Thursday, February 07, 2008

A Day To Remember

06.02.2008, a date to remember.

First pay roll, first hard-earned money received..

This is my current work station, not much assignment yet, thus explained the spick and span condition...(btw Hazel, did you recognize the orange cat?? Sudahkah kamu lupa? Huhu)

Alhamdulillah, praise to the Almighty.


Hannah said...

da dapat gaji? ko da cukup sebulan ke keje? hurmmm comel la kucing oren tu.. hehehe comel gile muahahaha

Shahira I. said...

aku dpt gaji 2 kali seminggu la beb.haha cool tak cool company aku. ni mesti kes dah lupe kucing oren nie...chiss huhu

Shahira I. said...

erk typo menjadi-jadi..actually dpt gaji 2kali sebulan.huhu haih kat blog sndiri pun typo.abesla korang terguling-guling gelakkan aku kan.

Anonymous said...

wah3~ udah dpt gaji..yummy3~ hehe..apa lagi kak..meh2 turun kampus..n banjerrrr~!!
