Tuesday, December 08, 2009
Pre-wed memoir#5 - Conversation with Abah
Monday, December 07, 2009
Wednesday, December 02, 2009
Resurface later
It shows in your eyes.
It lingers around you.
It is obvious on your body language.
And the stutter of words.
Or even if it doesn't show, it will resurface later.. at the right place and the right time.
P/S: This is not a hatred post.I am just deep in thought and wondering the what ifs, while studying the people and their behaviours. Human is interesting creature, indeed.
Friday, November 27, 2009
Pre-wed memoir#3-Wedding gift
(this post is strictly for BFFs,best friends,good friends and everything in between.No room for judging whatsoever please)
Lately ramai orang tanye pasal ape wedding gift yg i nak.Based on several conversation previously, me and my friends agreed that despite adab org melayu yang pemalu dan tak meminta2, bakal2 pengantin kalau boleh specify kan apa yg dihajati supaye tak dapat hadiah yang same berdozen2 last2 semak kat stor atau bungkus balik bagi kat kawan lain (eh ni org cakap la, tak tau betul ke tak.huhu tapi agak kurang bermoral:P)Jadi setelah ditimbang2 tara I will list down beberapa items yang i `tak perlu' (sebab dah ade/mmg tak perlu, tapi sekiranya I still dapat I masih menerima dengan senang hati):
Wedding gift yang I TAK PERLU:
1. Steam Iron
2. Set pinggan mangkuk (tapi kalau nak bagi Corelle I nakkkk! hahaa)
3. Rice cooker
4. Peti ais (macam lah ade org nk bagi kan.haha)
5. Laptop/blackberry/tv (hahah ape ni perasan)
6.Towel mandi
7. Kettle plastik (kalo Tefal nak! i prefer metal electric kettle though)
8. Pasu bunga/bunga hiasan/teddy bear
9. Coffee maker
10. Sandwich maker
11.Kuali (kalo maxim n tefal ok kot..the non stick range)
Hmm basically tu je kot.Kiranya I still need most of home appliances as I am not buying anything for the new home yet..saje pas kawin baru nak cari.Nevertheless, your presence is the most important thing for my wedding :) love lots and see you ;)
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Pre-wed memoir #2
eh eh selamat pengantin baruA:
aku ada 3 wedding on same dateMe: Tq2
insyallah aku datangMe:
wah yekeMe:
flattered :)A:
jgn lupa bunga telur yg kat tepi pelamin utk akuA:
ha ha haMe:
mesti punyeeMe:
mesti ko nervousMe:
nervous tapi taktau ape yg dinervousknMe:
fikirkan rice mcm tulis ppaA:
application sungguhA:
ha ha haI think it is genuinely funny.FYI for people who is not familiar with PPA writing, RICE is Result,Impact,Challenges and Efforts yang selalu kita tulis in details for our job utk yearly performance appraisal.And obviously my friend here is a HR background lady.Comel gilaa suggestion kau, kan..hahaa.
One special bunga telur is specially saved for you, dear :P You made my day :)
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Anda semua dijemput hadir
12 Dec 2009
Dewan Majlis Perbandaran Seremban (MPS),
Jalan Yamtuan, Seremban, N Sembilan
19 Dec 2009
298, Lorong Titiwangsa 13,
Taman Bukti,70400 Ampangan,
Seremban, N Sembilan
I realized the blog contained more words than pictures nowadays. So I am posting this to balance things out. Hehe.
You are all invited! :)
Although most people knew this already.
When the exact date(s) is getting nearer, mulalah rasa nak gelabah kan.Walaupun hakikatnya takde ape pun nak digelabahkan, kan.
Haha. I wish to retain those words in my blog as my pre-wedding memoirs.
I just hope this blog will retain its identity although the author will change her status soon.
Status changed, but not identity.
Heheh sudah laa rambles aku (!)
Dear, transition period (my department was just been reorg) not necessary means I am inaudated with overflowing work.On the contrary, I am quite relax and even have time to count the days.Although I don't need a wedding ticker as a few of my friends will be ending their singledom on the same day as mine.So I just refer to theirs.Boleh? Haha
Monday, November 23, 2009
Persepsi Perception
Friday, November 20, 2009
Never take them for granted.
I woke up early this morning,at my parents' house and found my brother's book on the computer desk.`Lift Me Up', by Ron Kaufman.I don't know this book actually owned by his friend (ehem, a special friend, or probably an ex?Owh I sounded like Melodi or Gossip Girl skarang) or a gift since someone's name is written on it.Either ways, I found the one particular quote as written as the first sentence and many other beautiful quotes in it, to lift me up and a good way to start my day.
I think the feeling is best known by people who had the similar experience with me. I lived a full 5 years of high school in a the same coed boarding school, and another full 5 years in uni (same uni, I never even attended any matriculation/form6 whatsoever) which has almost the same atmosphere as high school.So living with the same people, who initially were strangers for quite some time really created some special bond among us.We shared the thick and thin, the love and sorrow,the ups and downs together while soul searching and finding our own identity.
This is why, after I hit the working life for almost two years now, I think the ten years of serious(!) learning -high school and uni time are the best time of and should not be forgotten easily.
This is also why, I am usually in for any reunions,special occasions,weddings,get togethers, hangouts - as long as I have the opportunity to attend, I and my small circle of friends will be there. Sometimes even occasions hundreds of miles away, we will find some ways, even apply for leave just for the sake of being there for a friend.I know a few people who really can give their best to this extend, and I truly salute them for that. I sometimes, too, failed to fulfill all the invitation due to several other commitments.
When one day, my friend mentioned-`Does friendship ends when love starts?'
It really made me stop and think.
Does it?
Of course you can look at it in two different perspective.
But the one that bothers me most, is how some people changed when they changed their status, from Miss to Mrs.It seems like they shut their window off and just focus on the husband and newly build family.
Well, I am not pointing fingers but just an early reminder especially for ME as I will insya Allah moves to that stage soon. If ever I am caught red handed doing such mentioned above, just slap a yellow notes on my forehead reminding me about this post. Hahaa please, not literally okay..
The point of this whole post is actually straight forward:
Quality companions deserve time and attention.Never take them for granted.
Well for those who are curious; below is this weekend's itinerary:
Wedding Shashawn @ Bangi -Shashawn is my skoolmate who left skool mase form 4.will be going with Ci and expected to meet up Ben,Meon,Ricky,Papan and the rest of 85ers.
Wedding Amie@Temerloh - coursemate,unimate,housemate and roomate(until tomorrowlah) :P will be going with Zue Hajar, the rest Jan03 with own arrangement so we will meet each other there.
Bye,take care,drive carefully and love lots.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Financially comfortable Part 1 - Cashflow
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Career Conflict - Part 2 ke 3 tah?
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Happy 1st birthday :)
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Saya di mana?
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
So much to say, so little time (to write)
Friday, September 18, 2009
2 hari sebelum raye
2 hari sebelum raye, Jumaat.
(tetiba berbentuk diari pulak..bajet dramatik la tu)
Saye masih bekerja walaupun housemates telah bergembira pulang ke kampung halaman.
Terasa amat malas nak gi kerja tapi paksa diri jugak..
Cuba untuk pergi kerja selambat mungkin (7.15..ni kira lambat gila la) sebab tahu jalan mesti clear, namun sampai opis selepas 20 minit!! ohh tidakkk kenapa cepat sangat sampai ni..walaupun rasanya average kelajuan pemanduan adalah 70km/cj (ceh,slow cam kura-kura)
Mujurlah training separuh hari kalau tak mati kutu gak dok ofis, takdop mood maa..dah pikir nak balik kampung je nih dan strategi camne nak menempuh jem sat lagi.
Sudah rezeki, GM bagi balik kul 3p.m..maka 2.50pm telah ku bersedia salam2 ngan ofis mates sebab nak melangkah keluar tepat 3p.m
Sebelum tuh dah survey kaki2 berkenaan yang tolong confirmkan jalan tentu jem punye.. nak2 KL-Seremban tu tak raye pun jem gak.Maka nekad suda, ikut MEX terus KLIA then ikut jalan lama KLIA-Nilai-Labu-Seremban dan berjaya tiba dengan selamat dan cepat, cewah (Alhamdulillahh).
Sempat kiss Ajim goodbye (si kecik tu gi raye umah nenek Grik dia tahun ni) dan teman ma pi bazar Ramadhan utk kali terakhir.. good bye bazar~jumpa lagi tahun depan.
Berbuka puasa ala kadar, was glad lauk seadanya je, tak berlebih2.tak perlu laa kite menyambut kedatangan kembali makhluk2 yg diikat sepanjang Ramadhan dengan meniru gaya mereka ye tak.
Kemudian bersolat terawikh utk kali terakhir..wahh syahdunye lagi setahun baru leh terawikh balik, entah ada umur lagi ke tak tahun depan kan..
Sesudah terawih, moreh ala kadar barang sedikit rojak buah dikongsi dua dan karipap serta dessert org siam tuh tak hingat namanya (kalau sapa tahu nama dia, alaa yg sengkuang cina hiris balut ngan tepung beras pastu makan ngan santan).
Kendian tutorial zakat fitrah,zakat pendapatan dan zakat simpanan (zakat emas ngan beras ngan kambing,lembu sume tak belajar detail lagi, sebab not applicable at this moment) bersama abah.Buat masa ni saya memilih utk bayar zakat lump sum (tak tolak bulan2) sebab nak tahu cara kira zakat ni, dah arif satgi mungkin akan dipertimbangkan utk tolak bulan2 pulak..
Ok tu je, pastu bukak internet and update kerja2 terbengkalai...
Rasanya hari ni penuh berkualiti,harapnya lebih baik dari semalam dan esok lebih baik dari harini..yeah.
Selamat hari raya Aidilfitri, Minal aidzil wal faidzin
Monday, August 31, 2009
Amazing Ramadhan
Ramadhan is a very special month, not only because the abundance of pahala Allah offers to the believers, but also the burning desire of doing ibadah that is seldom felt in other months.
For instance, during Ramadhan we do not eat from dawn to dusk, yet still we manage our daily ritual of work from 8.00 am - 5.00 pm (and sometimes even more), then settle for a while for break of fast and solat Maghrib, then attend tarawikh prayers for 8 or sometimes 20 rakaat!Then, to wake up at 4 a.m for sahur is such an easy task, whereas it was even hard to wake up for subuh during normal days. Moreover, quran recitation and solat sunat always fill the gaps in between, throughout Ramadhan- approximately 30 days.Isn't Ramadhan amazing?
Therefore, lets cherish the moment and may our enthusiasm to perform ibadah last even after Ramadhan ends, insya Allah. Who knows this might be the last Ramadhan for us?
Its 7.10 pm, am fasting although having slight fever for the past two days..hope will get well by tomorrow for work.Selamat berbuka everyone :)
Friday, August 14, 2009
Misi 20 hari menjadi engineer
I will put quotes I heard/invented/crossed my mind for each of the day I endured in Bintulu, during my 20 days mission to experience real engineer's work in an LNG plant.
Day 1 : Rasanya perempuan tak sesuai laa jadi engineer.. kerja teruk.
(pastu rupanya baru sedar, kerja teruk sebab attach wat kerja machine control.cis)
Day 2 : Baru la engineer..kerja tengah panas
(sebaik sahaja berkata demikian, orang tersebut terus masuk ke dalam FAR (bilik ber air cond) dan melihat sahaja vendor2 mengangkut panel masuk FAR)
Day 3 : Start dah sunburn. Is all this worth?
(manje. ni yang orang lain mengata pempuan takleh jadi engineer ni)
Day 4 : Yeay petang tak turun plant!
(pastu sibuk bukak email opis yg berkepuk dan reply email.Cis takleh lari betul dengan kerja opis.Dasar orang KLCC)
Day 5 : Eh, its gonna rain anytime."Yes but inside there (gas turbine house) got roof what"
(adeh cubaan mengelat tak menjadi)
Day 6 : Sabtu kerja (dan Ahad juga??) Tidakkk !!
Day 7 : Its never too old to learn
(So true, when a senior senior (memang senior lah kiranya) joined us during F&G System discussion)
Day 8 : Wonder why I thought the work is hard and rough? Baru perasan am attach to machine control.MC ni adik beradik Rotary Equipment (Mech Eng) ye kawan-kawan.Patut pun.
Day 9 : Langit tak selalu cerah.. (well, literally and not)
Day 10 : The only way to know the dates is to look at the daily breakfast coupons! How pathetic. (Baru faham kenapa kerajaan ( kerajaan Kelantan start dulu..saye tahuu) bagi 2 hari public holiday setiap minggu. Kalo kerja berterusan boleh jadi merengg sedikit sebanyak.)
Day 11 : The best engineer do not require a first class degree. What matter most are positive attitude and the right mindset.
Day 12 : Malu tak bertempat adalah merugikan diri sendiri.Persetankan awkward stares itu!
Day 13 : First day puasa, Saturday and work...well its not that bad after all.
Day 14 : Sunday, finally offday! Tu pun sebab kerja ahead schedule and contractors yang request.Bestnya!Masa dihabiskan dengan berfaedah..Eheheh rehat di pagi hari dan ziarah Ramadhan di Kuala Segan di petang hari.Hey, engineer needs balance life okay.
Day 15 : Things get more interesting.Assigned real work although just simple loop checks. Simple??? Yes it is, although I need some time to actually understand when to close and open contact, conceptually.
Day 16 : Dah pandai wat kerja sendiri siap ignore mentor ku hahah.. padahal.. -_-(To maximize your learnings, you have to cari kerja and bug other people.I bugged everyone, especially the contractors and technicians.)
Day 17 : Walaupun simple loop checks lead to major discovery of wiring problem. This is a good thing being an engineer, you can see the result and impact of your own hard work,almost instantly.Doing management work?? You give your very best yet nobody notice (let alone acknowledge.Sedih kan?)
Day 18 : You are not a good engineer if you don't master technician's work, no?
Day 19 : If you determine to learn, you will get what you deserve. An engineer told me that it depends on you,whether you want to be an engineer with indepth knowledge or just to know the necessary.Both are still called engineers,anyway.
Day 20 : Travelling home. Yes,an engineer needs to get use to travelling, and consequently logistics booking,claims etc etc. My senior's remark on the only thing that people will master eventually without any proper training is to make claims. How true.
OK, I managed to finished the attachment, alhamdulillah.Although right after I landed, I was downed with fever for 2 days (my body was shocked of the change on daily ritual,maybe). But my objective to actually favour one option than another, which is to become normal executive or an engineer is not accomplish. I mean, I can't favour one over another, even after I went to attachment for the pros and cons that both has.But really, this is a very good experience and the one that I will treasure, and hope it will help (alot) in my career development.
After this much effort and soul searching, I will leave the rest to Allah and istikharah for the best.
Tuesday, August 04, 2009
2nd August.
My brother discharged from hospital after being treated for dengue.Confirmed case okay! This was also the first time one of my immediate family member gets warded, well minus ibu-ibu bersalin dan si kecik yang pernah kena jaundice, so just imagine how gelabah everyone were. The best part is, 2 August was also his birthday. Haha might be one of his most memorable birthday after all.
Besides, on 2 August also marked the latest 85ers reunion at Usop's wedding in Wetlands, Putrajaya.Beautiful weather,sceneries and people.Congratulations, both :)
pic credit to Usop's photographer, tagged to me in fb
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Tengok Panda
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Layan `Zalzalah' di Pilih Kasih
Anyway, sebenarnya nak cakap pasal program ni. Kebetulan tengok malam ni, peserta2 dia pentaskan teater Zalzalah arahan Erma Fatima. I watched this until the end. It was great! Tentang pembalasan yang diterima di akhirat atas dosa2 di dunia..Walaupun peserta2 ni amatur tapi bagi saya mereka agak bagus. Macam biasa berlakon.. Tapi bukan nak cakap pasal peserta, nak cakap pasal teater tu. Memang best, I bagi 4 star kat Erma. Macam hakim pertama tu cakap, dah lama tak tengok teater Islam dipentaskan secara terbuka. So tabik springlah kat Erma!
Memang one of my wishes pun nak tengok Islamic theatre kat IB. Tak percaya, sila baca di sidebar :P Memang yang saya terbayang teater yang akan saya tengok (insya Allah) adalah teater arahan Erma. Orang lain jarang buat.. antara yang saya terkilan tak dapat tengok adalah `2 Jam Sebelum Sultan Alauddin Syahid Diracun', skrip oleh FT. Ahah, FT lagi! I saw some of you smirked and almost blurt out `budak ni memang fan FT'. Without a doubt, yes I am. Saya rasa FT antara karyawan yang berani mengangkat sastera Islamik menjadi komersil dan boleh diterima umum.
Malaysia memang kurang dakwah melalui karya seni kan? Mungkin bagi kita payah nak memenuhi garis panduan sebagai Muslim melalui karya seni, iyalah banyak sangat terms and conditions nya. Tetapi nama pun karyawan seni, this is a place to become creative without crossing the line. I am waiting, and will always wait for the time where people can enjoy Islamic arts, especially performing arts more often in this country.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Featured picture

Tuesday, July 14, 2009
My Faithful Listener
When I was a little girl, I was the one who seldom sleep in the car during long journey, and ask all sort of questions like,
"Abah, kenapa Pulau Pinang ni tengah2 negeri Kedah"
"Abah, macam mana kapal terbang terbang, dia takde jalan?"
"Abah, kenapa kereta mahal banyak kaler hitam?"
And lots of `kenapa' lagi along the way.
When I grew up, I still had this habit of asking all sort of questions to my dad. Surprisingly, he can answer almost 90% of them correctly. I asked general questions like insurance procedure, autopsies, how to place billboard beside the highway, court rules, bidding for special plate numbers, unit trust, stock exchange, basically anything that crossed my mind. And he will answer everything. I consider him as my walking dictionary. And I grew up very much interested in general knowledge and current issues.
And as I grew older, I tend to think on everything, critically and share with my dad.Eventually he has a neutral political views and also reads both mainstream newspapers and blogs, so okay, I guess he is not bias in that sense.
I wish to capture our conversation yesterday morning, when we went to work.
"Abah, one of Najib's gifts are to give 20% discounts untuk pengguna Touch and Go lebih dari 80 kali. Camana dia kira? Sekali touch dikira sekali ke, satu perjalanan dikira sekali?"
"Satu perjalanan la kot, pergi sekali, balik sekali.Satu hari dua kali"
"Kalau macam tu tak aci lah. Untuk pengguna tegar tol hari2 pun paling2 sehari 2 kali, darab 20 hari bekerja baru 40 kali. So pengguna lebuh raya hari2 pun takleh dapat diskaun unless dia pengguna tegar, satu hari naik 2-3 tol."
Another one, kelmarin when he started a conversation (again, in a car).
"Nanti kalau kita drive pegi Penang, senang la.Tol kat Ipoh tu dia nak cabut, so bayar masa sampai kat destinasi je.Takyah berhenti bayar halfway kat Ipoh lagi."
"Oh yeke. Maksudnya kita kena bayar lagi banyak la.Sebab kita bayar tol ikut kilometer kan.Kiranya sekarang kita dah kena bayar untuk beberapa km yang dulunya free zone tu. Kira kita rugilah kan."
Agak2,if you were my dad, will you get piss off with my critical comments? Don't think so, cause he is my dad. Isn't it good to share everything with people without prejudice. And we learn, and we keep on seeking relevant information to support our facts and stands.
I hope to see our leaders from all political views share a stage and share their views with others, more often for the bettermen of the country.
Don't you think so?
Thursday, July 09, 2009
It does't hurt to feel insecure, sometimes.
Infact, it is natural to feel insecure every now and then.
Insecurity makes us think, and strategically plan for the days to come.
But, there are rules, the do's and don'ts in reacting towards insecurity.
First, stay calm and connected to the source.
Second, never jump into conclusion easily.
Third, never make spontaneous decision that you may regret later.
Fourth, don't listen to one source, opt for others too.
Fifth, live with it and get the best out of it.
Or to think in different perspective, what if we don't live that long to feel the consequences? Thus, the worrying part did nothing but just a waste of time. Isn't it much better to worry on something else worth worrying than the uncertainties?
Ada hikmah sebalik setiap kejadian.
There is a rainbow after every heavy downpour.
There is a silver lining in every storm.
Allah takkan membebani hambaNya melainkan dengan kesanggupannya (Al Baqarah:286).
“Boleh jadi kamu membenci sesuatu, padahal ia amat baik bagimu, dan boleh jadi (pula) kamu menyukai sesuatu, padahal ia amat buruk bagimu; Allah mengetahui, sedangkan kamu tidak mengetahui.” (Al-Baqarah: 216)
The Almighty and wise men of the past had showed us the way.
P/S:If you're observant and bold enough, you will understand where I am heading to.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Friday, June 19, 2009
Blissfully married Couples
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Awed by Tash


Friday, June 12, 2009
My Best friend's Wedding
Therefore a long, miserable journey to your wedding is nothing compared to your hospitality and warmth as a friend. Happy wedding, Hariri! And may the best of everything in your new life, insya Allah.
p/s:Excuse the emotional post, I think sometimes ape salahnye.Hehe
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Berapa bijik pearl dalam satu oyster?
Tuesday, June 09, 2009
Last few days
after office-Shah Alam overnight and whole day-KL-Seremban overnight tengok Hazim sat-KL.
KL-Parit overnight & visit Jasa-Pokok Sena akad-Alor Setar visit cousin-Pokok Sena reception-Georgetown makan at Padang Kota-Batu Feringghi-Georgetown supper at Gurney-Sg Dua overnight.
Sg Dua-Taiping for Doli kuey teow-R&R Tapah for iced latte-KL.
On Monday, dizzy and sleepy at work, blamed Monday blues for the lack of productivity.
After all, the journey worth every penny,which you wont get it kalo travelling by flight (yess, I tak menyesal).
P/S: Pictures? I dont want to be anticlimax, I always save the best for last :)
Tuesday, June 02, 2009
Di kala blank

Sunday, May 31, 2009
You're in the right Blog
Like my new template?
Tak suka pun takpe, janji I suka.. dah bosan dengan template epal berumur 3 tahun itu.
We need change, right :)
Sunday, May 24, 2009
It is B-city
The Great Wall, after the second tower. Here you can get your certificate that certified you've climbed the Great Wall. But here in Beijing, nothing comes for free. You have to pay for the cert!
If you ask me to describe Beijing in three words, I would say Beijing is modern, busy and clean. My Mum (and most of us) admitted that she was initially quite sceptical with the city, in a negative way, as Beijing may sound ancient and historical with densely populated people ( about 23 million in the city alone). So in this case, a Malay proverb of `Tak Kenal Maka tak Cinta' explained our interesting and fascinating experience here,period.Beijing is so exciting! There are Chinese Acrobatics, Great Wall, Forbidden City, the Tian-an Men, the pearls, jades, jewelleries, pandas, Bird Nest Stadium, silk, the souvenirs, the imitation goodies, the bubbly and Malay speaking tour guide, the various Muslim restaurants, the Muslim community, the structured and well planned town, the Beijing roses, the red dates and chestnuts, the historical mosques aged hundreds of years, the exotic food in the hawker street(gulp)..and many more! I wish I had a day off to blog about all of these... (you wish laa kan~:P)
However, I guess I will share in details my experience, perhaps later as I am struggling with projects and office workloads for these few weeks (already!).Its May, and now is always the time people finalizing the KPIs and improvement initiatives, and even the BAU (business as usual) is more hectic than ever.
Sneak peak : Me and my SIL with out tour guide and some of the tour members
Therefore, have fun, people!P/S : Oh yes, next week is school holiday and the wedding fiesta is about to start! A lott of my good friends will get married. Congrats, dearies and I will blog more about this soon, insya Allah.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Tribute to teachers on Teacher's Day
Kindergarten - Tadika ABBC
Cikgu : Cikgu Aya (ni je ingat.Ke dia sorang je cikgu ek?)
Kawan2 : Nadira Izaty, Asyraf (just married, Selamat Pengantin Baru),Fauziah,Zarina..( 4 org je ingat??)
Sekolah Rendah - Convent Seremban/SK Puteri
Cikgu : Cikgu Maznah (cikgu Tunas Puteri), Ms Jeyadevi (cikgu disiplin -ingat sebab pernah kena warning dalam bilik dia), Pn Siva(cikgu kelas sebelah mase darjah 3),Cik Zalina, Pn Ong (sains) Pn Ithniah (guru besar).. (kenapa cikgu kelas aku sorang pun tak ingat?cikgu kelas sebelah ingat pulak. Adeish)
Kawan2: Joyce Chiang, Syarafina, Ezati, Shazana, Azah, Lyn Yen, Tse Yee, Xiang Min, Lucy, Pooja,Idyani,Shida, Nadia,Diyana,Fazrin,Iman, Tunku Ida...(stakat ni je, nanti kalau igt dah letak lagi)
Sekolah Menengah - SMSTJ
Cikgu : Cikgu Kedah, Cikgu razak(yang suke rotan budak boys and selalu suruh kitorg lari round basketball court sebelah kelas), Frau Farajuita(ni bdk 3 Bohr my batch kalo tak igt taktau nak cakap pe), Lao Shi (cikgu mandarin,name tak hingat),Cikgu Kang, Ustazah Azni, Ustazah Maznah, Cikgu Jee,Ustaz Shamsul, Ms Umi, Ms Jess, Pn Norhashimah (terima kasih cikgu kerana mengajar saya Add Math hingga dapat A1 first time mase SPM),Cikgu Azlin, Cikgu Donan, Cikgu Bio tu ape ek nama dia?,Cikgu Fizik (alaa, asik panggil nama gelaran je dah tak igt name betul. Tapi saya takmo panggil nama gelaran lagi sebab dah insaf mase SPM tak score fizik), Cikgu Rozi, Cikgu Istika (cikgu klas mase form 4), oh ye, Mr Zack, Cikgu Karim..
Kawan2: Alaa baru lagi, rajin reunion lak tuh, insya Allah I ingat you all (wahaha play safe nampak)
Cikgu : Mr Balbir, Ms Suhaila, Ms Hazrin, Ms Kak Own, Ms Norashikin ( SV internship), Mr Fakhizan (SV FYP), Mr Mukherjee (sorry sir I found it difficult to score your subject huhu), Mr Sanif, Ustaz Nuri, Ms Ena, Ir Fadzil, Ir Nordin, Dr Norani.. (ala blank pulak dah. Will update from time to time)
Kawan2 : Baru sangat kot.. kalo lupa memang laa tak tau nak cakap pe
Cikgu driving, ma ngan abah yang selalu menjadi cikgu mengajar erti kehidupan (cewah), my brothers (bergaduh ngan korang pun i always learn something), my SIL (akak still hutang saye cara-cara membuat karipap ye),senior2, junior2, member2 yang selalu ajar saya, bos dulu, bos sekarang, cikgu2 masa training,officemates dan semua lah..
Selamat Hari Guru saya ucapkan..
taktau kenapa saya asyik teringat moto hari guru masa bila entah iaitu `Guru Inovatif dan kreatif Menjayakan Wawasan'. Tahun ni ape ek moto hari guru?
Terima Kasih Cikgu, you all are simply the best.
p/s: Friends, Kalau you all nak tambah nama2 cikgu/kawan2 tadika dan sekolah rendah yang I ter miss, please feel free ok.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Wednesday, May 06, 2009
Am off.. but online!
As some of you already knew, I am on my annual ritual of getting away from work hassle to get a peace of mind, somewhere. Yang bestnya, I only applied annual leave for two days only, yeay :)
What ever it is, this is the first time I have a hotel room complete with a pc and internet connection! Yes, in the hotel room itself! Without any extra charge at all. So there is no hassle of going to a cybercafe or bringing your own notebook..I guess maybe it is because the city is considered a world-renown business centre of its own. And even I am away, I can get online everyday :)
P/s : Today also, was the first time I saw a fried (kambing) meat ball and accidentally termakan ia!! Oh tidakk saya tak suka kambing.
Monday, May 04, 2009
Meet My New Mate

160Gb/2Gb RAM
Built-in Web Camera (1.3 Mpixels)
Wireless LAN
10/100Mpbs LAN
Non Explosive Lithium ion Battery
Cards Reader, Express Card Slot
3 x USB Port, 1 x VGA Port
Free Twinmate Sleek Case
Pre-installed with XP Home
1.2kg lightweight with 10.2" Wide Screen
*Fanless Design-An engineering breakthrough that has permanently eliminated the risk of overheating due to fan failure.
*Built-in Hardisk
*Non Explosive Lithium ion Battery
I got this out of necessity, since I don't have any laptop (melainkan laptop pemberian company yang berat itu). So far alhamdulillah, mamat nie menjalankan tugas dengan jayanya. Mine was exactly the same as above, only mine was black. I badly wanted the red one but kalau nak kena tambah RM200. Oh itu memang tidak perlu. I got a netbook instead of notebook to fufill my priority list as below :
1. Ringan untuk mobiliti
2. Murah mengikut bajet di poket
3. Comel dan cantik untuk memotivasi diri (haha.perlukah)
Mengikut aktiviti survey yang sempat diadakan pada PC Fair yang lalu, model ini (Twinmate NX10) adalah paling memenuhi tiga ciri di atas..oh yeah.Satisfied sungguh (setakat ini). I realized that netbook is the `in-thing' nowadays especially among ladies, so I look forward to hear comments or experiences from other netbook owners.
p/s: I put a lot of effort to italical the words in English.Anti PPSMI supporters, I am still one of you guys.
Sunday, May 03, 2009
Bidadari Dari Timur..

Monday, April 27, 2009
Logik Etika Estestika
Tiga elemen ini merupakan aras tanda sesebuah karya seni itu bermutu atau sebaliknya, menurut Faisal Tehrani (FT) dalam majalah Muslimah keluaran Mei 2008.
Sebagai orang yang memperjuangkan karya seni sastera, beliau membincangkan tentang tiga elemen yang sangat kurang diterapkan dalam karya seni di negara kita, sama ada filem, drama, penulisan dan sebagainya. Tapi kali ini mungkin saya nak fokus kepada karya drama televisyen dan filem, sebab kalau masuk penulisan makin panjang hujahya.
Nilai pertama, logik. Kalau kita lihat memang banyak cerita yang dipaparkan di televisyen mahupun layar perak adalah tak logik. Bak kata FT, Ayat-ayat Cinta itupun tak logik. Sebenarnya nilai logik yang ada dalam sesebuah cerita itu turut membantu penghayatan penonton sekaligus mengaitkan dengan kehidupan realiti.Bukan hanya terperangkap dalam dunia fantasi yang entah apa-apa. Watak utama yang terlalu sempurna, kehidupan yang terlalu banyak kebetulan (baca:terlalu banyak!!), dunia yang hanya dipenuhi angan-angan dan yang jelita mesti akan berkahwin dengan putera raja dan hidup mewah, yang miskin pasti akan terperangkap dalam gejala sosial seterusnya menjadi perosak masyarakat. Memanglah tiada yang mustahil di dunia ni, tapi yang lebih penting apakah nilai yang boleh diambil oleh penonton (aundience’s take-away) di akhir cerita nanti?
Nilai kedua,etika. Ni amat kurang didapati dalam drama tv kita akhir-akhir ini. Asyik-asyik cerita skandal, putus cinta, korporat terlibat rasuah, gelap duit, bohsia, rebut suami orang dan sewaktu dengannya.Logik? Memanglah logik. Macam cerita Yasmin Ahmad, memang logik dan berlaku dalam masyarakat kita. Tapi perlu ke sisi itu yang ditonjolkan dalam filem, secara jujur dan telus, tanpa sebarang tapisan? Macam mana dengan penonton bawah umur, yang tak faham double meaning dan cheeky body gesture? Mungkinkah mak ayah mereka akan dibom dengan macam-macam soalan selepas tengok cerita macam ni. Pada fikiran mereka, mungkin budaya Melayu kita memang macam ni agaknya.
Kebanyakan cerita memang ada selitkan unsur-unsur keinsafan dan pengajaran buat jahat dibalas jahat pada penghujung cerita.Itu saya tak nafikan, tapi mungkin sikit sangat.. kebanyakan isi cerita lebih kepada yang berbentuk skandal dan sensasi. Cubalah bayangkan, kalau budak-budak kecil asyik disajikan cerita-cerita macam ni,lama kelamaan akan terprogram dalam otak mereka dan besar nanti macam nilah corak pemikiran mereka.Cita-cita nak jadi model, nak kahwin dengan orang kaya, nak jadi artis..
Nilai ketiga, estestika. FT kata estestika ni keindahan,nilai yang jadikan subah cerita nampak menarik dan bagus. Saya sendiri, sangat suka filem yang memaparkan shot alam yang cantik, dari sudut yang menarik dan peralihan plot yang kemas.Pendek kata, perfect cinematography (he art or technique of movie photography, including both the shooting and development of the film). Saya tak nafikan filem Yasmin memang cantik.. tapi sayang estestikanya ada, etikanya kurang.
Memang banyak filem dan drama sekarang, tinggi nilai estestika dan kurang nilai etika. Kalau filem `cantik’, maka mudahlah diangkat di festival filem dan menang anugerah filem dan drama. Tapi mana nilai sebenar sesebuah filem itu, kalau akhirnya penonton tak dapat apa pun. Sedikit pun tak bertambah nilai kemanusiaan, ilmu mahupun intelektual. Saya merasakan, dan mengharapkan orang-orang seni perlu lebih kreatif dan berfikiran jauh untuk menjadikan filem dan drama mereka mengasuh masyarakat menjadi lebih baik, bukannya tanpa impak. Jauh sekali menjadikan mereka lebih hanyut dengan dunia rekaan mereka. Mungkin saya boleh lihat lebih banyak program tv dan filem yang menepati konsep yang tiga ini, insya Allah.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Anlene Concentrate
Friday, April 17, 2009
Seindah bidadari syurga..
1) Orang yang paling banyak menerima ujian adalah orang yang telah mendapat Hidayah – sesungguhnya Allah menguji mengikut kemampuan hamba-Nya. Apabila kita telah mengetahui sesuatu hukum Allah itu dan masih lagi ingkar, maka dosa yang kita dapat lebih besar daripada orang yang tidak mengetahui
2) Ciri-ciri penghuni syurga:
I. Mulutnya sentiasa memuji Allah
II. Sentiasa beristighfar dan memuji Allah 70 kali sehari (seperti amalan Nabi Muhammad saw)
III. Salam penghormatannya adalah salam, penutup doa mereka adalah alhamdulillah
IV. Ahli-ahli syurga dan isteri-isteri mereka duduk di tempat teduh, menperoleh buah-buahan dan segala yang diminta
V. Allah dan malaikat memberi salam kepada ahli syurga
VI. Wanita penghuni syurga adalah isteri-isteri yang suci dan mereka kekal di dalamnya
VII. Rombongan pertama yang masuk syurga adalah seperti bulan purnama, yang kedua seperti bintang bergemerlapan dengan masing-masing dua isteri
VIII. Di syurga tiada yang bujang, semuanya berpasangan
3) Dalil-dalil yang dikongsi tentang ahli syurga :
Maksudnya : Doa mereka di dalamnya ialah: "Subhanakallahumma", dan salam penghormatan mereka ialah: "Salam". Dan penutup doa mereka ialah: "Alhamdulillaahi Rabbil 'aalamin."
ii)Surah Al Zukhruf, ayat 87- Doa Nabi Yunus ketika ditelan ikan nun
Maksudnya : "..Bahawa tidak ada Tuhan (yang berhak disembah) selain Engkau. Maha Suci Engkau, sesungguhnya aku adalah termasuk orang-orang yang zalim."
( Digalakkan baca sewaktu bersolat hajat, sujud terakhir)
iii)Surah Al Baqarah, ayat 25- Ganjaran didapati ahli syurga
“Dan sampaikanlah berita gembira kepada mereka yang beriman dan berbuat baik, bahwa bagi mereka disediakan surga-surga yang mengalir sungai-sungai di dalamnya. Setiap mereka diberi rezeki buah-buahan dalam surga-surga itu, mereka mengatakan: "Inilah yang pernah diberikan kepada kami dahulu." Mereka diberi buah-buahan yang serupa dan untuk mereka di dalamnya ada istri-istri yang suci dan mereka kekal di dalamnya.”
4) Dalil dan hadis kehebatan wanita :
i) Surah An Nisa, ayat 32
“Dan janganlah kamu iri hati terhadap apa yang dikaruniakan Allah kepada sebahagian kamu lebih banyak dari sebahagian yang lain. (Karena) bagi orang laki-laki ada bahagian daripada apa yang mereka usahakan, dan bagi para wanita (pun) ada bahagian dari apa yang mereka usahakan, dan mohonlah kepada Allah sebagian dari karunia-Nya. Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Mengetahui segala sesuatu.”
ii) Sabda Rasulullah “ Wanita itu dikahwini kerana hartanya, keturunannya, paras rupanya dan agamanya. Maka pilihlah yang beragama”
iii) “Wanita yang berkat adalah wanita yang mudah dipinang, murah maharnya dan mudah rahimnya (mudah hamil)
iv) “Sebaik-baik wanita yang menunggang kuda dari kaum Quraisy adalah yang menyayangi anak kecilnya dan yang menhormati suaminya”
v) Jika wanita menunaikan solat lima waktu, berpuasa di bulan Ramadhan, menjaga kehormatan dan mentaati suami maka pastilah dia masuk syurga
vi) Lelaki yang mempunyai anak perempuan dan mendidik anaknya dengan baik, maka anak itu akan menjadi pendindingnya dari azab api neraka
vii) “Kesenangan dunia yang paling baik adalah isteri solehah”
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Pesta Buku !

17-26 April 2009
Pusat Dagangan Dunia Putra (PWTC), Kuala Lumpur
[96.1] Bacalah dengan (menyebut) nama Tuhanmu Yang menciptakan,
Personal Target :
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
English ke Bahasa Melayu?
PPSMI diperkenalkan kononnya supaya nak budak-budak pandai Inggeris, jadi bila bekerja lebih kompeten dan senang diterima syarikat multinasional.Tapi betul ke PPSMI ni jalan terbaik?
Saya memang tak sokong PPSMI, tapi saya sokong budak-budak belajar cakap bahasa Inggeris paling kurang masa sekolah menengah. Waktu sekolah rendah, bagi saya budak-budak ni baru nak belajar benda-benda asas. Ikutlah lidah (mother tongue) masing-masing, apa yang dibelajar di rumah, yang diajar oleh mak ayah (dan atuk/nenek/bibik?). Sebab tu sebelum ni selain sekolah Melayu, ada sekolah Inggeris, sekolah rendah jenis kebangsaan Cina dan Tamil. Tapi kalau dah sendiri pilih, contohnya anak Melayu yang ibu bapanya masukkan ke sekolah Cina, memang kena ambil masa sikitlah untuk sesuaikan diri. Awalnya memang susah, tapi lama-lama dah biasa dan jadi senang. Budak-budaklah katakan, mudah sangat untuk terima pelajaran dan pengetahuan baru.
Fikir balik, bukankah konsep ni sama je dengan usaha kerajaan melaksanakan PPSMI? Supaya para pelajar sudah terbiasa dengan bahasa Inggeris sejak kecil dan penguasaan mereka semakin baik bila dah besar.
TETAPI, konsep orang Melayu masukkan anak ke sekolah Cina, atau orang Cina masukkan anak ke sekolah Melayu, mungkin relevan untuk yang di bandar. I would say orang di bandar tiada masalah untuk PPSMI, mereka yang memilih sendiri corak pembelajaran anak masing-masing, tak kisah bahasa pengantarnya Inggeris atau Melayu.
Tetapi macam mana dengan mereka yang tinggal di luar bandar? Anak-anak orang bandar mungkin dah biasa diajar oleh ibu bapa tentang terma-terma Sains, belajar asas Matematik, dan zaman sekarang, ramai ibu bapa dah melatih anak-anak kecil bercakap bahasa Inggeris (walaupun kadang-kadang bahasa Inggeris sendiri berterabur).
Anak-anak di luar bandar, bahasa pengantarnya majoriti masih lagi Melayu. Perkataan sains usah cakaplah, sangat jarang didengar. Matematik pun setakat kira pakai jari. Maksudnya asas sebelum masuk sekolah kurang kukuh, sebab tu la nak masuk sekolah darjah satu supaya cikgu boleh ajar. Tapi kalau dah cikgu ajar terus bahasa Inggeris, budak-budak ni kena mula dari kosong. Lebih teruk kalau cikgu tu pun bahasa Inggerisnya tunggang langgang. Ada sesetengah budak pula jenis malu bertanya pada cikgu, balik rumah tanya pada mak ayah. Sudah kalau mak ayah pun tak faham, macam mana tu?
Sebenarnya bagi saya, terpulang kepada cara ibu bapa mendidik anak-anak dan persekitaran anak-anak tu sendiri. Kalau dari kecil dah rancang nak didik anak cakap bahasa Inggeris, kita kenalah belajar juga supaya taklah ajar `home-made English' kepada anak-anak. Grammar kena betul, vocabulary kena banyak dan penggunaannya tepat.
Kita sering dengar ibu bapa sekarang ajar anak kecil kononnya nak cakap English, tapi Englishnya sepatah dua je. Contoh macam `Come, come. Eat,eat’ bila nak suruh anak makan. Ataupun `Amin good boy kan. Sit,sit. Mama nak eat kejap’ bila anak taknak duduk diam. Perkataan yang digunakan seharian ni yang akan diingat oleh budak-budak, takut nanti dah terbiasa dan bila besar nanti ujian English pun teruk, Melayu pun hancur!
Still, you all can argue on that. Baguslah daripada tak tahu langsung cakap Inggeris kan. Sepatah dua jadilah. Apa-apa pun, terpulang. Tapi saya sokong bahasa pengantar Inggeris diguna di universiti. Sebab secara umumnya asas pengetahuan tu dah ada, contoh fizik, matematik, kimia (kalau ambil kejuruteraan) jadi taklah susah sangat walaupun kena usaha lebih sikit untuk faham istilah dalam bahasa Inggeris dan buku-buku rujukan tebal tu. Eh, nanti isu bahasa kebangsaan pulak, perpaduan lagi. Hmm, the choice is yours. Asal rajin belajar, usaha, ikhtiar dan tawakkal, insya Allah berjaya. Tak kisah la pandai English ke tidak, kan?
(Memang isu lama dan well-known. Saja terasa nak kongsi)
Friday, April 10, 2009
Hepatitis B
My big brother even commented on me having the jab at the same time when his son was due for the jab, only that Ajim was having a slight fever therefore his session will be postponed to some other time(note: Nowadays, babies are compulsory to get Hepatitis B jab,not like our time previously).
Ajim with his Pak Su(background:cousin Adam is sleeping)
I only discovered last year, during a thorough medical check up that I have none ( read: zero reading) of Hep B antibody in my body,hence the doctor suggested me to take the jab whenever I'm free (or whenever I am eligible to be covered by my company insurance).
So I went to the clinic and the jab was quick, the only unpleasant fact is the jab is not covered by ING.Tipu betul.. since I've checked with them earlier and they said it was covered.Anyway, murah je pun.Health is the ultimate wealth, right?The other hassleness that you must bear is there are two other follow up jabs, one after a month,and another 5 months later.And in my case,my body produce none of the antibody thus I need to get the Hep B booster every 5 years. Sounds tedious?Well the choice is yours.Well, hepatitis B is disease caused by hepatitis B virus which infects the liver of hominoidae, including humans, and causes an inflammation call hepatitis. Actually the virus most probably can be deadly for infants, whereas most adult (90%) usually recovered when attacked by the virus. More info can be found here.
So, don't forget to ask your doctor on your Hep B antibody next time you're having your medical check up or blood test.