital mi neral, which helps normalize the heartbeat,
sends oxygen to the brain and regulates your body's water balance. When we
are stressed, our metabolic rate rises, thereby reducing our potassium
levels.These can be rebalanced with the help of a high-potassium banana snack.


According to research in "The New England Journal of Medicine," eating
bananas as part of a regular diet can cut the risk of dea th by strokes
by as much as 40%!

So, a banana really is a natural remedy for many ills. When you compare
it to an apple, it has four times the protein, twice the carbohydrates,
three times the phosphorus, five times the vitamin A and iron, and
twice the other vitamins and minerals. It is also rich in potassium and is
one of the best value foods around. So maybe its time to change that
well-known phrase so that we say, "A banana a day keeps the doctor

Maka dengan ini saya melancarkan 'kempen makan pisang' kepada semua.Semalam je dah makan 4 biji(sebab kedai tu jual murah- 6 biji seringgit.Lagi 2 biji bagi kat housemates)...:D

Monday, November 20, 2006

Thursday, November 16, 2006

MY Survival

1 . the act or fact of surviving, esp. under adverse or unusual circumstances
2. a person or thing that survives or endures, esp. an ancient custom, observance, belief, or the like.
3. Anthropology. (no longer in technical use) the persistence of a cultural trait, practice, or the like long after it has lost its original meaning or usefulness.

My acts of survival through out my twenty-one years of life were basically like these:

1. Before 7 years old - For not getting what I want, I went riot, slammed things (usually doors), merajuk, mogok lapar and what else that always works than cried (on top of my lungs).The first day in kindergarten, I was scared and lonely, immediately I met a cute girl and we became best friend (Nadira).I felt the need to have best friend and freaked out on thoughts if I never had one.

2. Primary school years – Found strangers studying together in class 1 Cempaka, immediately find a best friend and found it (Shida). Stick with her until something was up then we were not best friend anymore. Then formed an alliance with four other friends – APM (consist of Ezati,Azah,Syarafina and Fairuz-only us knew what APM stands for: P).Later found new best friend (Fairuz) as we shared lots of girly interest together.Yes, my personal rule of having best friends is a MUST is very true.

3. Secondary school years – Again stuck in an alien world-a co-ed SBP.Repeat the same strategy-immediately find a best friend and found her(Shaleq).During form 2, met Mok,Vinci and Syamott whom then became my new alliance –the Vigilance.(I mean, who don’t even notice us anyway?We went to classes,preps,outings, -basically everything together.Yep, this friendship is too ideal it last until now, and who knows we became classmates during form 4 and 5!Until now we make gatherings occasionally to update each others on gossips,family,love ones and other stuffs.Again, my personal rule proves itself.My life was happier with a bunch of best friends.

4. UTP-First and second year– This is undoubtedly the toughest one. I did not applied for any oversea courses as I refused to have to adapt with another round of orientation and (another)totally alient surroundings. Initially had one schoolmate here in UTP who became my roommate, then she went to UK.Found new roommate soon who then became my roommate until 4th year.Life here was too complicated to have one best friend, so I just stick with many and many friends.I tried to get along with all sort of people. In this stage I realized it is not compulsory to have best friend or alliance that I always had – we can just move on with our life. Here I learnt to walk to class, buy food, go here and there ALONE (if necessary, yet I still went with the same crowds in normal occasions)– which is very weird for me in the first place, but I succeed in getting through with it.The most unforgettable phrase I heard from my LASS lecturer-Ms Chong Su Li – “What’s so wrong with eating alone in café, anyway??”-Her words will always fresh in my mind.

5. UTP-Third and fourth year – I kept myself busy with university’s events and handled big programs and occasions, so I met a lot of new people every day. Seniors, juniors and people from different batch- I strive hard to knew each and every of them and keep the friendship bond. It became very handy ahead especially when I want to seek information and past year’s exam papers and notes from the seniors.Then when I held my own position in Convofair and later student body, I have to work with juniors.It was hard in the beginning, but then I treated them as friends (not juniors) and I actually enjoyed working with them.See, I kept reminding myself the whole adaptation thing to a new environment is not so hard after all, provided we must be strong and determine in living life.

6. Practical life – Welcome to the real world. I never want to work in this multi-national company in Penang at first place, but this is what people call destined. However I still got a bunch of friends with me here, so my life is much easier and happier. Instead, I don’t even think I will be what I am now if I went to KL as I planned earlier. My weapons here are just positive attitude and endless prayers. Then I met several tough circumstances and made tough decisions, the only way to survive was just to believe in Allah and yourself. My other usual practice is to contact any people when needed- seniors to ask for opinions, lecturers to help on some academic stuffs, boss and co-workers to accomplish tasks, and of course the most needed colleagues for everything that need to be discussed.My `malu tak bertempat’ attitude was kept aside, and perhaps will be deleted forever in me.Well, you will badly need the connections to all the people you knew later, I assure you. Nonetheless, different people have different methods of survival, that’s just fact of life.

To end all this, I left you with a touching survival video.The most important thing is to be strong, believe what you believe, be positive and always pray to your Most Superior.All the best - may you and me survive in life here, and life hereafter..Wallahua’alam.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

You DON'T date ??

"You goin’ home soon?"

"Yeah, after I finish my finals. But I’ll be back for the next semester."

"You got people waiting for you?"

"Yeah, my family and friends."

"You got a girlfriend waiting for you?" He smiled a sly smile.

"Come on, P," I smiled back, "you know Muslims don’t date."

Actually, he probably didn’t know that. The people on this tiny island know very little about Islam. From the news (cable TV from New York) they learn that Muslims are violent, and from their preachers they learn that all Muslim men have four wives.

"You don’t date?"

He asked with the standard surprise. People are always surprised when I tell them that. Rather than get defensive, I act as if they should know. It makes them more curious. Then he asked the usual next question:

"Well, how do you all get married?"

I went through how dating is a relatively new phenomenon, only 50-60 years old, how it’s only practiced in some parts of the world, and how it doesn’t work very well as evidenced by the sky-high divorce rate. People have been getting married all over the world for thousands of years without dating. In reality, not dating is the norm.

"So, are the marriages arranged?"

"That’s one way of doing it. See, Islam has guidelines for life. Allah says to cover ourselves, and you see Muslims with many types of dress. Allah says not to eat pork, not to drink alcohol and a couple of other things. Muslims have so many varieties of foods. Regarding marriage, Allah asks that we conduct ourselves with dignity, honor and respect. The parents should be involved in the process, everything’s up front and there are no games. The man and the woman have to agree, and they can say no for any reason. Any reason. Nobody’s trying to trick someone else, go back door, get something for nothing, play this one for that one, or any other social foolishness. Relationships between men and women are serious stuff. And with the parents involved early, it provides additional stability to the relationship." Without exception, at this point the people are nodding in agreement.

"So, tell me," he started hesitantly, "can you marry four wives?" He was trying not to offend me."Yes," I said with a very even tone, not betraying any emotion. That’s all I said. I wanted to draw him out, to be an active part of this instead of just a passive listener.

"You mean if I became Muslim, I could marry four wives?" He smiled with mock surprise. Now he wanted to play, trying to make me defensive."Yes." I wouldn’t give in. With just the one word I turned the tables."You mean if I became Muslim right now, I could marry four women right now?" He tried again."Yes." I held my ground. Now he was speechless. He ran out of things to say. His face betrayed a mind racing with curiosity, but still not knowing what to say or do.

I turned up the heat. "Are you ready?""What?" He was taken aback."Are you ready?" I was having fun."Uhhh…""Listen, P," I let him off the hook, "you’re married right?""Yes.""You know how hard it is being married to one woman. Can you imagine being married to two?""Oh." His face showed a look of sudden revelation."Yeah, now how about three?""Oh." His concern grew exponentially."See, Islam allows men to marry up to four women, but a Muslim man has to think and think hard about the responsibility he’s taking on. Again, it’s not a game. If a man decides to marry more than one woman, he has to treat them equally. How many men can do that? And he has to stand before Allah and answer for what he has done. If he did well, then he will be rewarded, and if not, then he’ll get something else."

"I get it. But why is it allowed in the first place?""Islam is for all people and all times. Look around here today. If every man in Dominica gets married what happens?"

"There’s more women.""Ok, so what do the women do?""They play around with the men like they do now.""Yeah, but now men aren’t married, and they’re playing the women. How many girlfriends is average? Then the women get pregnant thinking that way they’ll catch the man. But the man just leaves with his other girlfriends and maybe gets another. Now what? How many women are there in Dominica that are in their 20’s, aren’t married and have children by two, three, even four different men? I mean, can you find a woman in her twenties without at least two?"He face took on a look of lamenting for his people. The social, educational, economic, judicial, political ramifications are staggering from just this."Now, in Islam, men have to take care of their responsibilities. One wife, two, three or four, the women and children are his responsibility. Imagine if men here took responsibility for their actions. Imagine if men and women respected one another.""It would be a different place.""Beautiful, right?"

"Yeah.""Dominica is beautiful. Islam is beautiful. I can only imagine Dominica with Islam. Take care, P, I gotta go study for finals."

source : misgonline,

Tuesday, November 14, 2006


Yes, as you can see I just installed a new feature here - a Chatbox! Sebab utama: atas cadangan orang ramai especially yang susah tulis comment sebab takde username utk blogspot :) Apa-apa pun, ni tempoh percubaan je if lama-lama saya rasa tak best ada chatbox nie, saya delete je.hehe apa-apa pun feel free to leave some words and enjoy :)

Short N Precise (3)

A truly UMNO week

It is hard to ignore or pretend to forget the most awaited event for all UMNO big shots and supporters- Perhimpunan Agung UMNO 2006.Thus same again, it is equally hard to ignore the fact that most of the reps are having their good time criticising some opposition leaders with various remarks – typical indeed, as this is their event anyway. Unfortunately our beloved Tun M are not fully recovered to join – or else I think the newspaper sales will increase twice as usual for his sharp tongue and unintentional attentions he always gained.

Just to add some spice to this annual assembly, I would love to highlight an article in Utusan Malaysia –Amaran Kepada ketua GLC. Well most people must have read it since it is Malaysian's most favourite (or UMNO's favourite ?? Personally my family and I never subscribe this newspaper – we prefer the less-UMNO media). So what do you really think about the fierce statement from the son-in-law?

For me it is this simple :
It proves the selfish, arrogance, cronism attitudes and mounting corruption within (most of) the government top management, and what they are capable to do if someone are not comfortable with it.The statement was also harsh and insensitive to the GLC's CEO – the statement that they got the top position mainly because of UMNO, not their own effort or they are just simply the best to get the position.Or worse, this reflects the actual reality – all GLC's CEO are just UMNO's puppets, anyway.

Nevertheless, the assembly is just getting started. I'm not a real or about to be political analyst indeed, just a lowly somebody who can think rationally and express my personal thoughts on the currently not-so-promising political atmosphere of our beloved country.

P/S : Oh yes, at least there was one good resolution by Pemuda. Thanks for that.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Teaser cun :)

Ni khas untuk yang tak pernah tengok 2 versi billboard iklan Celcom ( Maya Karin merupakan Power Icon bagi Celcom)..Saya selalu lihat gambar 1 waktu balik office kat satu billboard besar sangat dekat dengan Bosch kot tapi malangnya untuk saya (currently orang utara), orang zon tengah dan selatan, dan Sabah Sarawak sekali, kita tak dapat tengok versi gambar 2 yang hanya ada untuk billboard di Klate dan Ganu !! Yalah bukan apa, cun sangat si Maya ni pakai tudung... :)
P/S : Sorry,post teaser je, sebab lately sangat banyak kerja kat ofis...:) N thankx kat sahabat2 kampus yang mentioned slalu buka blog nie..rasa terharu plak sebab ingatkan blog ni takde org baca :P

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Cerita kobis dan soya

Sekarang ni banyak sangat dapat circulation via email pasal makanan yang rasa-rasa macam baik tapi sebenarnya merbahaya.Yang pasal benda memang bahaya tapi orang makan dan minum lagi macam Coke, Pepsi dan fast food tu tak payah cakap la kan, memang confirm bahaya pun untuk kesihatan (dah la boikot pula tu!Itulah, antara hikmah boikot..sebab barang-barang tu memang teruk dan beracun, jadi third world country is their dumpsite untuk buang makanan-makanan buruk lagi memudaratkan ni (terutama air berkarbonat, fast food dan junk food).

Tapi kat sini nak cerita benda-benda yang almost confirm safe to consume tapi akhirnya menyebabkan banyak komplikasi lain pula.OK, memang la email circulation ni tak semuanya betul dan sesiapa bebas nak dakwa itu ini, tapi bagus juga sebagai reminder or precaution matter supaya kita lebih berhati-hati masa makan.Kalau salah sekalipun info tu, tak ada masalah..tapi kalau betul macam mana??(Haa siapa nak jawab tu)

Summary Email 1
Kobis memang kegemaran ramai orang, sampai kalau pergi pasar rasanya tak sah kalau surirumah tak beli kobis.Dah la senang dimasak, tahan lama pula tu (hehe I tahu la masak sikit-sikit..sikittt je pun : p).Tapi kobis boleh meyebabkan penyakit keputihan (bagi wanita) dan `buta’ disebabkan keputihan(bagi lelaki)… rasanya ramai wanita tahu kot pasal penyakit ni tapi lelaki saya tak tahu la nak cakap macam mana.Ada juga kes lelaki tau.Senang cerita kalau anda nak tahu lebih lanjut, terus saja contact saya (atau leave your comment) dan saya akan emel kan artikel yang saya dapat.Malas la nak cerita detail kat sini nanti ada yang tak faham pula : p Dulu pernah seorang doktor dijemput oleh TV3 untuk cerita pasal penyakit ni tapi dia jawab penyakit ni biasa di kalangan wanitabut this email tells a different side of the story.

Summary Email 2
As per soya, this email focused for female only.Kita selalu dengar makan/minum soya /tofu/tempe/taufu fa dan adik beradiknya la banyak-banyak akan dapat kulit cantik,putih, halus, semua yang baik la.Tapi from what I read, soya really scared me.Of course, all my good friends knew saya memang tak suka dan tak makan soya.Tempe je kot yang saya makan?Haha (bangga la orang Jawa baca entri ni).Senang cerita saya paste la sikit pasal email yang saya dapat tu :

“It was the magical isoflavones, the estrogen-like hormones that all worked to help you stay young and healthy. I looked great, I was working out all the time, but my menstrual cycle was off. At 20, I started taking birth control pills to regulate my menstrual cycle.
In addition to this I began to suffer from painful periods. I began to get puffy, it was as though I was losing my muscle tone. I began to suffer from depression and getting hot flashes. I mistook all this for PMS since my periods were irregular. By the time I was 25, my periods were so bad, I couldn't walk. The birth control pills never made them regular or less painful so I decided to stop taking them.

“I went on like this for another two years until I realized my pain wasn't normal. At 27, my gynecologist found two cysts in my uterus. Both were the size of tennis balls. I went through surgery to have them removed and thank God they were benign. The gynecologist told me to go back on birth control pills. I didn't. In 1998, he discovered a lump in my breast. Again, I went through surgery and again it was benign. In November 2000 my glands swelled up and my gums became inflamed. Thinking I had a tooth infection I went to the dentist who told me that teeth were not the problem.

After a dose of antibiotics the swelling still did not go down. At this point I could feel a tiny nodule on the right side of my neck. I told my mother I had thyroid trouble. She thought I was being silly. No one in the family suffered from thyroid trouble. Going on a hunch I saw a specialist who diagnosed me with Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma. After a series of tests he told me it was cancer. My fianc and I sat stunned. We were not prepared and I was so scared. We scheduled surgery right away.

The specialist told us that it would only be after the operation that a pathologist would be able to tell us for sure if it was cancer. They found a tumor at my right lobe composed of irregular cells and another smaller tumor growing on the left, so the entire thyroid was removed. They told me that after undergoing radioactive iodine I would be safe and assured me that I could live a long life.

After treatment I began to search for the cause of all these problems. I never once thought it could be all the soya I had consumed for nearly ten years. After all, soya is healthy. I came upon a web page that linked thyroid problems to soya intake and the conspiracy of soya marketed as a by-product of the vegetable oil industry. This was insane, after all, the health and fitness magazines had said nothing about soya being harmful.”

Scary kan?(habis la semua penggemar kobis dan soya akan marah saya lepas pos ni)

Tapi ni memang saya ambil dari email, jadi saya tak boleh nak verify kesahihannya. Macam saya cakap,kalau anda taknak percaya, terpulang.Tapi bagi saya tak salah ambil precaution steps dengan elak atau kurangkan makanan ni.Apa-apahal pun, saya tetap berpegang kepada prinsip diet sihat saya :

“You can consume any food, but you cannot consume one too much”

Yes, even green veggie, beans, fish and fruits yang jadi kegemaran most health freaks pun tak boleh dimakan dengan kuantiti banyak sangat,apatah lagi yang confirm risky like red meat, eggs, oil etc.So kalau nak makan, makan je tapi jangan makan banyak-banyak.Satu-satunya unsur yang kita boleh consume dengan banyak tanpa had adalah AIR. Yes tapi PLAIN WATER ONLY la.Air manis, air bancuh, air gas semua tak main okay.

So eat wise, makan tu berpada-pada. Nabi pun dah pesan suruh makan sederhana je “Berhenti sebelum kenyang”. Tinggal kita je nak amalkan ke, nak abaikan pesanan ni...:)