Thursday, December 29, 2011

Tukar alamat untuk mengundi

Ada banyak sebab anda mungkin nak tukar alamat pada kad pengenalan
atau tukar kad pengenalan sekarang. Mungkin sebab anda baru berpindah
rumah, ikut suami berpindah sebab baru kawin, atau saje nak tukar
sebab gambo kat IC dah tak valid (read: tak resemble keadaan fizikal
sekarang). Apa pentingnya tukar alamat kat IC? Paling penting sebab
nak mengundi untuk pilihan raya kot, kepentingan lain yet to figure
Jadi itulah yang saya lakukan. Untuk pilihanraya sebelum ni saya tukar
alamat kat cip kad pengenalan untuk mengundi sebab masa tu tengah
belajar di kawasan Utara Semenanjung, so malas la balik rumah semata2
kan. Tukar kat cip jer, kat IC maintain alamat rumah parents. Pastu
selepas berumahtangga dan ada rumah di KL, sebagai pengundi
berdedikasi nak la tukar alamat ke kawasan rumah sekarang, namun tak
sangka niat yang suci murni menuntut kepayahan yang amat. Sebab
peristiwa ni bersifat kronologi jadi saya rumuskan dalam bentuk point
form ye :
1) Semua orang kata setakat nak tukar alamat boleh tukar kat pejabat
pos. Jadi saya telah ke pejabat pos berdekatan ofis dan nak tukar kat
cip jer la dan update daftar pengundi terus, sekali clerk tu cakap
diorang takder chip scanner so takleh tukar kat situ. Kalau nak tukar
ikut alamat yang tertera kat IC sekarang boleh. I rase cam nak belikan
jer chip scanner derma kat post office tu sebab bengang. Marah2 pun
masih noble kan.
2) Jadi langkah seterusnya, I kena ke JPN pulak.Tau je lah JPN ni kena
opis hour so satu hal nak cari masa gi sana, dah lah parking susah. I
dah isi borang tukar cip dan bayar RM2. Clerk menerima duit dengan
senang hati, dia cakap dia akan proses dan suruh I balik. I pun happy
sebagai pengundi berdedikasi I telah berusaha untuk menjayakan misi
sebagai pengundi. Tapi since they need time to process my application,
I plan to wait for them to finish then pastu baru gi SPR untuk update
alamat (langkah yang selepas itu I menyesal tak sudah. You should
never wait when dealing with government. Always FOLLOW UP!). Walaupun
ade versi mengatakan data kat JPN akan di sync dengan SPR every now
and then, ni wallahualam.
3) Setelah 5 bulan, I pun check la kat web SPR dengan harapan data kat
JPN dah di synchronize ngan SPR. Mereka kan berjanji daftar pengundi
akan update 3 bulan sekali. Tapi tidak pula berupdate. I pun telefon
SPR nak tanye status daftar pengundi I. Diorang cakap alamat I still
yg lama dan tak terima apa2 dari JPN pun, diorang suruh I contact JPN.
I contact JPN, clerk itu kebingungan kerana menurut mereka rekod I
takde dan suruh I datang opis. Cis bila pulak aku nak cuti semata2 nak
datang JPN yang opis hours tu.
4) Di satu hari yang hening I telah bercuti untuk ke JPN, pastu telah
dikejutkan dengan berita ` Permohonan puan takboleh diproses sebab cip
dalam IC dah rosak'. I was, whatt!! Pulangkan balik 2ringgit aku. Tapi
malas nak argue baik I sedekah je kat kerajaan pastu I pun kena wat IC
baru la kan, bayar RM10. gedebuk gedebak amik gambo semua dah setel,
sila amik IC anda dalam masa 2 minggu dari sekarang.
5) Good thing about JPN seremban ni SPR dia dekat building yang sama.
Jadi I terus ke pejabat SPR dan tukar alamat terus kat situ. Sonang
kojo den. Sonang apekah, benda yang patut setel 5 minit jadi 6 bulan
okeh. Sabar je untuk mendapat portion iman yang separuh itu.
6) Semestinya selepas 2 bulan baru I datang collect IC baru, takde cuti maa.
7) Sekarang I just have to wait and see serta membuka web SPR selalu2
untuk tengok status I. Setakat I check 30 saat yang lalu statusnyer
`Telah diterima dan sedang diproses'. Harap2 lancar la dan I dapat
mengundi dengan semangat yang tinggi pada PRU13 nanti insya Allah.
Pergi daftar mengundi cepat! Undi lah~ Jangan tido, undilah~ Jangan
dok diam (refer video clip Namawee & Afdlin- owh I love this
clip.Paling comel part Datuk Rosnah nyanyi bahasa tamil depan sekolah
dengan cikgu2) . Apa2 alasan korang pun utk menegakkan pendirian takmo
mengundi, with all due respect, I think all your reasons are lame and
immature. Orang Zimbabwe pun pandai turun mengundi tau. Kalau perlu
tukar alamat, tukar je cepat takyah pikir2 sempat ke idok. Yang
penting youdo what youhavetodo.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

The Beauty of Giving

Need not to emphasize, I believe most people had experience the beauty
of giving, whether we realize it or not. I am an avid believer of this
beautiful concept, and I did experience alot of thing that somehow
perhaps (insya Allah) caused by the act of giving.
Like today, I just give something to someone and suddenly, almost
immediately, hubby called and surprised me `Abang balik esok :)'
padahal sebelum ni dah declare siap2 tak balik minggu ni walaupun cuti
panjang coz nak balik minggu depan and kena cover colleagues yang cuti
hujung tahun. Huhu sib baek takde drama airmata di situ kalau tak
segan I.
Even alot of Islamic scholars encouraged giving or donating if you
want your wish to be fulfilled.. including if you want a child or
something that you wished for some time but haven't got it. Coz
eventually, giving away makes you gain more and more! Honestly, when I
was trying to conceive, I did this too and it work wonders,
The best part of giving is, the recipient always pray for you and that
is what I treasure the most. Just imagine orang yang berdoa untuk you
adalah orang yang mustajab doanya, sedangkan kita sendiri berdoa dan
ada hijab without us knowing (nauzubillah)? Subhanallah the result is
always amazing :)
Make it a habit that everytime you log in/go to the ATM to check at
the amount of money in your account, always transfer some allocated
amount to the needy/someone before you log out. Be it RM10 pun takpe,
it will grow more and will never stop! Somebody told me,if you want to
be a millionaire, the number one thing you should do is giving a lot,
insya Allah you will reach your goal. Since being a millionaire is
also my dream goal, I want to implement this tip too!
:) Today is a happy happy day, hence the positive vibe :)

Monday, December 26, 2011

2nd Anniversary Memorabilia

Our 2nd anniversary was weeks ago, and this time instead of a romantic
getaway like last year, we celebrated with his big family's barbecue
cum family day. I eat like nobody's business, like my aunt said
`Rasenye Sha nie dah duduk kat semua kerusi keliling meja ni dah..
makannn je tak berenti' Heheh blame the scrumptious barbecue (I'm a
self-proclaimed barbecue lover) and lots of food!
Sekali cerita pasal BBQ tapi picture adalah pen. Takpelah forgive me please :p
That is hubby's new treasure and he was sweet enough to engrave our
names together. Can I consider that as our 2nd anniversary
memorabilia, hunny? :) Wow dah 2 tahun.. time flies! I feels more like
pasangan bercinta rather than a 2-year- married couple coz we're
always apart and always on the phone, asking lame questions without
fail like `Buat ape tuh', `Dah makan ke', `Makan ape harini', `Dah
mandi ke',`Esok buat ape' stuff like that, everytime we talk. Dulu
rase poyo jer orang tanye boyfriend dia camtu tapi sekarang I yang
buat pulak, hehe
P/S: Entry orang bercinta. Sila abaikan.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Just figured out

my nephews !!

Sometimes I do really sit down and think the real reason why I did not blog often nowadays. Although I plan to resume (very) soon, it felt hard to sit down and tap the keyboard just to update this blog which has so few readers I suppose. Well, one of the main reason as mentioned previously is due to the Smartphone. Yes people, alot of bloghopping but too lazy to update own blog.

Some other reason might be the roller coaster life I had through out this year. Alot of surprises and shocking moments, some were beautiful but some did got on my nerves.. however I tried to embrace each and every one of them and believe that one day, Insya Allah I will look back and smile, feeling proud to pass all the obstacles with flying colours.

Why I don't want to share my roller coaster life? Perhaps I am afraid I will be symphatized (tak pandai eja..sowie) Dont get me wrong, to be sympathetic is such a noble attitude. Just that I felt uneasy to receive it. Or maybe some of the readers might think `Alah ni je? Taklah roller coaster sangat, biasa je'. The truth is maybe among my weakest link is my pride/ego is too high. And I hate when people judge me. I know who cares about what other people think, but sometimes I just can't help it.

Sooner or later, I think my blog concept will change a bit. I want to update my life journey specially dedicated to my dear husband, coz according to the company's plan (not our plan, of course) we will still be apart for sometime. However that is only human's plan, Allah's plan overrides everything and I shall pray to Him that we will go through everything with smile insya Allah. Dont remind me on the obvious options i.e. to quit my job and follow hubby to BWN? immediate unpaid leave? Almost all had crossed my mind but I'm not that bold yet to make a move. Haha.

I even think to privatise this blog, what do you think?

:) Enjoy the year end holiday !

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

HK Quick Guide

updated with photo!

Hi all J I managed to squeezed this family vacation in November amidst a hectic schedule and an away husband. The plan had been made months earlier, and this time a record was set – all 9 members of the family (including 1 toddler and 1 infant) joined the vacation! So glad hubby decided to join too, or else he will miss the fun. Just to share some guides, perhaps some of you might land there very soon.

1) The flight is just around 3-3.5 hours, hence suitable to bring your children along.

2) Public transport are very efficient. If you plan to stay for long, please get an Octopus card (similar to Touch n Go) so you may move gracefully via public transport. Other means to pay is via bank notes and coins, but please remember busses won't give you change when you're overpaying (read : always keep your coins with you!!) Busses and subways (read: MRT) are every where, in HK Island you may even found a tram rail. Cabs are expensive.

3) If you plan to bring along a baby/small toddler and carry a pram around, perhaps it is easier to move by bus instead of subway because some subway does not have lift/escalators.

4) Beware : a lot of walking needed in HK! Almost everyone walks and uses public transport. If you're quite unfit, please prepare yourself before the journey!

5) Halal food is very hard to find. If you travel with families, please bring the necessities from your home country. So far our periuk/beras/maggi/sambal bilis experienced zero problem with the immigration.

6) If you don't want to enroll for tour packages, fret not. I believe you can plan your own movement (via public transport) provided you are equipped with maps and many hours of researching beforehand. Many major hotels provided half/full day tour so if you want to go to specific tourist attractions, you may approach them to book a place.

7) There are 2 major amusement park in HK, namely Disneyland and Ocean Park.

8) High end shopping districts including Causeway Bay, Wan Chai and Lan Kai Foong (here is also where Hard Rock CafĂ© is located – for all HRC hardcores out there). If you want authentic designer bags with lower prices compared to retail shops, you may want to locate ISA boutique (oh we loveee this boutique!) around HK Island and Kowloon area.

9) For souvenirs, head to the various flea/night markets available – Temple Market (MRT station: Jordan), Ladies Market (MRT station: Mong Kok), Stanley Market ( HK Island) to name a few. Don't forget to bargain, people! Among the best bargain available in Ladies Market is 6 souvenir HK shirts for HK$100. Keychain/fridge magnet can be obtain at HK$10 each or less J

10) Generally, hotel rates are expensive. So choose your hotel wisely and make sure it is near to MRT/bus station.

11) Among popular attractions are Symphony of Lights (MRT station: Tsim Sha Shui), Victoria's Peak, naik sampan in fishing village ( ni memang dah tak ingat ape namanya, tapi in HK island la), cable car in Ngong Ping etc.

12) If you want to avoid the pricey hotels in HK Island, you may opt to stay in Kowloon (mainland area. Among the best hotel locations are Tsim Sha Shui, Jordan and in Mong Kok because all are accessible via bus and MRT and the roads are so easy you will hardly lost.

13) According to the locals, the best time to visit HK is during Autumn and Winter simply because the air is cool and nice. Spring is not good since there will be thick fogs while during summer, it can be very hot and humid so not suitable for sight seeing L