Thursday, December 29, 2011

Tukar alamat untuk mengundi

Ada banyak sebab anda mungkin nak tukar alamat pada kad pengenalan
atau tukar kad pengenalan sekarang. Mungkin sebab anda baru berpindah
rumah, ikut suami berpindah sebab baru kawin, atau saje nak tukar
sebab gambo kat IC dah tak valid (read: tak resemble keadaan fizikal
sekarang). Apa pentingnya tukar alamat kat IC? Paling penting sebab
nak mengundi untuk pilihan raya kot, kepentingan lain yet to figure
Jadi itulah yang saya lakukan. Untuk pilihanraya sebelum ni saya tukar
alamat kat cip kad pengenalan untuk mengundi sebab masa tu tengah
belajar di kawasan Utara Semenanjung, so malas la balik rumah semata2
kan. Tukar kat cip jer, kat IC maintain alamat rumah parents. Pastu
selepas berumahtangga dan ada rumah di KL, sebagai pengundi
berdedikasi nak la tukar alamat ke kawasan rumah sekarang, namun tak
sangka niat yang suci murni menuntut kepayahan yang amat. Sebab
peristiwa ni bersifat kronologi jadi saya rumuskan dalam bentuk point
form ye :
1) Semua orang kata setakat nak tukar alamat boleh tukar kat pejabat
pos. Jadi saya telah ke pejabat pos berdekatan ofis dan nak tukar kat
cip jer la dan update daftar pengundi terus, sekali clerk tu cakap
diorang takder chip scanner so takleh tukar kat situ. Kalau nak tukar
ikut alamat yang tertera kat IC sekarang boleh. I rase cam nak belikan
jer chip scanner derma kat post office tu sebab bengang. Marah2 pun
masih noble kan.
2) Jadi langkah seterusnya, I kena ke JPN pulak.Tau je lah JPN ni kena
opis hour so satu hal nak cari masa gi sana, dah lah parking susah. I
dah isi borang tukar cip dan bayar RM2. Clerk menerima duit dengan
senang hati, dia cakap dia akan proses dan suruh I balik. I pun happy
sebagai pengundi berdedikasi I telah berusaha untuk menjayakan misi
sebagai pengundi. Tapi since they need time to process my application,
I plan to wait for them to finish then pastu baru gi SPR untuk update
alamat (langkah yang selepas itu I menyesal tak sudah. You should
never wait when dealing with government. Always FOLLOW UP!). Walaupun
ade versi mengatakan data kat JPN akan di sync dengan SPR every now
and then, ni wallahualam.
3) Setelah 5 bulan, I pun check la kat web SPR dengan harapan data kat
JPN dah di synchronize ngan SPR. Mereka kan berjanji daftar pengundi
akan update 3 bulan sekali. Tapi tidak pula berupdate. I pun telefon
SPR nak tanye status daftar pengundi I. Diorang cakap alamat I still
yg lama dan tak terima apa2 dari JPN pun, diorang suruh I contact JPN.
I contact JPN, clerk itu kebingungan kerana menurut mereka rekod I
takde dan suruh I datang opis. Cis bila pulak aku nak cuti semata2 nak
datang JPN yang opis hours tu.
4) Di satu hari yang hening I telah bercuti untuk ke JPN, pastu telah
dikejutkan dengan berita ` Permohonan puan takboleh diproses sebab cip
dalam IC dah rosak'. I was, whatt!! Pulangkan balik 2ringgit aku. Tapi
malas nak argue baik I sedekah je kat kerajaan pastu I pun kena wat IC
baru la kan, bayar RM10. gedebuk gedebak amik gambo semua dah setel,
sila amik IC anda dalam masa 2 minggu dari sekarang.
5) Good thing about JPN seremban ni SPR dia dekat building yang sama.
Jadi I terus ke pejabat SPR dan tukar alamat terus kat situ. Sonang
kojo den. Sonang apekah, benda yang patut setel 5 minit jadi 6 bulan
okeh. Sabar je untuk mendapat portion iman yang separuh itu.
6) Semestinya selepas 2 bulan baru I datang collect IC baru, takde cuti maa.
7) Sekarang I just have to wait and see serta membuka web SPR selalu2
untuk tengok status I. Setakat I check 30 saat yang lalu statusnyer
`Telah diterima dan sedang diproses'. Harap2 lancar la dan I dapat
mengundi dengan semangat yang tinggi pada PRU13 nanti insya Allah.
Pergi daftar mengundi cepat! Undi lah~ Jangan tido, undilah~ Jangan
dok diam (refer video clip Namawee & Afdlin- owh I love this
clip.Paling comel part Datuk Rosnah nyanyi bahasa tamil depan sekolah
dengan cikgu2) . Apa2 alasan korang pun utk menegakkan pendirian takmo
mengundi, with all due respect, I think all your reasons are lame and
immature. Orang Zimbabwe pun pandai turun mengundi tau. Kalau perlu
tukar alamat, tukar je cepat takyah pikir2 sempat ke idok. Yang
penting youdo what youhavetodo.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

The Beauty of Giving

Need not to emphasize, I believe most people had experience the beauty
of giving, whether we realize it or not. I am an avid believer of this
beautiful concept, and I did experience alot of thing that somehow
perhaps (insya Allah) caused by the act of giving.
Like today, I just give something to someone and suddenly, almost
immediately, hubby called and surprised me `Abang balik esok :)'
padahal sebelum ni dah declare siap2 tak balik minggu ni walaupun cuti
panjang coz nak balik minggu depan and kena cover colleagues yang cuti
hujung tahun. Huhu sib baek takde drama airmata di situ kalau tak
segan I.
Even alot of Islamic scholars encouraged giving or donating if you
want your wish to be fulfilled.. including if you want a child or
something that you wished for some time but haven't got it. Coz
eventually, giving away makes you gain more and more! Honestly, when I
was trying to conceive, I did this too and it work wonders,
The best part of giving is, the recipient always pray for you and that
is what I treasure the most. Just imagine orang yang berdoa untuk you
adalah orang yang mustajab doanya, sedangkan kita sendiri berdoa dan
ada hijab without us knowing (nauzubillah)? Subhanallah the result is
always amazing :)
Make it a habit that everytime you log in/go to the ATM to check at
the amount of money in your account, always transfer some allocated
amount to the needy/someone before you log out. Be it RM10 pun takpe,
it will grow more and will never stop! Somebody told me,if you want to
be a millionaire, the number one thing you should do is giving a lot,
insya Allah you will reach your goal. Since being a millionaire is
also my dream goal, I want to implement this tip too!
:) Today is a happy happy day, hence the positive vibe :)

Monday, December 26, 2011

2nd Anniversary Memorabilia

Our 2nd anniversary was weeks ago, and this time instead of a romantic
getaway like last year, we celebrated with his big family's barbecue
cum family day. I eat like nobody's business, like my aunt said
`Rasenye Sha nie dah duduk kat semua kerusi keliling meja ni dah..
makannn je tak berenti' Heheh blame the scrumptious barbecue (I'm a
self-proclaimed barbecue lover) and lots of food!
Sekali cerita pasal BBQ tapi picture adalah pen. Takpelah forgive me please :p
That is hubby's new treasure and he was sweet enough to engrave our
names together. Can I consider that as our 2nd anniversary
memorabilia, hunny? :) Wow dah 2 tahun.. time flies! I feels more like
pasangan bercinta rather than a 2-year- married couple coz we're
always apart and always on the phone, asking lame questions without
fail like `Buat ape tuh', `Dah makan ke', `Makan ape harini', `Dah
mandi ke',`Esok buat ape' stuff like that, everytime we talk. Dulu
rase poyo jer orang tanye boyfriend dia camtu tapi sekarang I yang
buat pulak, hehe
P/S: Entry orang bercinta. Sila abaikan.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Just figured out

my nephews !!

Sometimes I do really sit down and think the real reason why I did not blog often nowadays. Although I plan to resume (very) soon, it felt hard to sit down and tap the keyboard just to update this blog which has so few readers I suppose. Well, one of the main reason as mentioned previously is due to the Smartphone. Yes people, alot of bloghopping but too lazy to update own blog.

Some other reason might be the roller coaster life I had through out this year. Alot of surprises and shocking moments, some were beautiful but some did got on my nerves.. however I tried to embrace each and every one of them and believe that one day, Insya Allah I will look back and smile, feeling proud to pass all the obstacles with flying colours.

Why I don't want to share my roller coaster life? Perhaps I am afraid I will be symphatized (tak pandai eja..sowie) Dont get me wrong, to be sympathetic is such a noble attitude. Just that I felt uneasy to receive it. Or maybe some of the readers might think `Alah ni je? Taklah roller coaster sangat, biasa je'. The truth is maybe among my weakest link is my pride/ego is too high. And I hate when people judge me. I know who cares about what other people think, but sometimes I just can't help it.

Sooner or later, I think my blog concept will change a bit. I want to update my life journey specially dedicated to my dear husband, coz according to the company's plan (not our plan, of course) we will still be apart for sometime. However that is only human's plan, Allah's plan overrides everything and I shall pray to Him that we will go through everything with smile insya Allah. Dont remind me on the obvious options i.e. to quit my job and follow hubby to BWN? immediate unpaid leave? Almost all had crossed my mind but I'm not that bold yet to make a move. Haha.

I even think to privatise this blog, what do you think?

:) Enjoy the year end holiday !

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

HK Quick Guide

updated with photo!

Hi all J I managed to squeezed this family vacation in November amidst a hectic schedule and an away husband. The plan had been made months earlier, and this time a record was set – all 9 members of the family (including 1 toddler and 1 infant) joined the vacation! So glad hubby decided to join too, or else he will miss the fun. Just to share some guides, perhaps some of you might land there very soon.

1) The flight is just around 3-3.5 hours, hence suitable to bring your children along.

2) Public transport are very efficient. If you plan to stay for long, please get an Octopus card (similar to Touch n Go) so you may move gracefully via public transport. Other means to pay is via bank notes and coins, but please remember busses won't give you change when you're overpaying (read : always keep your coins with you!!) Busses and subways (read: MRT) are every where, in HK Island you may even found a tram rail. Cabs are expensive.

3) If you plan to bring along a baby/small toddler and carry a pram around, perhaps it is easier to move by bus instead of subway because some subway does not have lift/escalators.

4) Beware : a lot of walking needed in HK! Almost everyone walks and uses public transport. If you're quite unfit, please prepare yourself before the journey!

5) Halal food is very hard to find. If you travel with families, please bring the necessities from your home country. So far our periuk/beras/maggi/sambal bilis experienced zero problem with the immigration.

6) If you don't want to enroll for tour packages, fret not. I believe you can plan your own movement (via public transport) provided you are equipped with maps and many hours of researching beforehand. Many major hotels provided half/full day tour so if you want to go to specific tourist attractions, you may approach them to book a place.

7) There are 2 major amusement park in HK, namely Disneyland and Ocean Park.

8) High end shopping districts including Causeway Bay, Wan Chai and Lan Kai Foong (here is also where Hard Rock CafĂ© is located – for all HRC hardcores out there). If you want authentic designer bags with lower prices compared to retail shops, you may want to locate ISA boutique (oh we loveee this boutique!) around HK Island and Kowloon area.

9) For souvenirs, head to the various flea/night markets available – Temple Market (MRT station: Jordan), Ladies Market (MRT station: Mong Kok), Stanley Market ( HK Island) to name a few. Don't forget to bargain, people! Among the best bargain available in Ladies Market is 6 souvenir HK shirts for HK$100. Keychain/fridge magnet can be obtain at HK$10 each or less J

10) Generally, hotel rates are expensive. So choose your hotel wisely and make sure it is near to MRT/bus station.

11) Among popular attractions are Symphony of Lights (MRT station: Tsim Sha Shui), Victoria's Peak, naik sampan in fishing village ( ni memang dah tak ingat ape namanya, tapi in HK island la), cable car in Ngong Ping etc.

12) If you want to avoid the pricey hotels in HK Island, you may opt to stay in Kowloon (mainland area. Among the best hotel locations are Tsim Sha Shui, Jordan and in Mong Kok because all are accessible via bus and MRT and the roads are so easy you will hardly lost.

13) According to the locals, the best time to visit HK is during Autumn and Winter simply because the air is cool and nice. Spring is not good since there will be thick fogs while during summer, it can be very hot and humid so not suitable for sight seeing L

Sunday, November 13, 2011

6 months on hiatus!

Suddenly i missed my blog. Just to found out it was left abandoned for almost 6 months!
Wow, that's a record thus far.
I hopped to other friend's blogs and find the same trend.
Blame the smartphone, where we keep bloghopped but too lazy to update own blog due to the tiny screen and touch pad. I hate touch pad ever since I could remember.
I want to resume blogging very soon.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Sticky post:scroll down for latest entry

For those who are interested with susu ILHAM, sorry this is my personal blog, you can go straight to my susu ILHAM shoppe :) Enjoy the goodness of milk with sunnah food ingredients and AL-Quran therapy :)

*Susu ILHAM is still on sale with promotional price! Hurry while stocks last.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Of Brunei and a bit of Labuan

This cute ornaments greeted us upon our arrival at the hotel

I spent the whole weekend including cuti Hari Wesak visiting my husband in Bandar Seri Begawan and a quick getaway to Labuan. Hence, some quick summary and tips in case you/me will need it soon.

Day 1
As soon as I arrived, we went to the hotel in Bandar (as the locals used to call it in short) for a quick clean-up and travelled via car to Kuala Belait(KB), to fulfill the invitation to attend Malaysians gathering and tadabbur Al Quran there. At first I was quite reluctant, but hubby insisted because he felt the importance to extend the networking to the fellow Malaysians in Brunei as he'll be staying here for quite some time.

The journey of 94 km to KB took about 1 and half hours (termasuk sesat dan simpang kecik)..Eventually when we arrived, they were half way through the tazkirah. We received a warm welcome from them and we chatted the whole night. They loved the fact that real PETRONAS people finally join them the way most of them are Shell workers and O&G related contractors/consultants. We parted around 10.30pm and went back to Bandar.

Day 2
Our plan today is to drive straight to Muara and take a ferry to Labuan just for one objective - borong coklat! I heard it is far cheaper compared to Langkawi.Also the fact that I never step a foot to Labuan makes me very curious although everybody tried to convince me that I'll regret my trip there.Tapi takpelah, since I am already in Brunei and it's located very near to Labuan, then why not? Apparently the Bruneians also love to go to Labuan(on trip day) on public holiday just to enjoy the beaches and restock their chocolates :) The ferry trip took just about 1 hour (about 52 km-so solat jama' qasar is not allowed!).

We went straight to the shops,the only mall then makan.Since the weather is extremely hot, we went to the nearest hotel for some the end kami terus pinjam toilet dan solat di sana, haha. Kemudian, we went back to the pekan for a last minute shopping of chocolates and kain batik jawa, then we waited to board the ferry at 4pm. The weather, however was not on our side as we faced a rough sea on the journey back to Muara..alot of people even puked on the boat! It took almost 2 hours for us to reach the jetty.

Some random fact that I note in my short trip to Labuan :

1. The pekan is very small, and the only mall was located opposite of Grand Dorsett. If only you could categorize it as mall, that is. However,there is one supermarket 'Parkson Ria' in there if you wish to buy some necessities.

2. To buy chocolates, you really need to compare the prices at few shops before you buy coz the prices might vary. Among the cheapest were at the mall (ground floor, near the taxi stand) where you can get alot of freebies (normally chocolates that are near expiry).The ones in the jetty are not bad too. Just try to avoid buying at the bigger and more established shops e.g. the airport :)

3. The shops operated half day on Sunday. So grab your things fast coz last minute shopping sometimes is not the greatest idea :)

4. Some recommended food place around town including Malindo(nasi campur) and Mawilla(for a scrumptious sotong tepung and black pepper crab).. I didn't get to enjoy Anjung Ketam (macam lah I makan ketam kan, I mean to enjoy other barbecued seafood delicacies there) and its alike though coz it opens only at night :(

5. The taxi charges were unbelievable. No metres were used, they just use their instict. For a journey about 4km they charged RM10 in average. So bring extra money or rent a car instead.
6.I secretly believe this island has potential to grow. If only it has the same chance like Langkawi.

Day 3 and Day 4
Not much on these days coz hubby is working. I just had a walk around the mall connected to my hotel and stayed in the room, enjoying the unlimited internet access-hence the post :)! At night, hubby drove me around Brunei for a sight seeing around town – including Kampung Air, Istana Nurul Iman, the magnificent gold domed mosques, up until near the boarder of Limbang! On Day 4, I was scheduled to go back to KL via the morning flight and leaving him.. :(

OK lets skip that part, just to share some guide and facts about Brunei :

1. This is a wealthy country and the ruler practically own everything. You will spend some time gawking at how beautiful is the mosques (especially the one with real gold domes) and how enormous are the palaces and even the massive royal car garage!

2. The locals pun boleh tahan hebatnya. You will see huge houses of the locals with average 5 or more cars in each compound. In short, they are living an easy and wealthy life.

3. Since the currency is high, you will find alot of things as costly. First to be noticed is the hotel rates and house rental rates. An average hotel will cost about 200 Brunei dollars per night. If you look for a nice and cozy hotel (but surely not cheap either:), The Rizqun (wah nama macam kat arab!) in Gadong area is highly recommended:) It has majestic interior and connected to a mall,and eateries are everywhere around this area.

The Gadong Pasar Malam is just a walking distance from The Rizqun..and it opens daily!

4. Food is never an issue here. If you crave for cheap and hawker style food, just go to the daily night market (near the Rizqun,also in Gadong area) that starts from 6pm onwards. Some of the must try local favourites are Nasi Katok, Nasi Pusu, Pais Ikan/Daging/Udang, roasted chicken and many more with average price of just 1 Dollar each! The tastes are heavenly good and great for your pocket too.

This cute little nasi bungkus cost 50cents (about RM1.20) each..but of course you wont be full by just eating one kan.

5. The favourite fast food here is Jollybee. However KFC, Mc Donalds, Pizza Hut and Coffee Bean is around too (just to name a few).

6. The locals looked alot like our own Sarawakians. You may recognize them by the way the ladies wear their tudung..its like, hurm have you seen the Brunei's Queen wearing tudung? Macam tu lah fesyen diorang. Darjah kebesaran dan 'Haji' is very important to be addressed too, hence pay special attention if you need to communicate with one.

7. Kuala Belait is among the famous town in Brunei because of the oil and gas industry-although it is a very small and quiet town. It is also very near to Miri -bear in mind that the border closed at 9pm, hence plan your journey well.

Likes : alot of tasty food, peaceful and wealthy country, alot of Islamic signage e.g. Subhanallah, Alhamdulillah,Allahuakbar on the roadside, no traffic jam. I met Malaysians who are so comfortable living here and taknak balik Malaysia.

Dislikes : High cost of living, not much modernisation, too slow-paced jadi kurang kena dengan jiwa saya haha

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Unforeseen Circumstance

I was scheduled for a presentation in front of the Managers and Senior Managers in one of my company's subsidiary,situated in the southern of Malaysia. So I rehearsed my lines all night until I fell asleep.Man, this opportunity doesn't come often so I need to give my best.

So the next morning, I was in my best suit, well-prepared and ready for some action.
The presentation consists of two parts, the first part is covered by my boss and my part is the latter one. Suddenly,

(ok nak mintak izin alih bahasa untuk kesan yang lebih dramatik)

Tetiba I rasa pelik semacam je rase kasut yang I pakai. FYI kasut ni adalah stock kasut formal yang telah berada dalam loker ofis lama sangat sebab I memang malas pakai kasut formal, sakit kaki. I suke yang fancy2 colourful kalo ade bling2 lagi suke. Ok side track seketika. Nak katanya kasut ni bukan yang selalu digunakan la.

I cuba jalan2 sekeliling room tu untuk mendapatkan keyakinan. Selepas terasa seperti nak jatuh beberapa kali, I tengok secara dekat kasut tersebut, rupanya telah berubah menjadi buaya. Pernahkan experienced tapak kasut terkopak dan kelihatan seperti mulut buaya? Ah seperti itulah.

I dah panik tapi muka masih buat2 cool (ini memang kepakaranku).Nak pergi cari Plan B, my presentation will start in two minutes time. Maka Plan C nyer, saya nekad untuk tidak memakai kasut ketika presentation. Mujurlah saya mampu mencover diri dengan berdiri dekat dengan meja peserta dan bilik itu berkarpet pula, tidaklah obvious sangat. Dan ambience presentation pun agak santai dan banyak interaksi,kuss selamat! Hihi tak dapat bayangkan kalau kena present on stage, tak dapat pikir apa nak dijadikan Plan B, C atau D. Bila boss buat muka pelik kenapa I tidak memakai kasut, I buat isyarat menunjukkan I saje je kononnye, malas nak pakai kasut. Keskes.

Kendian selepas berjaya melupakan hakikat sedang tidak memakai kasut dan teruskan presentation dengan yakinnya, I passed the floor to my boss again for her to conclude the session. Oh tentunya saya perlu berfikir bagaimana nak keluar dari room itu nanti. Takkan nak tunggu habis pastu beramah mesra dan kantoi tak pakai kasut? OH tidak.

Jengjengjeng! Baru teringat ada kasut satu lagi dibawak semalam dalam beg kat room. Maka misi mengexcuse diri pun bermula, konon ke toilet padahal sebaik sahaja keluar dari meeting room tersebut, serta merta berlari kaki ayam utk ke bilik mengambil kasut. Untuk mengelakkan malu yang melampau, I mengambil jalan swimming pool agar tak nampak ketara (yelah orang gi swimming pool memanglah berkaki ayam kan.Konon I'm one of them-minus the suit I wore. Heheh) dan terus ke lif dan amik kasut kat bilik. Kendian berlari balik ke meeting room bagai tiada apa yang berlaku. Hasilnya : None of the participants realise that the presenter is not wearing shoes/kasut dia koyak.

Kesimpulan dari cerita di atas ialah :
1- Manusia hanya merancang. Macam2 perkara tak terduga boleh berlaku..jadi sentiasa sediakan PLan B dan C dan D dan E kalau boleh.
2- Keyakinan sangat penting dalam apa jua situasi. Fullstop.
3- Creativity helps in unexpected situations!
4- To husbands, jangan lah marah sekiranya isteri anda mempunyai habit meletak kasut di merata tempat, baik di kereta anda, kereta dia, opis anda, opis dia, rumah mak anda mahupun di rumah mak dia. Ataupun asik nak bawak kasut lebih sepasang kalau travel. Sebab kasut pempuan ni fancy dan murah sikit la (I'm talking yang brand biase ye) kalo dibanding ngan kasut lelaki, maka life-span nya dikhuatiri lebih pendek berbanding kasut anda. Jadi akan berguna dalam masa2 yang tidak dijangka :)

Sunday, May 08, 2011

Plagiarism strikes back!

Call me emotional, easily annoyed, mudah tersinggung or apa2, but I really felt a punch on the chest when I discovered someone plagiarising my writings.Walaupun sat perenggan, mahupun satu muka surat. Unbelievable, right? I dah la blogger picisan, tak pandai menulis, tulis ikut sedap hati jer, blog pun takde sapa yg bukak yet still ada orang nak plagiat my writing.The first time I experienced this was with my review on FT's theater not long ago. I refused to put any hyperlinks or whatsnots, if you are curious you can find it out easily. I also managed to calm myself to avoid doing stupid things like harassing the doer. I just pray that the doer will understand and stop doing what he did.And then, poww I experienced it again.
Do you believe the utmost important thing is to spread the goodness to everyone, perasaan atau etika penulisan si penulis tak perlu diambil kira.Hey, kita nak share benda baik kan? Bukan nak buat benda tak elok.So jangan lah kedekut ilmu. 
Tapi, betulkah tindakan orang yang masuk rumah orang, ambil barang sesuka hati dan letak kat rumah dia? Dah kes mencuri tu satu lah kan. Can't you ask for permission, or at least kat rumah awak tu letak lah - credit to xx, I got this info/this write up from her. It is about ethics and good deeds. Same goes untuk orang yang suka amik gambar2 dari blog orang lain, come on lah, you are mature enough than go stealing around people's pictures/write-up and put them in yours.
Sebenarnya tak susah,tak payah beriya2 contact dan dapatkan consent pun takpe, asalkan ada kredit di mana2. Sebenarnya yang menjadi kerisauan penulis adalah takut penulisan mereka disebarkan sesuka hati, tanpa kawalan atau pun di tiru-tampal separuh2 dan akhirnya disalah ertikan oleh orang lain. Nak berkongsi ilmu dan pengalaman, silakan.Malah sangat dialu-alukan. Adat orang Melayu, orang berbudi, kita berbahasa. Taklah main terjah  macam wartawan Melodi (ehh?) pastu owner tu find out sendiri, tak ke kita yang malu. 
 This time I truly understand how the famous bloggers felt when their writing being copied everywhere without credits. So let's act wisely dan sesungguhnya hormat menghormati amalan mulia. Saya tak marah tapi hanya mengingatkan.Peace!

Friday, May 06, 2011

Health Tips#9 : Stevia

ni mesti nanti Hazel marah aku sebab asik gambar blur.Sorry lah beb hp cikai, nanti I tukar hp baru kamera cantik skit :) Encik A, hint*hint*

Have you heard about Stevia?

I know mesti korang baru dengar masa tengok Majalah 3 minggu lepas. Sebenarnya I pun :p Pernah dengar sebelum ni tapi tak amik port sebab macam susah je nak cari..lagipun saya bukan pemakan gula yang tegar. Tapi sebab mak asyik bising abah banyak amik gula, yelah kalo pagi petang nak Milo O dan Teh O jer, kalau weekend tu sampai 4 cawan sehari, bimbanglah jugak kan.

Tetiba belek2 katalog Cosway dan teruss jumpa produk ni. Magik ke apa? Atau diorang timing it right supaya keluar produk sekali ngan keluar dokumentari kat TV dan orang2 terus mencari produk ini? Dipendekkan cerita, I pun gi Cosway shopping benda alah ni. 100 tablets harganya RM12.50 jer, produk baru sampai bulan lepas.

In short, Stevia ni pengganti gula yang sangat baik, takde kalori, memang bagus untuk pesakit diabetes dan yang sangat menjaga kesihatanlah. Manis sebijik cam gula, even lagi manis kot jadi bila makan guna sikit jer. Cam produk dalam gambar tu comes in small tablet, so satu tablet kecil bersamaan ngan satu sudu kecil gula. Bila tanya abah, sedap ke tak stevia tu, dia kata sama cam gula biasa.Siap tak sedar lagi my mum replaced the normal sugar in his drinks.

So everyone, bolehlah habiskan stock gula di rumah anda dan cuba guna Stevia pulak. I am yet to try using it masa masak sambal tumis nanti, apelah rasanya..

Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Akhirnya Susu ILHAM dah ada blog sendiri

Hehe, sorry la baru2 ni banyak sangat flood pasal susu ILHAM. Mesti yang tak suke susu menyampah jer kan, haha. So jangan risau, mulai hari ni susu ILHAM telah ada kedai sendiri di IVY shoppe :) Jemputlah masuk jika sudi.

OK, kenapa IVY shoppe dan bukan kedai susu ILHAM ker, ILHAMbest ke?
Sebab.. mungkin, iya jika masa mengizinkan nak jugak la tambah produk2 lain kat situ. Janganlah ditanya bila, bila masa nanti akan diwar2kan lah, hehe.
(okeh I know Encik A mesti tersenyum lebar membaca post ini. Nak tumpang jual baju ragbi le tuh.Komisen ye yang, komisen :p)

So adakah saya ingin mengikut jejak langkah ramai orang dengan memulakan online biznez dengan cita2 nak quit job dalam jangka masa tertentu? Jawapannye, atleast at the moment, mungkin tidak. I'm just being myself, terlalu curious nak mencuba sesuatu yg baru.Untung tak banyak mana pun, kepuasan dan experience yang dituntut!oyeah. Dan juga sunnah Nabi, nak rase the hardship yang nabi rasa masa berniaga :)

*updated in 2013 - sorry I need to say that I did not restock Susu Ilham for quite some time due to some reason.. while you may contact other reseller or get it from the HQ itself. Sorry for inconvenience and keep on supporting the product

Saturday, April 23, 2011


Assalamualaikum wbt,

Saya menerima banyak pertanyaan tentang Susu berikut adalah FAQ(Frequently Asked Questions) with answers.
*Kredit to Kak Ainul for asking the first 3 questions, my fellow Jalinan members, Ebunda Admin and para penanya soalan :)

1. Dari mana syarikat mendapat bekalan susu utk memproses & menghasilkan susu Ilham? sbb skang ni mcm2 berlaku. sumber susu dicampur dgn melamine (spt di China etc).sya sekarang menggunakan susu anmum sbb sya yakin sumber susu tu (dr New Zeland).so minta penjelasan saudara.
Susu ini berasaskan susu lembu yg di import dari New Zealand. Untukpengetahuan encik, susu lembu yang terbaik didunia adalah dari negara NewZealand dan kami gunakan 100% susu bukan perasa susu.

2. Susu Ilham ada dijual di pasaraya atau bagaimana?
kami baru merancang untuk masuk ke pasaraya MYDIN. sekarang kamipasarkan melalui online dan pengedar.(setakat ni belum ada di mana2 pasaraya, tapi ada di sesetengah halal Mart)

3. erm..skang ni mcm2 produk yg dijual berdasarkan proses IMP. tp sya agak ragu sedikit. betulker benar2 mengikut IMP? sbb kalau permintaan tinggi, sudah tentu penghasilan akan tinggi, dan boleh ker kilang adapt dgn situasi begitu (masih mencari pekerja yg tahu baca quran etc). lagi satu, boleh ker kalau customer nak dtg terus ke kilang susu ni? selain boleh tgk betul2 proses pemprosesan susu Ilham, boleh terus beli sajer produk susu ni.
Produk kami adalah dibawah produk makanan dan pihak kami telah mendapatkelulusan daripada Lab bahagian makanan Kementerian Kesihatan. Semuakelulusan Lab kami pamerkan label pada tepi kotak bahagian fakta nutrisidan syarikat kami juga tiada masalah dari segi kesihatan kerana makananyang terkandung di dalam susu ini adalah badam+kurma+kismis yang manasemua bahan-bahan tersebut amat baik dan berkhasiat sama ada terhadapkanak-kanak mahupun orang dewasa.

Cara prosesnya,sebelum susu dibawa ke kilang,10 orang ustaz tahfizkelulusan dari Subra, Mesir akan melakukan terapi Al-Quran 30 juzuk itu,dimana setiap orang ustaz akan menggunakan tinta zaffaron di atas piringputih dan di bahagi-bahagikan juzuk kepada setiap orang dengan masa yangdiambil 1 bulan 1/2 - 2 bulan untuk disiapkan. Semasa proses ini jalankan,ustaz-ustaz ini akan membaca dan menulis. Selepas siap akan di masukkansekali bersama-sama susu untuk dicampurkan bersama badam+kurma+kismis.Semasa di dalam kilang, akan dibuat bacaaan surah-surah terpilih sepertisurah lokman+mariam+ibrahim secara live. Sebelum pekerja memulakan kerjasemua akan diwajibkan mengambil wuduk terlebih dahulu dan akan dibacakandoa terlebih dahulu sebelum pekerja-pekerja memulakan kerja.

Semasa prosessusu sedang dijalankan akan dipasang cd bacaan ayat-ayat Al-Quran, iniuntuk kita dapatkan qualiti produk dari segi rohani dan jasmini akanterhasil apabila pengguna menggunakan produk kami keran sudah terhasilyakin bersih & suci dan barokah. Untuk pengetahuan pihak tuan/puan semuapekerja kami adalah muslim.Semasa didalam kilang semua pekerja sudah maklum akan product ini dan darisegi pengantaran dari kilang ke pejabat kami dilakukan olehpekerja-pekerja kami sendiri.

Kami juga membuat beberapa langkah untukmenjaga kualiti produk dari permulaan sehingga dihantar sampai kepelanggan dimana kami akan melekatkan stiker supaya Jgn Dilangkah produkkami untuk memberitahu kpd pihak courier.Alhamdulillah sehingga hari ini ramai pelanggan kami berpuas hati denganhasil dan mereka dapat lihat perkembangan anak-anak yg positif danlebih-lebih lagi 1 keluarga kerana ramai yg menegur perubahan anak-anakdan org yg meminumnya.

4)kenapa susu ILHAM ni disyorkan penyusuan 3 kali sehari sahaja? Ada apa2 side effect tak kalau diambil lebih dari 3 kali?
Yang itu adalah yg disyorkan sahaja tapi sebenarnya kalau untuk anak2 bolehminum seperti biasa ikut kehendak mereka, side effect dia tak da.. evenada few customer yg anaknya minum selang 3 jam.

5)boleh tak dicampurkan susu ILHAM ni dengan susu biasa (semasa> membancuh)?
Dicampurkan dgn susu lain kami tidak galakkan

6)Boleh tak diselang seli penyusuan susu ILHAM dengan susu biasa?
Kalau diselang selikan boleh ini bagi yang bermula nak minumsusu ilham atau yang nak budget. Tapi kalau seboleh2nya minum secaraberterusan untuk tengok perkembangan yg lebih sihat dan positif.

7)Boleh tak baby umur 7 bulan minum susu ILHAM?

Susu ILHAM 1-3 tahun boleh diminum oleh bayi berumur 6 bulan ke atas, insya Allah.

OK tu je, for those interested kami masih menawarkan susu ILHAM dengan promotional price. Contact me for more info :)

*updated in 2013 - sorry I need to say that I did not restock Susu Ilham for quite some time due to some reason.. while you may contact other reseller or get it from the HQ itself. Sorry for inconvenience and keep on supporting the product

Monday, April 18, 2011

Quick Tips : F1 Sepang Circuit

*updates with pictures

Lotus cars turut memeriahkan parking lot (antara penyebab full parking)

Last two weeks, suddenly I found myself in the middle of the crowd in Sepang Circuit. Yes, Ladies and Gents, I was asked by Encik A to follow him to entertain a delegate from his project to watch F1! I never dream to attend such session, as curious as I was, I know i won't tolerate the crowd,heat,humidity and the awful noise just to watch an average 300km/h flat cars racing past you. But, if the offer comes with a free VIP ticket- grandstand seat, free meals and F1 kit (consists of a corporate t shirt, a cap, ear plug etc) and most importantly a dedicated driver (we have to act as chaperon to a delegate remember?), this is an offer you can't simply resist. I mean, what else you can ask for?

Getting ready : Mc Laren Team

lhamdulillah on that day, the weather was with us. It was still humid though, but neither hot-scotched sun nor heavy rain accompanied us.. OK straight to the point, I just wanted to share some tips incase you plan to go for one next year.I? kalo tiket free lagi boley la, haha.

View from grandstand.

Lihatlah gadis litar berkain labuh bukan lagi ber mini skirt.Alhamdulillah, next time takyah belah ye.Pastu next2 time pakai tudung plak.

0) First and foremost, please look at your ticket and identify which gate you need to get into. Sama ada K1 ke, atau kalau seat you Diamond,Emerald,Topaz segala tu kat entrance lain.

1) Earplugs/earmuffs are ESSENTIAL. Kalau you all ada earmuff yang cam headphone tu yang slalu pakai kalau gi plant/offshore lagi bagus.. bawak je kalau tak pecah la gegendang telinga. Bising sangat! Lagi bagus kalau ada headphone siap radio receiver to hear the commentator. Kalau susah nak cari takpe, kat dalam tu banyak dijual. Macam I tak kesah I bukan tengok sangat pun, sebok tengok2 VIP sape yang datang pastu excuse jap gi solat, amik makanan dan walah, dah lap ke 45? keke

2) Don't leave behind your usual life savers - umbrella,sunglasses,long sleeve shirts(takut panas.. dan tutup aurat, oops!), kipas tangan, etc

3) Surau disediakan di dalam, sangat besar dan selesa. TETAPI harus diingat, sila bawak telekung/socks/your prayer essentials. Sejadah pun takde ok.

4) Takleh bawak mineral water, dia check macam kat airport tu. Dont worry there's plenty of food stalls inside to choose from, yang caterernya bukan calang2 you. Ada coffee bean, auntie anne's just to name a few. Oh ye satay kajang pun ada, jangan memain.

Dah habis, kereta kena beratur. Btw this time around Sebastian Vettel yg menang. Dan racing agak bosan sebab good weather, takde kereta terbang dan sebagainya.OK jerr semua.Boring!

5) Kalau bawak keta sendiri (ni tahap degil melampau, orang suruh naik shuttle kat Nilai takmo!)and nak balik cepat, sila parking belah kanan arah nak balik ke KL, bukan yang ke LCCT. Kerana jem terlampau amat dahsyat terutama masa nak keluar.. cam we all haritu sejam setengah dalam keta untuk perjalanan sampai ke roundabout masjid KLIA jer.

Bersurai (sambil cari beverages yang dilelong half price serta official F1 merchandise)

See you in 2012! (if I get free ticket, that is)

6) Akhir kata, sekiranya dah terperangkap dalam kesesakan terlalu lama tu bolehlah singgah di masjid KLIA untuk bersolat Maghrib.

Sekian, kesimpulannya tak salah di sisi agama pun kalau pergi tengok F1 tapi pandai2 la bawak diri. Pakai tutup aurat, solat jangan tinggal :)

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Assalamualaikum warah matullah,
Dear Lovely Ladies/ Mummies/everybody,
Just nak share satu produk susu tepung yang bagi saya sangat bagus dan sayang nak simpan sorang2.Excited sangat dengan produk yang satu ni!! Pernah dengar tentang Susu ILHAM?
Susu ILHAM ni diformulakan bersama makanan sunnah i.e. kurma dan kismis serta ginkgo biloba dan maca..semuanya merupakan buah/herba yang sangat berkhasiat.Susu ni jugak menggunakan kaedah pengilangan secara Islamik (Islamic Manufacturing Practice) yang dilengkapkan dengan terapi bacaan 30 juzuk Al Quran..untuk maklumat lanjut boleh buka website dia ye, :) Sejak first time baca pasal produk IMP dalam satu majalah sebelum ni, saya selalu cuba nak cari produk2 IMP sebab sgt appreciate cara pembuatannya yang kelihatan agak `impossible' i.e. semua staff solat 5 waktu, baca doa dan ambil wudhu' sebelum manufacture,staf tak bercampur lelaki/perempuan, etc tapi berjaya dilakukan.
Alhamdulillah last week saya sempat pergi ke MIHAS untuk berjumpa sendiri dengan Pengarah Urusan Ebunda Sdn Bhd (pengeluar Susu ILHAM) Pn Sofiyyah Arshaf untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut tentang produk ni. Saya turut mencuba susu nie walaupun di kotaknya tertulis untuk 4-7 tahun.Rasanya memang sedap! Rupanya susu ini boleh diminum oleh pelbagai peringkat usia, bukan sampai umur 7 tahun jer.. Untuk next batch mungkin mereka akan improve kotaknya menjadi `untuk 4 tahun ke atas'. Jadi instead of minum Anlene/HiGoat/Dutch Lady hari2, sekarang saya dah minum susu ILHAM J
Selain anak2, orang dewasa pun boleh minum tau, especially untuk pregnant ladies(ada kismis, badam & kurma untuk kesihatan ibu & perkembangan baby), breastfeeding mommies (sebab kurma boleh banyakkan susu) dan juga para penggemar susu seisi keluarga (Hehe kecuali untuk baby bawah setahun tak boleh ye, sebab kita sokong susu ibu :). Psst... salah satu kandungan susu ni adalah Maca.. boleh surf internet tengok khasiat Maca antaranya adalah meningkatkan kesuburan :) Mungkin boleh berikhtiar juga dengan cara ni kan?
Ramai jugak university students and even non-Muslims parents yang beli susu ni sebab khasiatnya yang banyak. Selain untuk jaga kesihatan kita juga boleh niatkan untuk mengikut makanan sunnah Rasulullah s.a.w. Mungkin immediate impact(nak anak terus mendengar kata, duduk diam2 dengar je cakap ibu, etc) itu bukanlah priority tetapi keberkatan makanan sunnah dan terapi Al Quran itu lebih perlu bukan? :)
If interested, me n my friend pun jadi dealer utk produk nie..(ok sangat excited sampai jadi dealer terus!!hehe) introductory offer as below :
1) 1 kotak : RM48.90 (harga pasaran)
2) 2 kotak ke atas : RM47.00 sekotak
3) 5 kotak ke atas : RM45.00 sekotak
(introductory offer sampai hujung bulan nie je… J)
FYI ada 3 jenis susu ILHAM (semuanya 1 size je, 650g/box) :
1) untuk 1-3 tahun
2) untuk 4-7 tahun (4 years above)- VANILLA
3) untuk 4-7 tahun (4 years above)- COKLAT
Free delivery (COD) in KLCC, Datuk Keramat dan Taman Melati area :) 
Towards healthy and sunnah-aligned lifestyle :)

*updated in 2013 - sorry I need to say that I did not restock Susu Ilham for quite some time due to some reason.. while you may contact other reseller or get it from the HQ itself. Sorry for inconvenience and keep on supporting the product

Monday, April 04, 2011


Tak ramai yang menghargai ayah lebih daripada menghargai ibu.Ya memanglah hadis Rasulullah sendiri mengutamakan ibu berbanding ayah, tetapi bukanlah bermaksud peranan ayah boleh diketepikan.. macam yang kita sering buat, kita selalu telefon ibu berbanding ayah, apa2 masalah kita cerita kat ibu dulu baru ayah..sampai selalunya ayah tanya pasal kita kat mak, bukan kat kita sendiri sebab dah banyak cerita ngan mak kita jadi malas nak ulang benda yang sama kat ayah. Tanpa sedar itu yang sering saya lakukan, padahal dulu kalau birthday atau nak minta sesuatu sibuk la mengendeng kat ayah sebab ayah lagi banyak duit.Huhu
Waktu saya menghadiri training dua minggu lepas, ada modul yang suruh peserta menceritakan apa peristiwa yang paling berbekas dalam hati dan menjadi turning point dalam hidup.Peristiwa itu perlu diceritakan kepada seluruh kelas. Dan ada satu peristiwa ni yang segar sangat dalam ingatan saya dan antara peristiwa paling penting dalam hidup yang berkaitan dengan abah.
Selepas saya grad, sementara nak tunggu company pemberi biasiswa panggil untuk lapor diri, saya bosan di rumah dan mula bekerja di sebuah manufacturing company.Atau nama tak glamernya kilang. Kilang ni high-tech dan sangat mengujakan young engineers seperti saya pada masa tu, dah la baru grad kan tak sabar2 nak apply kan technical knowledge yang dipelajari(kunun).Makin lama di sana, saya dapat ramai kawan dan semakin seronok kat sana. Kebetulan masa tu sentimen membenci company pemberi biasiswa sangat tebal, mungkin sebab kena bond 10 tahun kot. Dahlah lambat panggil bekerja, macam nak taknak je kita nie. So saya pun enjoy myself, dapat kawan2 budak2 cina yang tak reti cakap melayu tapi diorang best.Asik2 jalan2 cari makan pastu pandai lak cari tempat makan halal sebab saya join sekali. Siap sempat roadtrip ke Melaka bagai waktu kami kena forced leave sebab kilang shut down for maintenance. Ye, forced leave adalah wujud di dunia ini kawan2.Sangat takbest.Selain tu company ni ada special programme yang dia hantar kitorang pergi training technical and leadership skills setiap minggu dalam masa 3 bulan, fuishh best gila la gi hotel training2.Rasa macam orang penting jer.
Sampai satu tahap saya rasa seronok dan cakap ngan Abah `saya taknak kerja ngan syarikat pemberi biasiswa, saya nak kerja kat kilang nie.tambahan plak diorang boleh nego nak minta release dari kontrak kalau saya betul2 berminat kerja dengan diorang'. Abah nampak tak setuju dan dia tau kalau dia cakap saya akan bangkang terus.Biaselah darah muda dan keras kepala (sindrom second child,standard la gini). Pastu reaksi abah macam ala2 `Ok fine'.So perbincangan terhenti di situ.
Pastu dalam bulan 4 saya dapat tawaran dari syarikat pemberi biasiswa. Sebab saya tengah bekerja, saya minta delay 2 bulan sebelum lapor diri.Dalam hati dah fikir2 camne strategi untuk taknak kerja dengan syarikat pemberi biasiswa. Tapi saya cakap juga kat Abah saya dapat tawaran ni.Masa tu tengah makan malam kat luar.Abah dengan selamba cakap `Abah tau dah'.Saya terkejut.`Mana abah tau?'.`Sebab 2 minggu lepas Abah dah pergi sendiri kat Level63 company pemberi biasiswa dan diorang cakap adik dapat placement.Abah cakap adik terima tawaran tu' lebih kurang camni Abah jawab.
Masa tu saya marahhhh sangat dengan Abah, sebab saya dah bekerja pun Abah masih nak menentukan arah hidup saya. Kenapa Abah perlu interfere sampai macam tu sekali, siap contact sendiri syarikat pemberi biasiswa tanpa pengetahuan saya?Saya ni bajet independent la kononnya, start gosok baju sendiri dari darjah dua tau.Saya tak suka orang lain yang buatkan decision,rasa diri lemah (mungkin ego yang menggunung?). Sepanjang makan tu saya menangis dan tak bercakap ngan Abah berhari2 jugaklah. Saya sedih sangat Abah masih nak masuk campur dalam urusan kerja dan hidup saya (wah bajet dah besar sangat lah kan statement macamtu).
Dipendekkan cerita, saya masuk kerja jugak di syarikat pemberi biasiswa. Walaupun tak buat kerja engineer sejati tapi Abah tak kisah. Saya ikut je lah bukan boleh buat apa pun.Tapi deep down saya tak kisah pun kerja kat ofis, kerja engineer buek ponek badan je and tak dapat la maintain ayu.Haha no offense, engineers. Then, looking back after 2 years, saya percaya itu antara keputusan terbaik yang Allah takdirkan untuk saya, dengan mengikut cakap ayah saya. Dalam masa 2 tahun macam2 terjadi. Kawan2 di tempat kerja lama satu persatu tinggalkan company tu for various reasons(dengarnya termasuk lay-offs).Tiba2 krisis ekonomi dan susah sangat nak dapat kerja dengan syarikat pemberi biasiswa saya ni.Sempat dapat bonus dan prestasi kerja agak baik,serta bos2 dan kawan2 yang best.Ada salary adjustment.Dah jadi macam among the most sought employer in the whole country(to colleagues, as much as we want to deny this, it is quite a statement.).Padahal dulu jual mahal sangat takmo kerja dengan dia. So, this proved the power of obeying my father's say.
Of course masa saya cerita kat kelas tu memang emotional gila.Siap suara tersekat2 sib baik tak hujan. Tapi saya teruja bila ada sorang kawan ni, masa feedback session last day, dia cakap dia terkesan dengan cerita saya sebab dia pun sebelum ni ada krisis gak ngan ayah dia.Lepas dengar cerita saya, malam tu dia sit down dan have dinner with his father and chat for long hours. I was so touched by that. So nampak tak, touching people's heart made me felt touched inside.. and from that training onwards I tried to become supernice with my Dad. I sat with him during dinner (biaselah kaum ibu selalu berdiet, aku je makan ngan Abah dua orang), I don't cut his sentence anymore, I dengar semua pendapat, nasihat dan cerita dia walaupun rasanya dah pernah dengar 10 kali huhu.Pastu first night I buat camtu, tetiba Abah hadiahkan I hand luggage Arnold Palmer. I taktau sebab dia perasan I'm being nice to him pada malam itu ataupun itu hanya kebetulan.At the end, I happy Abah pun happy.Tengok last2 mesti nak gak kata ganti diri `I' hish tak konsisten btul anda nieh.
Kesimpulannya mudah, sayangi bapa anda dan hargai mereka macam you hargai ibu jugak, if not more.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Quick Perth Summary :)

Managed to run away from work hassle (last minute!) and followed hubby for a company trip to Perth early this month. Company trip to Perth!! I know I'm jealous too, normally my company trip ke Kerteh,Melaka,Bintulu ajer but his...!! Like Hazel put it `biasenye company trip ke tempat2 best bos2 je yang pegi, kita takde harapan'.Ok lah tu babe ko dapat gi Africa business class lagi. Hehe ok just want to share a simple quick guide to Perth. Mine was quite smooth because my parents just went there last December and alot of friends studied there before. Since I just went there for a short while I only managed to cover Perth city area and not the suburbs :( So here it is!

1.Upon arrival,catch connects airport transfer to hotel.AUD18/person one way.Will drop you right at your hotel's doorstep.Taxi from airport to town will cost you approximately AUD40.

2.Criterion hotel(Hay St) is very near to Perth CBD,cheap rate(AUD110)with welcome drinks n free wifi.situated next door to Oleh2 Cafe(indonesian cuisine restaurant).Recommended and many Malaysians stayed there too because of the location.

3.Restaurant Indonesia Indah (halal restaurant) is at the roadside of barrack st,near to perth CBD.

4.Perth CBD consists of 2 large shopping malls with aisles n alleys in between..Myers and David Jones are among major tenants. Train station(komuter like) is just nearby.Hop to the nearest CAT(blue,yellow,red semua ada around this area) for a free bus ride.

5.Among must-go places:

1)Harbour town mall
-a mall with various branded stuff with factory price.there is halal food outlet: ISPA kebabs and Nenem's turkish cuisine.ride yellow CAT to harbour station

-a small fishing town with many historical places.go to Shed Market for a good bargain of souvenirs-walking distance from frematle train station.ride the train from perth train station for AUD3.7 perperson/return can get good price of AUD9(family rider-5adults n 2 kids) on sunday:)it will take about 30mins to fremantle by train.other means:via cruise or bus.

3)Rottness island
-a beautiful island to enjoy scenery,history and snorkelling.Various tours to choose-main ferry operator is Rottness Express.Ferry can be taken from St barrack jetty(Perth city) or Fremantle.We just love the buffet spread at Rottnest Lodge,their pasta n cheese is delicious!

-you can find many restaurants here.Check out the famous apple strudels at Corica's.Ride blue cats to Aberdeen St,and you'll find the cafe on your right.
5)King's Park
-a beautiful park along the Swan River. Sadly I didn't get to go here sebab dah pulang awal sebab cuti 2 hari saje~! Pastu hubby shared pictures he went there siap fine dining sekali ngan consultant.Nyampah.

Some useful travelling notes:
1)Shopping hours is short,normally 9am-5pm.Weekend is even shorter,11am-5pm. Nightlife is almost none.
2)Convenience store and restaurant usually open until 10pm
3)Airport tax for KLIA-Perth-KLIA for both ways is about RM900 (incase you want to redeem your Enrich points, they just covered the airplane fare.Tax is on your own :( Or Airasia obviously offers a better deal though )
4)Equipped yourself with CATS transit maps n a simple perth map to ease your journey.Many of the places are accessible just by walking!
5)Australian visas to be applied electronically
6)Hotels are generally expensive over here with poor facilities.Even a 4 star hotel may cost AUD340 and didn't provide mineral water!WiFi pun kena bayar mahal.
7)Avoid bringing any food from your home country as australia is very strict.its either u need to declare the food you bring or they will rampas straight away.Don't worry about food in perth, there is plenty to choose from :)
Loved most : The beautiful scenery, the friendly and polite people, the excellent and FREE bus services, easy access to halal food
Don't really fancy : Expensive hotels and poor facilities! Even the internet fees is very high (we are so used to free WiFi in Malaysia)

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Health Tips #8 : Soy Product

Suka kacang soya? Always heard that banyak makan kacang soya boleh mencantikkan kulit dan dapat baby putih gebu?
Initially I was a true soya haters.. I can't stand anything soy kecuali soy sauce. Haha. but over these past few years I've developed an obsession of healthy living, and among the food that I desperately forced myself to consume and find it not bad at all are soymilk! OK I am always a tempe lover-thats a fact but now I can stand soymilk walaupun daku takkan membelinya on purpose, but if somebody offered I can drink it now.Semuanya kerana kesihatanku yang berharga. the meantime there is also a news spread really fast that said soymilk is not THAT good (I knew some pregnant mothers drink it like nobody's business for the sake of their baby). I knew most of you had read it already.. and later someone shared another link to jawab semua facts tersebut(thanks to Encik A).
For me,my basic rule is simple : never consume ANYTHING too much, or else akan jadi lain.Even the best of food cam milk,eggs,sayur2 etc sume takleh consume too much kan?amik moderate amount jer.. Kalo tak lain jadinya..dan make sure you eat from various sources of carbo,protein,etc..jangan dok makan satu lauk jer :p (note:jangan jadik karnivor!)so takyah pening2 nak cari the best or the worst food whatsoever.Just stick to that basic rule and insya Allah everything will be fine. Cuma kalau boleh galakkan diri makan makanan sunnah (yang Rasulullah makan dan yang disebut dalam Quran e.g. kurma,anggur,buah zaitun,susu,daging kambing,etc) untuk dapatkan berkat dan juga makanan2 ni mmg terbukti berkhasiat.Cuma again the basic rule applies here : don't eat too much!!
Love to share some excerpt I got from the counter-answer for soy badness as I mentioned earlier. Like to highlight a few points too..happy reading and implementing!
The anti-soy crusaders, on the other hand, point to certain substances found in soy, and tell us that almost any amount of soy is too much. The reality, though, is all foods contain substances that, if eaten in high enough concentrations, would cause problems. Even the most healthful foods contain components that produce unwanted effects when they are tested in isolation in a laboratory. For example, broccoli, lentils, and grapefruit contain naturally occurring pesticides that can cause mutations if eaten in high enough quantities.

Peanuts and peanut butter often have traces of aflatoxin, a substance found in a mold that grows on the nuts that causes cancer in high enough amounts. Celery harbors toxins that at high enough levels damage the human immune system and causes photosensitivity. (Highest levels occur in celery that has brownish patches.) Spinach and chard contain oxalic acid, a substance which binds with calcium and diminish its absorption. Common mushrooms contain several substances that in sufficient concentrations are carcinogens.

This doesn't mean, though, that you should avoid eating broccoli, lentils, grapefruit, peanut butter, celery, spinach, chard and mushrooms. In fact, if you made it your policy to eat no food that contained substances which can in large enough concentrations cause damage, there would be literally nothing left for you to eat.

It's true that soybeans contain substances that in excess can be harmful. But to imply, as some do, that as a result eating soyfoods poses a risk to human health is taking things much further than the evidence warrants. There would be dangers in eating a diet based entirely on soybeans. But, then, the same could be said for broccoli or any other healthy food. This is one of the reasons why varied diets are so important. Diversity protects.

full article here :

p/s: satu lagi conclusion I got adalah; tempe is one of the best soy product to consume.Haha suke!cita2 jangka panjang I adalah utk membuat tempe sendiri.Any Javanese sudi nak ajar??:p

Friday, February 18, 2011

No Regrets : This Ain't A Textbook Life

I planned to write an insights of what was recently happened to me.. a really(?) good one with grammar check,good vocabulary and everything. But I'm afraid I'll be so lazy and will subsequently abandon this page and when I was up to write again, semuanya jadi basi. So I want to write something, and right now.

Ok you 've known the chronology already, I detailed it out in the last page. "No regrets" - those words were stucked on my head from the very first night I was admitted in the hospital until recently. Nothing should be regretted pun kan. But Alhamdulillah I didn't feel depressed or anything alike.OK I cried once and that's it, just accept it.It had happened and it was not the worse thing happen to someone. Yelah I mean, countless ladies that I knew had the same experience, if not worse.My friends,my colleauges,my boss,my aunties.. ramai yang dah share experience yang sama that actually made me relieved.

I pun tak sure what my point is actually tapi I still nak tulis something.

Yang tak semua kita ni experiencing/will experience `textbook life'. My definition of textbook life is everything you planned is exactly implemented whether with or without your control. Macam, you study that discipline and you get employed doing exactly that.dan you plan nak kawin at 25 and you got it arranged.dan after one year you already pregnant, no complication whatsoever and had a beautiful baby,after two years you got another bundle of joy and the list went on and on.meanwhile you get good performance ratings at work, get promoted within 4 years,buy house,buy new cars, etc. As odd as it sounds, some people do get a textbook life.I know some who had it.Tak mungkinlah tak jealous tapi dah memang rezeki dan tertulis their plan is exactly the same as the God's plan..they should be grateful to have all that.

While, some of us, infact most of us will face bumps down the road.Sometimes we will be hit hard,sometimes we bounce back harder.Bukanlah sebab Tuhan tak sayang but we will be challenged on things that we are actually capable to deal with no matter how hard.. it was written in the holy Quran. Infact kita pun kena sangat bersyukur sebab dapat ujian, ujian tanda sayang Allah kpd hamba-Nya kan? Mungkin textbook life is not the best for us, hence ours are more challenging. The fact is that when we died, we will only be judged with our iman and taqwa. Not our money,our success stories,our performance rating, our number of children, our family etc etc. So ladies and gents, and especially myself, tabahlah :) Dan doa usaha tawakkal selalu..meminjam kata2 seorang kawan,"kalau langit yang besar dan berat tu Allah boleh tadbir, takkan awak sorang yang kecil ni Allah nak biarkan?"

Baru2 ni ada scene dalam satu drama tu sangat mengesankan saya.Tak ingat dah tajuk dia.. tapi pasal anak perempuan ni yang ala2 jahat cakap kasar ngan mak dia kat telefon, pastu terus eksiden.Then bila dia terjaga tengok kawan2 dia semuanya dah mati dalam kereta tu, dia takut dan panggil2 mak dan abang dia yang dia dah buat jahat untuk mintak maaf..lepas tu baru dia nampak mayat dia sendiri tercampak luar keta.Maksudnya dia pun dah mati...... owh that scene really touched me. Siapa tahu tajuk dia sila bagitau saya ok.

OK I know this post tak sharp and point dia bersepah2.But that is how I usually think,bersepah2 and think 10 things sekaligus. Apa2 pun, doakan I dapat pengganti yang lebih baik okay :) And I'll pray for you guys too.Semoga baik2 sahaja!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

No Regrets : The Experience

It happened so fast, when we least expecting it. I just came back from a hectic journey to Canton in mid January.It was actually a combination of my birthday celebration and a family vacation.We were on our feet and metro(subway train) most of the time, and just imagine a trip to one of the busiest business hub worldwide;if I may describe it in one word : it's HECTIC! The trip was exhaustive but worthwhile, we even planned to come back any possible time soon.

And few days later I found that my menses was late, usually it is just right on the day it should be. I waited for a while just to make sure.It was until my fourth day that I decided to take a home test.The initial thought was if it turns negative, I can pack my gym clothes and hit the gym on the next day :) But both tests got faint but clear lines on them, so the rest was history.

We made a visit to the nearest clinic and the doctor confirmed it : I was pregnant. I still remember that night, while I recited the Quran and read the meaning I realised that the ayat was the famous ayat 1000 dinar (Surah at Talaq - verse 3) which in layman translation means `Allah akan memberikan rezeki dari arah yang tidak disangka2...' I felt grateful and blessed for His unexpected present to me.

And as time goes by, only family and close friends knew that `someone' is growing inside me. Sorry friends, but this time I followed the old Chinese beliefs to keep it as a secret until I pass the first trimester.It is just something I believe in life, that destiny always has two sides, and it is up to the Almighty which one He will choose as our fate. Anything can happen at any given time, hence I need to make sure I am ready for the most unexpected and never jump the guns just yet.

I think I've shared this before, I always think beyond time to challenge my brain and my emotion.It is some sort of `emotional firedrill'. One fine day you just have to sit at one corner,and think hard of the possibilities that may happen to you,your family and your love ones(the what ifs) and how would you react if you face such situation. But remember never overdoing it or else you will be a psycho who just refuse to do anything in life for fear anything bad will happen to you:) And I did just that. I'd thought about the worst that could happen and mentally prepared to handle the situation,just in case.

Back to my story, I don't have any exciting stories or adventurous chronology to share, it just happened.I had a light spotting the night before and it gets heavier during noon.I was at the office back then while my hubby was on medical leave due to food poisoning. I called hubby to tell him and he insisted to go to the clinic straightaway. I went to the nearest outpatient clinic with reputable gynea only to get uncertain results :( Through the ultrasound scan, we could see that the baby has stop growing although the sac was still intact.Mathematically I was already 7 weeks. However the doctor could not confirm I am miscarriage and she asked us to go back and observe the bleeding for a few days.If it gets worse,just came back for D&C.And we were charged RM76 just for that!

Deep down I knew I've lost the baby;it is the basic instict. The body knows when something went wrong and will immediately send some signal to the brain,thus the bleeding although I didn't actually do anything that might cause it(as much as I could recall). Meanwhile I just had slight cramps and we went home straight away. At that time I already burst into tears but amazingly hubby was so calm and continuously consoled me with his bear hug.. I accepted the fate already but I guess it's more than normal to feel sad for the loss. I mean, it would be abnormal if you did not feel sad at all,right?

However, my greatest fear at that time was to handle the miscarriage at home by myself. I've had good friends supplying me details of their experience on miscarriage;plus I read alot from the internet hence I can basically imagine the bleeding,the clots and the pain to endure for the sac to come out naturally.Luckily I don't need to wait any longer. At almost 7pm, I felt the strongest pain (period pain-alike) and had even heavier bleeding with clots..I even vomitted because of the unbearable pain. We quickly grabbed our wallets and stormed out to the car and hubby drove straight to Prince Court Hospital and parked at ER bay. Glad it was just a mere 2km from our house.

The rest was technical, you can guess it already. An hour at the ER, then I was transported to the ward. Surprisingly the pain had subside and gone at that time.Later the gynea on call, Dr Tan came to examine me and during the scan, we could not see the sac at all. It had gone during the bleeding, however Dr still declared that I had an incomplete abortion thus scheduled me for D&C the next morning.This time, both my parents had already arrived and an aunt came to offer moral support.

At about 9.30 am the next morning, I was brought to the operation room.The procedure went smoothly. I had general anasthetic and didn't feel anything even after I gained my conscious half an hour later. I stayed in the hospital for another night before being discharged around noon the next day.Alhamdulillah, I neither did vomit or had a fever (although the doctor said all these side effects are common after D&C procedure) and my BP is all normal. The only discomfort that I had were the abdominal/muscular pain and the intravenous drip needle that stuck on my skin until the very last moment. In my 3 days stay, the continuous visit from family,colleagues and friends really made me feel happy and blessed - thanks a million for that.

Now here I am, awarded with MC for 2 weeks and experiencing confinement just like the other mothers after giving birth. Perhaps mine would be more lenient and shorter (hopefully) but I am still forced to consume the Pati Ikan Haruan daily :( I guess that's the worst part of my confinement. The best part is I get to eat KFC :) haha. I will share the details in my next post.

Until then :)

Monday, January 24, 2011

Happy Wedding :)

22 Jan 2011/ 9pm / Kg Pengantin
Congrats! Happy for you.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Freezing birthday

Just got back from a short vacation, which also falls on my birthday.
So, this year's birthday is the first birthday I spent abroad and also the coldest I ever had (certainly no candles whatsoever)
To be exact, the average temperature is 10degC.
However, this time I managed to spend the day with my love ones so I am very thankful for that :) Alhamdulillah
Thanks a million for the warm wishes I get live and via sms,FB,twitter and other means.
Those really means a lot to me :)
P/s : Unlike my previous trips, this time I've made a complete itinerary of my journey to share with you guys. Stay tuned.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Sinfully delicious

Makanan sedap yang sangat tidak sihat.
Bagi underline sikit supaya nampak urgent dan important.
Heheh tapi sedapppp!!! :(
Mengikut resepi arwah Wan untuk rendang Negeri Sembilan pure (pedasss punyaa) :
-Takde bawang
-Takde cili besar
-Kerisik home made
-Hanya cili api
-Daun kunyit sikit
-Nisbah sekilo daging : sekilo santan
Amacam, ada berani?
p/s: Gambar rendang buatan Ma that resembles Wan's rendang alot.

Saturday, January 08, 2011

Health Tips #6 : Steam anything you can

OK just want to share you something I accidentally discover while cooking today.
Have I mentioned that I always feel guilty to deep fry while cooking in my own kitchen (dan pada masa yang sama relax jer makan ayam/ikan goreng masa makan kat kedai)?
I am the type whom used olive oil and corn oil in my kitchen, so kalau I deep fry memang masak lah I nak beli mahal kot.

And the problem of shallow frying while cooking is, ayam you lambat masak or tak masak kat dalam.Ini memang membencikan,tapi bersalah pula kalau goreng ayam dulu pastu baru masuk dalam sambal.Dan perkara ini terjadi tadi apabila I yang sangat lapar berseorangan di rumah malas keluar beli makan, baru nak makan beberapa suap dan perasan dalam daging ayam tu tak masak! Marah bukan.

Maka, in desperate to eat I steam kan ayam tersebut sehingga masak kemudian grill sikit dengan honey (nak gak mengada ada grill2) then masuk balik dalam sambal yang telah disediakan tadi. And problem solved!Ayam masak dan rasa lebih sedap sebab dah jadi steamed-grilled with honey chicken sambal. Hahah over kan.

Jadi I pun terfikir, ni memang antara solution terbaik untuk orang yang health freak takmo deep fry tapi suka gila ayam goreng sebenarnya, which is to steam you chicken/meat and later baru you goreng/grill/bake at the surface to get the desired taste. OK tak perlu lah lakukan untuk ikan kerana ikan memang cepat masak -_-

OK that's all for today, maybe I je baru tahu teknik ni tapi tak kesah nak share gak. Kesimpulannya kurangkan gula,garam,minyak dan santan (ironically ni semua benda yang selalu naik harga kecuali garam la kan) dalam makanan ye :)

Monday, January 03, 2011

2011 Health Resolution

1. Personal insurance + ladies coverage - checked
2. Health Supplements - checked (just add Spirulina & Chlorella in the list)
3. Annual medical check up
4. Once every 3 year dental check up
5. Once every 3 year pap smear check - checked
6. Exercise 3 times per week
7. Eat more veggies and organic food
8. Less frying while cooking