Sering kali, kita tersalah tafsir kedua-dua perkataan ini, dengan menganggap tiada bezanya kedua perkataan itu, macam sinonim la kiranya. Sama ajelah agaknya, menyumbang dan berkorban, kedua-duanya berdasarkan perlakuan melakukan sesuatu untuk orang lain, tanpa dibayar atau tanpa mengharapkan sebarang balasan (ideal case).Ini tafsiran peribadi saya, dan tidak merujuk kepada mana-mana kamus atau pakar bahasa.Saya lebih suka menggunakan definisi perkataan tafsiran sendiri, supaya senang difahami dan untuk memahamkan orang lain.
Letakkan diri anda di situasi berikut.
1- Anda sedang menjamu selera di sebuah RnR di tepi lebuhraya, apabila tiba-tiba ada dua orang pelajar sekolah rendah menyuakan tabung derma ke arah anda.Melihatkan surat akuan pelajar tersebut yang mengutip derma untuk mendirikan sekolah, dan kasihan terhadap mereka, anda pun mengeluarkan beberapa note merah dan memasukkan ke dalam tabung tersebut.Sesungguhnya sebagai seorang pelajar, bukan sedikit nilainya jika menderma menggunakan beberapa keping note merah.Lepas juga duit makan seminggu dua.Tapi anda puas, kerana telah melakukan sesuatu yang baik dan bermanfaat kepada orang lain.
2- Anda kepenatan setelah sehari suntuk menghadiri kuliah, dan rasanya perkara terbaik untuk dilakukan selepas solat Asar adalah tidur (ni hanya situasi sahaja ya, sesungguhnya tidur selepas waktu Asar sangatlah tidak digalakkan!).Tiba-tiba ada seorang rakan menelefon anda, dan meminta anda mengambilnya di stesen bas lebih kurang 45 minit dari tempat anda.Dalam kemalasan, `reluctance’ dan sedikit terganggu itu, anda gagahi juga pergi menjemput rakan tersebut atas dasar persahabatan.Lama-kelamaan anda juga berasa senang kerana dapat membantu seorang rakan yang memerlukan pertolongan, dan berjaya membuktikan anda seorang sahabat yg baik.
Kadang-kadang kita terasa sungguh `baik’ apabila kita sering menderma untuk anak-anak yatim atau tabung amal, atau terasa diri ni sungguh berbudi apabila kita menjemput sahabat dari stesen bas yang hampir sejam jauhnya dari tempat kita, pada hari-hari kuliah (sekadar contoh).Kita terasa kita banyak berkorban untuk sahabat-sahabat kita, tak kisahlah dari segi masa, kewangan, perasaan, emosi dan sebagainya, tapi benarkah kita sebenarnya berkorban, atau hanya memberi sumbangan?
Saya ingin mengajak anda membuat sedikit anjakan paradigma dalam pemikiran kita.Sebetulnya apa yang kita sering lakukan untuk sahabat-sahabat kita hanyalah sumbangan, dan hanya sedikit yang mampu melakukan pengorbanan kepada orang lain.Sebenarnya sumbangan itupun bukanlah besar sangat pun, kerana itu adalah memang menjadi tanggungjawab kita untuk membantu sahabat yang memerlukan, sebagai contoh mereka yang kurang berduit,kurang berada atau kurang apa-apa sahaja berbanding kita, kerana kita berada di situasi yang selesa untuk menyumbang sesuatu kepada rakan kita.
Jadi bagaimanakah pengorbanan sebenarnya? Senang cerita begini, kita ambil satu case study.Seorang rakan yang mempunyai masalah kewangan mengadu kepada anda.Dia memerlukan RM400 untuk suatu urusan penting, dan pada masa yang sama anda hanya ada RM500 (scholarship untuk sebulan).Anda tahu secara kasar, anda berbelanja untuk makan lebih kurang RM300 sebulan, RM 100 untuk barangan pengurusan diri dan RM100 lagi untuk keperluan yang lain.Jadi, RM500 itu adalah cukup-cukup untuk anda setiap bulan.Lagipun anda bukanlah orang yang berada sangat, ibu bapa pun telah cukup susah di kampung.Jadi, adakah anda sanggup memberi pinjam RM400 kepada sahabat anda itu, iaitu secara proportionalnya anda perlu mengikat perut untuk survive sepanjang sebulan itu, dengan hanya berbekalkan duit RM100?
Jika anda mengatakan sanggup, maka anda memang layak bergelar seorang sahabat sejati.Yang bukan setakat memahami erti pengorbanan, malah sanggup mengambil risiko dan mengaplikasinya dalam kehidupan seharian anda.Sungguh, pengorbanan sebenarnya meletakkan kepentingan orang lain lebih dari kepentingan diri sendiri.Sedangkan saya pun rasa tak mampu untuk melakukannya.Mungkin immediate impulse anda mengatakan ;
`Mana logik untuk survive sebulan dengan RM100??’
Tapi, kalau kita fikir kembali, segalanya logik dan masuk akal.Macam-macam anda boleh buat dengan RM100 itu untuk membolehkan ada survive sebulan.Anda boleh berpuasa (jimat duit makan), melakukan bisnes kecil-kecilan (jual keropok atau gula-gula, modal banyak mana sangat pun kan), makan sekali sehari, berbelanja hanya jika terdesak, tidak membeli makanan sebaliknya masak di rumah, dan pelbagai lagi alternatif.Tidak la sampai mati kebuluran.Cuma sanggup, tak sanggup je.Tapi memanglah, kesanggupan sebegini bukan calang-calang orang boleh buat...saya tabik spring lah pada siapa yang sanggup melakukan pengorbanan seperti ini.
Menyorot sirah nabi pun ,tentunya antara paling masyhur kisah pengorbanan Nabi Ibrahim a.s yang sanggup menyembelih putera kesayangannya, Nabi Ismail a.s demi menurut perintah Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala.Sanggup baginda mengorbankan putera baginda kerana yakin dengan perintah Allah, sehingga Allah menggantikan Nabi Ismail dengan binatang sembelihan.Maka jadilah ibadah korban setiap kali menjelang Hari Raya Aidil adha bagi memperingati kisah bersejarah ini.Kalau kita, rasanya sanggupkah? Bukan setakat anak sendiri, kalau anak kucing kita mati kena langgar lori pun kita boleh meraung-raung dan demam seminggu sebab tak boleh terima kenyataan.Susah nak terima sesuatu yang lebih berkepentingan dari kepentingan diri kita sendiri.
Akhirnya saya ingin mengajak kita semua berfikir;
Sebenarnya ada ke kita melakukan pengorbanan dalam hidup ni? Ke setakat ni semuanya sumbangan? Atau yang lebih teruk, sumbangan pun kita tak mampu atau tak ikhlas nak lakukan?
Fikir-fikir dan kenalilah diri, Wallahua’lam.
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Jika tiba-tiba ada seseorang bertanya kepada kamu;
"Adakah kamu sanggup berkorban?"
Apakah respon kamu?
(to be continued..)
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Best Therapy

What you always do when you are feeling down, heartbroken or when you just feel the whole world are against you?This kind of feelings always occur when you had a lot of problems, conflicts or crisis that reach your limit until you feel like run away to the farthest part of world and hide yourself.In easier words, this situation is often referred as stressed or tensed, or whatever you used to call it.
My favourite therapies of overcoming stress are normally to play either two games : bowling or squasy.I will abruptly asked my willing friends : `Jom main squasy/bowling harini ' and some of them will eventually understand, I need to clear off something in my mind.When I am in campus,usually I played squasy to release the stress but during internship, of course the best option is bowling since the bowl lane is just five minutes downtown.Do you notice the similarities between those two games? Yup, `pukul/ baling sekuat hati'.Hahaha maybe you all can guess what type of person am I, who found satisfaction in throwing and smashing balls (rebellious? expressive? you make the guess ;P).
But I made an amazing discovery myself, about several years ago.I found the easiest, quickest or perhaps the best therapy that always there, only I was too ignorant to notice it.The best therapy so far, which is guaranteed (insya Allah) effective, is no other than the Quran verses themselves.Try it, it surely works!As Allah had promised in his book of wisdom :
Who have believed and whose hearts have rest in the remembrance of Allah. Verily in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest!
(Ar-Ra'd, verse 28)
Which means when you are stressed out or tensed for having tough luck and miserable life, just take your wudhu' and recite or read the holy Al Quran.You will be amazed on how the positive energy flows to you as the words in the kitabullah is not from a human- those are sacred words came from the Most Almighty.Thus it make sense, right, to feel relieved as we are comforted by our own creator- the owner of the whole universe.Among my all-time favourite verse is non other than the famous Al Imran : 139:
Faint not nor grieve, for ye will overcome them if ye are (indeed) believers.
"janganlah kamu bersikap lemah, dan janganlah pula kamu bersedih hati padahal kamulah org2 yg paling tinggi darjatnya, jika kamu org2 yg beriman"
How sweet!
Tuesday, January 23, 2007

That's the best word can describe me for the past weeks..
Of course, I never prefer blogging at home and I just recently connected to the internet in the campus.
Meanwhile, I've been on top of Ms Bijoux's list in her recent entry, thus for her sake( yes,kakak, this one is for you!) my responses are as follow:
1o years ago I:
1. Love playing rounders at Ida's house
2. Was the Assistant Head Prefect of my primary school
3. Formed an all girls alliance named APM (only the members knew what it stands for ;P)
5 years ago I:
1. Was form 5 and had lots of fun (despite the SPM year)
2. Became dormates with other Vigilances during SPM week
3. Did lots of unpredicted and unexpected decision(some I regret forever)
2 years ago I:
1. Went to Amsterdam and Sydney (two of the cities that I wanted to go most!)
2. Organized several big events in campus
3. Realized that I really should sacrifice for the sake of others
1 year ago I:
1. Multitasked in fulfilling responsibilities as a student rep, a future intern, a normal person and a faithful believer(perhaps)
2. Did an unexpected decision to had internship programme in Penang
3. Became a frequent customer of Air Asia
Yesterday I:
1. Skipped dinner but went hungry late at night, so I had my `rarest' late supper -maggi
2. Experienced some miscomm and was late for an important meeting
3. Still croaked to talk (at least better than yesterday, where a lecturer asked me to introduce my name and I can't utter even a single word due to cough and sore throat, thus a friend had to introduce my name on behalf of me.Tough luck.)
Today I:
1. Shall try to sort the FYP titles or make a proposal
2. Sleep late and hope to wake up early
3. Hope my voice would return to its normal condition
Tomorrow I will:
1. Plan my tasks and schedule throughout the sem
2. Get confirmation or approval on the FYP titles
3. Get 50% of the tasks on my Stick-On Notes done
Three snacks I enjoy:
1. MERCI chocolates
2. Jack N Jill's Garlic flavoured potato chips
3. Famous Amos cookies
Three things I can't live without:
1. Religion
2. Faith
3. Belief
3 things I want to buy with rm1k:
1. Keep a portion in the account
2. Give a portion to the flood victims
3. Give another portion to any orphanage or the needy
3 shows I like:
1. Some CSI Miami..
2. Maybe some House M.D..
3. Or some Desperate Housewives..( I don't fancy tc shows anyway)
3 places I've lived:
1. Seremban
2. Bayan Lepas
3. Seremban again.Home sweet home.
Friday, January 12, 2007
I know I'm being over excited with the end of internship, new blog templates and everything..
I just remembered that I won't be blogging much for the next 2-3 days to perform the gimmick on the 15th of January on time. I present you the face-lift result of the blog skin.
Still in observation later when I think I'm not quite like it, I will change it back to the old one.
I know most people will comment `adeh, colour buat sakit mata aaa'..but I think red suits my blogging mood perfectly (eventhough my favourite colour is green).
OK friends and viewers, comments, anyone?=P
I know I'm being over excited with the end of internship, new blog templates and everything..
I just remembered that I won't be blogging much for the next 2-3 days to perform the gimmick on the 15th of January on time. I present you the face-lift result of the blog skin.
Still in observation later when I think I'm not quite like it, I will change it back to the old one.
I know most people will comment `adeh, colour buat sakit mata aaa'..but I think red suits my blogging mood perfectly (eventhough my favourite colour is green).
OK friends and viewers, comments, anyone?=P
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Back for Good
gambar courtesy of jasa.
(mungkin dia marah kat jasa mempaparazzi dia)
Salam to all,
Sorry for the sudden break.I was busy with my final report, last minute clearance arrangement and all, I hardly have time to update since I was pretty determined to finish my report before I finish my internship.
Sorry for the sudden break.I was busy with my final report, last minute clearance arrangement and all, I hardly have time to update since I was pretty determined to finish my report before I finish my internship.
Alhamdulillah, all was done, even the certificate endorsement and the recommendation letter by my boss.I couldn't quite understand the funny feeling I had when I read the recommendation letter, the evaluation form and all good comments about myself (since my boss is very very nice, supportive, easy-going and all, he reminds me a lot of my father's character, just that he's certainly younger than my dad), and of course I believe it was the result of my obedience and commitment in doing all tasks given, extending working hours to submit urgent tasks, and even my obsession to participate in training and completing online courses when I had no work(perhaps la kan..huhu). I don't really fancy compliments, so all this makes me feel `seperti menjual diri pulak’ (and I didn't mean it literally, you know what I mean).
Today's my last day of internship here, so the unpleasant, almost sad atmosphere was in the air. (at least for me) since other people still busy with their daily jobs.Kilanglah katakan, so you must expect the workloads and deadlines to meet every now and then. I will blog more about my intern experience soon, since I forgot to bring my memory card reader today. ( menangkap gambar curi di dalam plant!haha)After all, it's better to save the best for last, right?
In case you think I'd completely forget my intention to make some face lift to the blog, you're absolutely incorrect! I've finish editing and modifying codes here and there, and I just wait for the right time for a best impact .I'm thinking of doing that in the middle of this month, in conjunction with something special (hint*hint).OR maybe I won't.Afterall, just wait and see.Blogskin je pun kan.
OK then, all the best in life.
And for my batch, welcome back to university life.I'm pretty sure we need some time to get familiar with the long gone academic activities i.e study, go to lectures, tutorials, quizzes, tests and exams.So the best of luck for all of us.
Sunday, January 07, 2007
Post-Anti-Toll Coalition
The Anti-Toll Coalition was held peacefully yesterday, with many and many of FRU and policemen around incase for any unpredictable act. As all of us can predict, this major event were not even covered in most of the local newspapers (you know why) besides The Star, so do browse the unlimited source (the internet) for more. Just FYI, I found the reports by Jeff Ooi is very much detailed, and do visit his LensaMalaysia for more amusing photos during the peaceful protest.I hope this will open the government's (and other respective big shots) eyes, for the sake of Malaysians (and also for the sake of the coming election).We know who's position is at stake right now.
‘It pays more to become poor’
(quoted from one of the banners in the protest)
The Anti-Toll Coalition was held peacefully yesterday, with many and many of FRU and policemen around incase for any unpredictable act. As all of us can predict, this major event were not even covered in most of the local newspapers (you know why) besides The Star, so do browse the unlimited source (the internet) for more. Just FYI, I found the reports by Jeff Ooi is very much detailed, and do visit his LensaMalaysia for more amusing photos during the peaceful protest.I hope this will open the government's (and other respective big shots) eyes, for the sake of Malaysians (and also for the sake of the coming election).We know who's position is at stake right now.
‘It pays more to become poor’
(quoted from one of the banners in the protest)
Thursday, January 04, 2007
Anti-Toll Coalition

This is a casual announcement to the Anti-Toll Coalition, with detail as follows:
Date : Sunday, 7 January 2007
Time : 4 pm
Venue : in front of Sunway Pyramid shopping complex, near the Litrak office
Purpose : to launch a rakyat’s protest against the January 1, "not-so-high" 60 per cent toll increase. (this sentence is quoted from Rocky’s Bru)
As if we are not enough with the huge price increase of important needs in 2006( i.e fuel, cement, basic needs ) and now the 2007 new year's gift (toll, for the hundreth times)- there is one desperate question i always had in my mind : For whom actually we pay our money for?
As if we are not enough with the huge price increase of important needs in 2006( i.e fuel, cement, basic needs ) and now the 2007 new year's gift (toll, for the hundreth times)- there is one desperate question i always had in my mind : For whom actually we pay our money for?
Certainly not for ourselves, since we are already burdened with various charges and taxes even for our daily meals. A very close friend of my father, who's making a fairly good salary as a professional ( I don't need to mention his exact job, since this is just an average example-but he surely isn't a politician), is paying income tax as high as RM 40000 per year (thus everyone with tax-calculation knowledge can guess his annual salary), and not to mention other taxes e.g the cukai pintu,cukai kereta, cukai jalan, cukai makan di restoran eksklusf dan fastfood, etc etc(the `cukai' word sounds more frightening than a dull `tax' for me).To remind everyone this is only for one average man from the 24 million population of Malaysia citizens, and I'm sure there are numerous wealthy people in our country, and the government gets a huge portion of money from these type of people(unless they did not fulfill their duty like our famous assemblyman in Klang or his other infamous friends too).To say that we ought to help the government pay some money as the government's obligation to compensate the concessionaire for our own good, does it really make sense??
As KeAdilan information chief, Tian Chua said, "The truth is all this is just wayang as the government has already agreed to the toll rates when it signed the concession agreement that is lop-sided and against the interest of the rakyat," (Chua’s statement is as quoted in Jeff Ooi’s Screenshots-do read this very important report on press conference organized by PKR, attended by other opposition leaders and NGOs)
So the very question that all of us should ask in mind:
For whom actually we pay our money for???
Thus, for those who care especially who live around the central region, do come and express your protest to the government this Sunday. If no action taken by the government after all these while and effort, you know your role in the coming election.
Come on, we lost so much for the past few years (especially the dreaded 2006) and you still want to stay the same, old, faithful you?
I certainly don't.
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
Kota Tinggi, 27.12.2006







Tuesday, January 02, 2007
AirAsia vs MAS??
(ini edisi memberontak selepas final presentation terpaksa dipostpone kepada esok sebab my SV took a leave today.In other words, he completely forgot that I will have my final presentation today.Takpe, he owes me full marks for that.)
Since I traveled by airplane quite frequently in these eight months of internship( about 6-7 returned flights in 8 months), I would like to compare the two most popular airline companies in Malaysia (as if our country had other than those two :P).Well scope of comparison is within domestic flights only, particularly KL-Penang-KL and vice versa, Economy Class (Ye ni for MAS, since Air Asia takde class class). If any of you who will be traveling at the same frequency of mine in the future, of course domestically (yang international flight kita cerita lain kali tau.Domestic sahaje!), then I think you might find this info as a helping hand. And also I warned you guys, this is personal view and may differ from others, and also may differ in certain circumstances. Thus, feel free to voice out your views for the improvement of our airline companies, in conjunction with Visit Malaysia 2007(now I sounded like a Visit Malaysia ambassador or something. Just ignore me).
Air Asia
-cheap, I even got a RM1.99 ticket for returned flights, of course you must include airport tax of RM35.00 so it sums to RM36.99, thus for returned flights it costs RM73.98- still very cheap! But I just managed to get this rate for once only
- very easy to view the schedules, browse and buy (online!)
-for normal time, the tickets are quite standard, around RM200-RM300 for returned flights. Whereas as you know, the quicker you buy, the lesser the ticket costs.
-there are three flights to Penang daily, in the morning, afternoon and night.
-approximate journey is around 50 minutes, but including boarding, take off and everything, you might as well consume up to 70 minutes until you reach the LCC terminal building!
- no complimentary drinks served
-no outside food and drinks allowed (but I always smuggled a mineral water every now and then and frequently spotted by the stewardess, thus I conclude that a mineral water should be okay)
- always delayed/retimed. My worse experience is a delayed on Friday night flight. Suppose I board at 10.20 pm, but it delayed until 12.40 am (just imagine the old folks and small kids!), resulted in me arriving home (my house is 40 minutes from LCCT) at 3.00 am.
-The flight steward and stewardess are less friendly and seldom smile, they always wear the expressionless look on their faces, even when they greet the passengers. My guess is they probably just tired have to stroll the food and merchandise trolleys back and forth in every flights, and the trolleys looked heavy, though.
-Air Asia flights are usually full, most probably because the tickets are cheap.
-this is personal, but I really HATE the stewardesses wearing tight mini skirt with black pantyhose. They attract too much unwanted attention and unsuitable as they always walk back and forth the plane aisle. Why don’t they wear long skirts instead??
-anyway, most of my journey Penang-KL-Penang/vice versa were by AirAsia, so I guess a good deal of ticket price really means something to an average traveler like me ( in other words, I'm not a daughter of any Tan Sri or Datuk, and I'm not traveling for business purposes.Saya hanyalah seorang intern yang homesick.Hehe)
-the ticket is of course more expensive, and normally people have to buy tickets at their counter. But now they have the e-ticket system, thus it is equally easy as buying tickets from AirAsia, anyway sometimes they do offer lower rates, so be alert to catch those.
-the steward and stewardess are much friendlier (and good looking too.You see, in saying good looking I didn’t mean they are all pretty and handsome and gorgeous, but their sweet smile, soft spoken, kind attention when you need something and all, that makes them good looking)
-you get complimentary drinks and a pack of salted peanuts, just for a 40 minutes journey
-when I say 40 minutes, this is a true first hand experience. I don't know how the pilot did it, even initially when they greeted the passengers on board, they stated that the flight will take 50 minutes to Penang..and I conclude everything to a speculation (within myself) : MAS airplanes are faster than AirAsia's??
-MAS flights are not usually fullhouse, e.g during my recent MAS flight, most of the three- seats-in-a row rows are occupied with only one person each row. Less crowd, I suppose.
-the flight always on time.Always.Last time I boarded like 20 minutes before departure, and I must rush all my way to B11 (terminal domestik paling jauh!!!!!)to see the terminal was already deserted and I was among the last passengers to board into the plane.Kalau naik AirAsia and you're late for like 15 mins before departure, what you can see is just a long line of queue even though the plane hasn't arrive yet.At first I found this quite bizarre, but since AirAsia provides free seating policy you just have to struggle your way to your favorite seat.
-there are a lot of MAS flights to Penang daily, and the last time I saw the departing schedule, there were more than three flights in one night.Bagus…jangan tak balik modal sudah, since most of the flights tak penuh pun.
-since boarding by a MAS plane means you have to depart from KLIA, there is always a massive crowd in the surau especially during Maghrib prayer, so it is quite inconvenient. I hope KLIA will make a bigger surau or add more especially at the departure level (Level 5).
-KLIA is more crowded than LCCT, thus you might feel quite uneasy.
-since you board from KLIA, you must pay the higher car parking fee compared to LCCT.
-the walk to the terminal is quite far too, especially in my case (Penang, 8.30 pm flight from KLIA, B11 terminal.Argh!! Rasa seperti mahu pengsan sebab jauh.Dah la dah lambat masa tu).
-as a conclusion, MAS airplane is highly recommended for those who need to arrive on time, and untuk yang sangat mementingkan layanan mesra daripada petugas penerbangan anda.
OK enough babble on comparing those two.I think I'd made a good job in not biasing to one side ( am I??) , because both actually had a fair share of pros and cons. And to others, who had their own views, feel free to share or even criticize. (^_^)
Since I traveled by airplane quite frequently in these eight months of internship( about 6-7 returned flights in 8 months), I would like to compare the two most popular airline companies in Malaysia (as if our country had other than those two :P).Well scope of comparison is within domestic flights only, particularly KL-Penang-KL and vice versa, Economy Class (Ye ni for MAS, since Air Asia takde class class). If any of you who will be traveling at the same frequency of mine in the future, of course domestically (yang international flight kita cerita lain kali tau.Domestic sahaje!), then I think you might find this info as a helping hand. And also I warned you guys, this is personal view and may differ from others, and also may differ in certain circumstances. Thus, feel free to voice out your views for the improvement of our airline companies, in conjunction with Visit Malaysia 2007(now I sounded like a Visit Malaysia ambassador or something. Just ignore me).
Air Asia
-cheap, I even got a RM1.99 ticket for returned flights, of course you must include airport tax of RM35.00 so it sums to RM36.99, thus for returned flights it costs RM73.98- still very cheap! But I just managed to get this rate for once only
- very easy to view the schedules, browse and buy (online!)
-for normal time, the tickets are quite standard, around RM200-RM300 for returned flights. Whereas as you know, the quicker you buy, the lesser the ticket costs.
-there are three flights to Penang daily, in the morning, afternoon and night.
-approximate journey is around 50 minutes, but including boarding, take off and everything, you might as well consume up to 70 minutes until you reach the LCC terminal building!
- no complimentary drinks served
-no outside food and drinks allowed (but I always smuggled a mineral water every now and then and frequently spotted by the stewardess, thus I conclude that a mineral water should be okay)
- always delayed/retimed. My worse experience is a delayed on Friday night flight. Suppose I board at 10.20 pm, but it delayed until 12.40 am (just imagine the old folks and small kids!), resulted in me arriving home (my house is 40 minutes from LCCT) at 3.00 am.
-The flight steward and stewardess are less friendly and seldom smile, they always wear the expressionless look on their faces, even when they greet the passengers. My guess is they probably just tired have to stroll the food and merchandise trolleys back and forth in every flights, and the trolleys looked heavy, though.
-Air Asia flights are usually full, most probably because the tickets are cheap.
-this is personal, but I really HATE the stewardesses wearing tight mini skirt with black pantyhose. They attract too much unwanted attention and unsuitable as they always walk back and forth the plane aisle. Why don’t they wear long skirts instead??
-anyway, most of my journey Penang-KL-Penang/vice versa were by AirAsia, so I guess a good deal of ticket price really means something to an average traveler like me ( in other words, I'm not a daughter of any Tan Sri or Datuk, and I'm not traveling for business purposes.Saya hanyalah seorang intern yang homesick.Hehe)
-the ticket is of course more expensive, and normally people have to buy tickets at their counter. But now they have the e-ticket system, thus it is equally easy as buying tickets from AirAsia, anyway sometimes they do offer lower rates, so be alert to catch those.
-the steward and stewardess are much friendlier (and good looking too.You see, in saying good looking I didn’t mean they are all pretty and handsome and gorgeous, but their sweet smile, soft spoken, kind attention when you need something and all, that makes them good looking)
-you get complimentary drinks and a pack of salted peanuts, just for a 40 minutes journey
-when I say 40 minutes, this is a true first hand experience. I don't know how the pilot did it, even initially when they greeted the passengers on board, they stated that the flight will take 50 minutes to Penang..and I conclude everything to a speculation (within myself) : MAS airplanes are faster than AirAsia's??
-MAS flights are not usually fullhouse, e.g during my recent MAS flight, most of the three- seats-in-a row rows are occupied with only one person each row. Less crowd, I suppose.
-the flight always on time.Always.Last time I boarded like 20 minutes before departure, and I must rush all my way to B11 (terminal domestik paling jauh!!!!!)to see the terminal was already deserted and I was among the last passengers to board into the plane.Kalau naik AirAsia and you're late for like 15 mins before departure, what you can see is just a long line of queue even though the plane hasn't arrive yet.At first I found this quite bizarre, but since AirAsia provides free seating policy you just have to struggle your way to your favorite seat.
-there are a lot of MAS flights to Penang daily, and the last time I saw the departing schedule, there were more than three flights in one night.Bagus…jangan tak balik modal sudah, since most of the flights tak penuh pun.
-since boarding by a MAS plane means you have to depart from KLIA, there is always a massive crowd in the surau especially during Maghrib prayer, so it is quite inconvenient. I hope KLIA will make a bigger surau or add more especially at the departure level (Level 5).
-KLIA is more crowded than LCCT, thus you might feel quite uneasy.
-since you board from KLIA, you must pay the higher car parking fee compared to LCCT.
-the walk to the terminal is quite far too, especially in my case (Penang, 8.30 pm flight from KLIA, B11 terminal.Argh!! Rasa seperti mahu pengsan sebab jauh.Dah la dah lambat masa tu).
-as a conclusion, MAS airplane is highly recommended for those who need to arrive on time, and untuk yang sangat mementingkan layanan mesra daripada petugas penerbangan anda.
OK enough babble on comparing those two.I think I'd made a good job in not biasing to one side ( am I??) , because both actually had a fair share of pros and cons. And to others, who had their own views, feel free to share or even criticize. (^_^)
Kak Aliaa & Abg Shah's
(ini edisi memberontak selepas final presentation terpaksa dipostpone kepada esok sebab my SV took a leave today.In other words, he completely forgot that I will have my final presentation today.Takpe, he owes me full marks for that.)
wakil muslimat UTP..ehh ade 2 org tu dah ex dah :P
kak min and kak shasha(pengapit import khas dari sabah)
pelamin! theme : hijau (laagii!)
kamar pengantin
Bride and Groom
Match made in heaven :P
Kak Aliaa’s reception was held on 25 dec and sangat la meriah.I spotted a few familiar faces..yelah since both bride and groom are ex-UTPians as well.To those who stared the pics in complete confusion, let me give a brief intro for both of them.Kak Aliaa (Aliaa Ahmad Zakiyuddin) is an ex Civil Engineering students in UTP, former RCSU, kakak SmartGroup, graduated in Dec 05(rasenye la..kalo salah sorry ye).While Abg Shah (Shahruzzaman Mohd Azam Zaki) is a former IT student, graduated in Dec 04 (kot lah??Forgot maa).He is quite familiar especially to the current 3rd, 4th or 5th year UTPians..since he was the orang kuat MEDTECH dan selalu menjadi abang MEDTECH yang garang semasa MAS (including mine, M.A.S Jan 03).After all both of them are nice and kind and sweet and they are just meant to each other( apakah ayatku ini??).OK may they live happily ever after in Allah’s will..and for the rest of my seniors/friends, kalo nak your wedding dipaparkan di sini jangan lupa jemput saya ok…hahaha^_^
Date : 25 Dec 2006
Time : 1.++ pm
Venue: The bride's house, Bertam (near Kepala Batas), Penang
Time : 1.++ pm
Venue: The bride's house, Bertam (near Kepala Batas), Penang
Well, firstly I would like to apologize for the late entry..I know a lot of people had request for these exclusive pics..
Just FYI I’d tried to upload these pics for like 4-5 times and it failed eventually.Yelah we knew how the internet connection had been for the past few days.
OK back to these pics..(sorry for the poor quality of pics.Masa tu rushing, tak sempat nak set camera dan saya malas nak edit)..
Just FYI I’d tried to upload these pics for like 4-5 times and it failed eventually.Yelah we knew how the internet connection had been for the past few days.
OK back to these pics..(sorry for the poor quality of pics.Masa tu rushing, tak sempat nak set camera dan saya malas nak edit)..
Kak Aliaa’s reception was held on 25 dec and sangat la meriah.I spotted a few familiar faces..yelah since both bride and groom are ex-UTPians as well.To those who stared the pics in complete confusion, let me give a brief intro for both of them.Kak Aliaa (Aliaa Ahmad Zakiyuddin) is an ex Civil Engineering students in UTP, former RCSU, kakak SmartGroup, graduated in Dec 05(rasenye la..kalo salah sorry ye).While Abg Shah (Shahruzzaman Mohd Azam Zaki) is a former IT student, graduated in Dec 04 (kot lah??Forgot maa).He is quite familiar especially to the current 3rd, 4th or 5th year UTPians..since he was the orang kuat MEDTECH dan selalu menjadi abang MEDTECH yang garang semasa MAS (including mine, M.A.S Jan 03).After all both of them are nice and kind and sweet and they are just meant to each other( apakah ayatku ini??).OK may they live happily ever after in Allah’s will..and for the rest of my seniors/friends, kalo nak your wedding dipaparkan di sini jangan lupa jemput saya ok…hahaha^_^
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