While his weekend was incomparable.While I was worried he would be bored to death (kononnye without me kan), his weekend was full with meeting-wedding-rugby-balik kampung(ciss sempat !both places pulak tu)-futsal-bowling..pergh.At least I'm glad he was having equal fun.
What a busy-outdoor-lovers-couple we are...-_-
adik. akak baru bace entry2 awk ni. hahaha. padan muke kne marah pasal letrik. first fight ke? wuwuwu =p keep it cheerful ok. mandi klo control basah tu tak la mandi sgtttt =p muah2.
haha tak marah pon, nk lepas geram je..huhu sayakan wife yg comel tak fight pon, bagi dia reda sendiri..style dia skejap je.haha dahdah kang dia baca kang :p
HAHAHAHAAHA. tau takot =p ok awk mmg comel. layankan ajeee.
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