Date : 25 Dec 2006
Time : 1.++ pm
Venue: The bride's house, Bertam (near Kepala Batas), Penang
Time : 1.++ pm
Venue: The bride's house, Bertam (near Kepala Batas), Penang
Well, firstly I would like to apologize for the late entry..I know a lot of people had request for these exclusive pics..
Just FYI I’d tried to upload these pics for like 4-5 times and it failed eventually.Yelah we knew how the internet connection had been for the past few days.
OK back to these pics..(sorry for the poor quality of pics.Masa tu rushing, tak sempat nak set camera dan saya malas nak edit)..
Just FYI I’d tried to upload these pics for like 4-5 times and it failed eventually.Yelah we knew how the internet connection had been for the past few days.
OK back to these pics..(sorry for the poor quality of pics.Masa tu rushing, tak sempat nak set camera dan saya malas nak edit)..
Kak Aliaa’s reception was held on 25 dec and sangat la meriah.I spotted a few familiar faces..yelah since both bride and groom are ex-UTPians as well.To those who stared the pics in complete confusion, let me give a brief intro for both of them.Kak Aliaa (Aliaa Ahmad Zakiyuddin) is an ex Civil Engineering students in UTP, former RCSU, kakak SmartGroup, graduated in Dec 05(rasenye la..kalo salah sorry ye).While Abg Shah (Shahruzzaman Mohd Azam Zaki) is a former IT student, graduated in Dec 04 (kot lah??Forgot maa).He is quite familiar especially to the current 3rd, 4th or 5th year UTPians..since he was the orang kuat MEDTECH dan selalu menjadi abang MEDTECH yang garang semasa MAS (including mine, M.A.S Jan 03).After all both of them are nice and kind and sweet and they are just meant to each other( apakah ayatku ini??).OK may they live happily ever after in Allah’s will..and for the rest of my seniors/friends, kalo nak your wedding dipaparkan di sini jangan lupa jemput saya ok…hahaha^_^
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