Saturday, February 09, 2008

Wish to have this ;)

Currently, I'm craving for this!

Last time I went to MPH, it does not arrive yet ;(


Anonymous said...

same2.. sy tgh cr buku tu gak..~ =)

Shahira I. said...

cze kalo jumpe gtau ek..nnti saya lari pi kedai buku terdekat hehe

Izzat Nizam said...

shah.. dah dapat buku tu? i'm sure it must be a good book, but i heard it's been "censored" and a lot of the letters have been taken out of the original set of writings of Tun Dr. M... anyways, happy reading..

Shahira I. said...

i'm yet to find the book (act tak berpeluang pun nk cari kt kdai buku hehe) but I planned to get it soon. Ko interested gak ke? kt colorado cam susah je nk jumpe buku neh :)