Monday, September 09, 2019

When in Mexico: Hola!

Well, people from Malaysia will usually NOT choose Mexico as their travel destination. Why? I guess due to its location which is very very far from our country (some of us might say, alang2 pegi sana baik pegi US terus..) and also due to limited promotion and knowledge transfer from both countries... I mean, yes we heard the name of the country before, and we usually imagine cowboys, natives (Pocahontas? Merida?) narcs and drugs cartels.. nothing fancy or exciting though.

I was thinking the same as well.. even I never would want to go to US because it is too far.. with small kids on tow, I would rather let my husband went alone for his few business trips.Until the day that we were all forced to move to Mexico.. well the nicer term was my husband was transferred to Mexico fork work and all of us moved there.

It was a memorable and rather fancy experience for me. Reminiscing 1.5 years back, we fled to the new, mysterious country after 45 days I delivered my third baby.. alot of people prayed for our smooth journey, and alhamdulillah, after a total 24 hours flight time (2 legs,1 transit) later, we arrived to Mexico City. Since that day, our life changed.. the routine, the people, the culture, the food.. everything were new and strange. And exciting. I remembered we were confused,excited,happy,scared and sad at the same time.. no words can describe the feeling of settling in a new place, until you experience it yourself. I've been to many countries before for vacations, mostly to touristy places.. but this, i tell you is hell different from what I ever expect or experience.

I will write in detail about tips on adapting to new surroundings.. until then.

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