1. I observed that my weight had gain for no significant reason these past few weeks. I suspect the steak feast everytime hubby was at home. Tapi recently he just came home once per month so the hypothesis might not be quite accurate. The most probably reason I think of the excessive sugary food intake I had recently.. few times per week I got myself either a bag of Famous Amos choc chip, A piece of Famous Amous soft cookie, A Chatime horlick cocoa, a Gong Cha signature wintermelon tea, the various imported choc that is easily available at my workplace, and the list goes on.
2. So I embarked on a personal food watch programme to obtain my previous weight and for a leaner, ideal figure. You know, my Mummy tummy has yet to actually disappear even after I year 8 months of giving birth, hence I need to start somewhere, and now.
3. Previously I love to run on the threadmill everytime I went to the gym or at home. However I believe I need to focus on specific work out to flatten the tummy and strengthen my mid body. Hence, I started my Youtube work out (exercise with Youtube videos from fitness coach) and my favourite is from HasFit. I managed to do 3 sessions per week, however my target is actually everyday ! Gotta work harder and discipline myself. Besides, I tried to do sit up/crunch up everyday, walaupun ade few times miss jugak but at least I tried.Now able to do 50x per session, will increase slowly but surely.
4. And I resumed my favourite past time (once upon a time) which is calorie counting. Although there are a few thoughts about this, I am comfortable to stick to the following rules :
i) Women need about 200-250 kcal every meal, while men need about 300-350kcal every meal. This is ideal for people in office environment, of course it would be different if you lead a very active lifestyle.
ii) We need to eat 3-4 times a day. That means about 5-6 serving per day. And proper meal and snacks are just the same!! It is interchangeable and consumable at any meal time.
iii) The aim is to balance the sugar level in our blood. If it is very low we won't have enough energy, and if it is too high we will feel heavy and sleepy
iv) If you feel full when it comes to meal time, try to cut your food serving into half or quarter. If you feel very hungry that means your previous meal is not enough to satisfy your body needs. Make sure you feel just right after each meal.
5. I cut my intake of chocolates and replaced it with granola bars and biskut kering. I make sure I have the snacks with me all the time so I won't be starving and started to crave for sweet sugary food. One of the trainer from Youtube mentioned that the sweet food craving was resulted of not enough sugar in your body.
6. OK! Time to work out. Bye bye!
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